North/West Metropolitan Region


Important updates to PRB-May2015

All PRB packages are for $2000#as of June 2015 onwards

From June 2015 onwards - Two young people or more moving into one private rental tenancy will have their full PRB taper off as per the table below;

Number of approved PRB tenants / PRB Amount per person
1 / $2,000
2 / $1,750
3 / $1,500
4 / $1,200

PRB Approval will be active for a 90 day period. If private rental is not achieved in this period-the PRB package will be closedautomatically

New Payment option for PRB – there are now 2 ways PRB payments can be made – refer to section 7

Hand written PRB applications will not be accepted. Please type into the latest application & budget template available from our website below

Please allow a min of 5 business days to process and respond to your PRB application

AllPRB payments must be channelled through the worker to the client or services to provide client engagement opportunities

It is the responsibility of the Case Worker applying for PRB to track and manage how the PRB is spent, with support from the PRB Coordinator

When signing an Lease Agreement with a Private Landlord, a copy of the rate notice must accompany the Lease Documentation to verify ownership of the property

For assistance on completing the application - Please refer to the Case Managers Guidelinesfirst on or contact the PRB Coordinator on 03 9304 0100 or email

PRB expenditure can be paid by cheque or electronic funds transfer*. Cheques will be sent in the mail but can be collected from 175 Glenroy Road, Glenroy by the workerif required

*preferred payment via cheque as all EFT must be submitted on Monday and paid on Friday

#should your client require additional PRB funds beyond the limit – contact the PRB Coordinator.


(Tab and type in text boxes, click check boxes required)

1.Date of application
2.Worker Details
Workers name
Manager’s name / Email
Agency name/phone / Ph:
Agency’s mailing address / Fax:
3.Clients details
Client’s Full Name
Accompanying children? / Number: / Ages:
Photo identification? / Yes No
Health Care Card? / Yes No
Cultural Background or Identity / Indigenous Torres strait Island both neither
Please indicate
Country of Birth / Year of arrival
Language spoken at home
Consent obtained? / Yes No


Client’s date of birth
4.1 Current support from referring agency and accommodation
When did support commence:
How long can you continue provide support
Current level of support: / High (weekly) Medium (fortnightly) Low (monthly)
Type of current accommodation / THM Refuge Other (please specify below)
Time in this address:
4.2 Current employment/education status & income
*Employed Permanent Casual
Seeking employment *Engaged in education/training
Please specify name of employer and/or education institution;
Current income / Centrelink payment type (please specify type):
Period of time in current employment & salary/wage:
Income $` per week (without Rent Assistance)
Income $per week (including Rent Assistance)
(refer to link for guidance)
Has the worker sited evidence of current income? (Employer’s Declaration or Centrelink Statement or payslips…please specify)
4.3 Work history
Previous employment history (list from most recent for the last 2 years) if applicable: / (Employer) (Dates of employ’nt) (Permanent or casual)

To be completed by the PRB Coordinator

PRB Assessment: Eligibility criteriaMET NOT MET

Areas that require further information/evidence of meeting criteria:


Describe/provide evidence of how the client has demonstrated an appropriate level of skills in the following areas, making them ready to enter a legally binding tenancy agreement:

5.1 Commitment to living in Private Rental
What is the evidence to show that the client is committed to private rental as a long term housing option:
What is the evidence indicating that client is aware of their rights and responsibilities as a tenant under the Residential Tenancies Act:
5.2 Living Skills / EVIDENCE / COMMENTS
Weekly/monthly budgeting / Budget Sheet A completed & attached (MANDATORY DETAILED RESPONSE IS REQUIRED)
Communication skills
(how was it demonstrated)
Interpersonal skills
(how was it demonstrated)
Community connections
(how was it demonstrated)
Engagement with case worker
(how was it demonstrated)

5.3 Rental History:

Provide details for each previous time in independent rental accommodation over the last 2 year (i.e. not with parents/guardian) – if more than three, just keep typing and use the return and separate by lines as required.

Rental History

Address list/suburb
(most recent first) / Type property -Private,
-Transitional h’sing, Other (list) / Start-Finish / Reason for leaving the property (please be specific)
Difficulties with previous tenancies? / If the young person has ever been evicted or asked to leave a rental property by other tenants/landlord, what were the reasons?
Yes No
If yes, please give details below.

