• A pack of drawing pencils (HB to 6B)
  • A pack of good colouring pencils (DERWENT, etc.)
  • A putty rubber. A sharpener.
  • A good drawing pad (A3 or A4).
  • An A3 Hard Back Book…this will be provided.
  • An A3/A2 plastic portfolio to carry work.
  • A cardboard folder to keep loose work in – You will be given this.
  • A good camera (not a camera phone) – Photography in particular, but useful for Art too.


  • Homework and independent work should be handed in on the deadline. Failure to hand work in on the due date will result in a detention that evening. If a student completes the homework in their free periods in that day, they will still have a detention.
  • If a student misses a lesson, it is their responsibility to catch up on the work missed. If they miss a lesson they must do the following before the next lesson

· Email the teacher to find out the work missed

· Find the teacher to find out the work missed

· Speak to someone in the class to find out the work missed

  • Students must attend all lessons unless there is a prior arrangement made with the Art teacher who takes them.
  • Deadlines must be kept to. This will need you to work in Private Study times and at home.


  • These tend to be at the end of particular projects and can be over one or two days. Production of a final piece for Fine Art, however, Photography can be working on a body of work.
  • Assessments have a big impact on your predicted grade and suitability for the course.


Keeping yourself involved in art and Photography is vital. Here are a few projects that you must do before you turn up in September:

  1. Fine Art and Photography - Visit at least one gallery. Collect cards, photograph the visit, draw from two of the exhibits you like, make notes and collect gallery guides, etc.
  2. Fine Art - Research the artist Giacometti. Look at and analyse his scribbled portraits. Do a scribbled portrait of yourself looking in the mirror.
  3. Fine Art - Draw three objects that say something about you or have some symbolic meaning. Place them in a composition first and then draw them using the material and lighting of your choice.
  4. Photography – Go to a place you find really interesting and photograph it. Take more than twenty photographs and think about the time of day, composition, depth of field, etc.
  5. Photography – Take photographs of your surroundings trying to abstract them. Look for texture, pattern, decoration, etc.

Giacometti Portrait Abstracted Environment