December 13th, 2008



December 13th, 2008

CALL TO ORDER: President, Tom Voss, called the meeting to order at 10:50 a.m., at the Gasparilla Cabana, 160 Jose Gaspar Drive, Englewood, Florida, the location specified in the meeting notice.

CONFIRMATION OF PROPER MEETING NOTICE: Joyce Kelbaugh (Kendall) confirmed that the appropriate notice had been posted in accordance with the Association’s documents.

DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM: A quorum of the Board was established with four (4) directors in attendance: Tom Voss, President; Dave Hubbard, Treasurer; Joyce Kelbaugh, Secretary, and Ron Hook, Director at Large. Gary Payne, Vice President was absent. Kathy Waterhouse of Antares Group, Inc. was also present.


·  An article on by the State Division of Forestry was read, discussed and has been posted at the clubhouse.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 15TH, 2008 BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING: A request was made to add the words …under Association Hazard insurance to page 3 (D). Motion to approve the minutes as corrected from November 15, 2008 was made by Tom Voss, seconded by Joyce Kelbaugh with the vote being unanimous.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Dave Hubbard made the following report:

o  $21,700 in the operating account

o  $8,800 in designated funds

o  $243,000 in reserves

o  Excess revenue over expenses for November is $2,300 and year-to-date is $19,600.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Kathy stated the monthly assessment payment coupons will be mailed out within a week.


A. Landscape Report:

·  A question was asked about the landscape timbers - these are now replaced at the owners expense

B. Docks Report: No Report

C. Buildings and Grounds Report: Don Kelbaugh reported the following

o  Bushwacker has removed the large trees by the Shuffleboard court.

o  Don thanked Tom and Itsy for cleaning the Shuffleboard Court.

o  Bruno has been keeping the drains cleared.

o  Still working on the signs for the streets

D.  Social Report: Joyce Kelbaugh read the social report into the minutes (copy attached)

E.  Gasparilla Fund Report: No Report

F.  Cabana Report: No Report

G. Irrigation Report: No report.


A.  Rule Changes: Scooters/Mopeds: Ron read the current rules and then made the following proposal: “This rule specifically prohibits the presence within the condominium premises of those vehicles commonly known as pick-up trucks (except as described above), travel trailers, motor homes, commercial trucks or vans (except as described above), trailered boats/boat trailers (except as provided elsewhere herein), motorcycles, go-carts, foot propelled scooters, and skateboard: the list of vehicle classes is in illustration and is in no way intended to limit the generality of the above. Permitted are step-through motorized mopeds and electric scooters with seats with prior Board of Directors approval before being brought onto Gasparilla property. Exception is made for service vehicles during the time they are actually servicing the unit or common elements.” Motion to approve was made by Ron Hook and seconded by Dave Hubbard with the vote being unanimous. Motion passed.

B.  Bank Account Approvals: Dave explained he wanted to change the savings account to ING Direct. Motion to authorize the board to open these accounts with David R. Hubbard and Cynthia Krumenaker as authorized signers was made by Dave Hubbard and seconded by Tom Voss with the vote being unanimous. Motion passed.


A. Storage Shed Policy: all agreed to have Building and Grounds look into whose storage units were done during construction in order to develop a written policy as to who has the responsibility for maintaining which storage units.

B. Rentals: Joyce stated the following rental requests were received:

o  Unit 124 – Page to Pangori 1/1/09-4/30/09

o  Unit 133 – Marlowe to Porter 1/1/09-3/15/09

o  Unit 138 – James to Voss 12/15/08-1/15/09

Motion to approve the above rentals was made by Dave Hubbard and seconded by Tom Voss with the vote being unanimous. Motion passed.

C.  Landscape Contract: Several bids were received for the landscape contract. The contracts

and contractors submitting bids will be reviewed. It was felt that Joe’s contract should not be renewed. Motion to have Kathy notify Joe that his contract will end mid January was made by Tom Voss and seconded by Ron Hook with the vote being unanimous. The board will call a specific board meeting to approve the new landscape contract.

D. Truck: It was noted that the truck has moved and is now parked off property.

E. Petty Cash Fund: Motion to approve a petty cash fund of $100 to be managed by the Treasurer and approved by the board was made by Dave Hubbard and seconded by Tom Voss with the vote being unanimous. Motion passed.

F. Other:

o  Joyce reminded everyone of the Christmas fund for employees. Please drop off or send donations to her.

o  Joyce also asked people to try to limit the size of a posting at the mailbox bulletin boards to no larger than postcard size as many items will be posted and space is limited.

o  Carrotwood trees – the landscape committee recommended their removal several years ago. There are eleven (11) trees that need to be removed plus a Ficus tree. Some would be replaced with other trees and shrubs. After a discussion over their removal, Tom asked for a show of hands of those present if they would be in favor of removing the trees. The informal vote was 15 Yes and 2 Opposed. Estimated cost to remove trees, stump grinding, and replantings would be $6,000, to be taken out of the 2008 budget. Motion: The Gasparilla Board of Directors approve hiring Bushwacker Tree Service to remove and stump 11 Carrotwood trees shown on the landscape committee site plan, along with the large Ficus tree at the corner of 1st Street. Some of the removed trees to be replaced with new trees or shrubs after discussion and suggestions from the landscape nursery. Estimated cost to be $6.000 was made by Tom Voss and seconded by Ron Hook with the vote being unanimous. Motion passed.


ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to properly come before the Board at this meeting, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Kelbaugh, Secretary