Rental History: (continued)

Rental References / At least two rental references have been provided by young person (including contact details and relationship to landlord):
Yes No
Recent attempts to access rental housing
(very important) / How long has the young person been applying for private rental?
What reasons have been given (if any) for their unsuccessful attempts to date?

To be completed by the PRB Coordinator

PRB Assessment: Client meets Readiness criteria YES NO

Areas that require further information/evidence of meeting criteria:


6.1 Capacity to sustain private rental
How has the young person demonstrated that they are capable of sustaining their private rental once the brokerage is exhausted:
6.2 Housing Plan and Preferences and affordability
What type of housing/property is the client looking for? / Property type
Unit House Other (please specify below)
1 bed 2 bed 3+ bed
Type of occupancy
Sole occupant Shared
Location of housing / What suburbs/areas are being considered?
Why these areas?
(Please cross reference with budget) / What are the medium rents for the type of housing being sought in these areas?
(see current Rental Report figures available at
$ per week $ per calendar month
What is the MAXIMUM the client can afford to pay as weekly rent?
$per week % of weekly income
6.3 PRB Breakdown
The PRB brokerage can be used for 3 types of general expenditure. 1. Budgeting incentives and 2. Establishment /setup of accommodation. 3.Property enhancement grant.
Budgeting Incentive
(up to 100% of PRB) / Will the young person be requiring the following items?
1st Month rent in advance
Rental Bond
Monthly rental subsidy (constant or diminishing) for up to (up to 6 months)
(provide in detail in section7, PRB Proposed Expenditure table)
Establishment/setup of accommodation
(up to 50% of PRB) / Please tick what the young person require?
(Encourage the young person to consider other sources for goods if available)
Bed base Mattress
Washing Machine Fridge
Couch Kitchen table/chairs
Television others
(provide in detail section7, PRB Proposed Expenditure table)
Property Enhancement Grant
(up to 25% of PRB) / Is the client interested in accessing the Property Enhancement Grant?
Yes No
(provide in detail section7, PRB Proposed Expenditure table)
6.4 Other supports
Other assistance with accommodation to be provided / Will the case manager be assisting the client with any of the following in securing their tenancy:
Sourcing property Finding flatmates to share with
Negotiating tenancy agreement Relocation Storage
Please provide details
Other support being provided to young person through case plan / What other types of support/assistance are being provided by the case worker as part of the client’s case plan?
Employment Education & Training
Financial Mental Health
Physical health Alcohol/drug issues
Legal Social contact/relationships

To be completed by the PRB Coordinator

PRB Assessment:

Client has the capacity to establish/sustain private rental YES NO

Areas that require further information/evidence of meeting criteria:


7.1 Please choose the Payment option that you would prefer

Option 1 (current) – VincentCare pays for each item as required

  • Once the PRB Approval is provided to the agency
  • Proceed to send all invoices, quotes, sales order, and rental agreements to the PRB Coordinator for payments as the items are required. VincentCare will pay for each item via cheque or EFT. Please complete full details of how the PRB will be spent in the PRB Proposed Expenditure table below.
  • The full PRB must be spent within a 6 months period from approval

Option 2(new) – Once PRB & Expenditure Approved – your agency pays for goods and VincentCare will reimburse

  • The PRB Approval will have 2 parts;
  • PRB assessment and approval of the PRB Application
  • PRB assessment and approval of the PRB Expenditure
  • If the PRB application is provided with all the supporting documentation (invoices, quotes, sales order, rental agreements etc) and the PRB Proposed expenditure table is completed in detail. The PRB Application and Expenditure can be given at the same time.
  • Once PRB expenditure approvals is provided – an agency has 30 days or one calendar month purchase the goods and send copies of tax invoices and receipts to VincentCare Victoria for reimbursement.
  • Variations of the original PRB expenditure items can only be done in writing to the PRB Coordinator.

7.2 PRB Proposed expenditure table

Please describe approximately how the funds from PRB will be distributed for this application. While we understand that this is an approximate, it is important that this forms the basis of how the funds will be spent. Expectations will differ depending on whether you choose Payment option 1 or Payment option 2.

PRB Proposed expenditure table
Expense item / Retailer/Supplier / Value ($)
Budgeting Incentive (up to 100% of the PRB)
Establishment / Setup Cost (up to 50% of the PRB)
Property Enhancement Grant (up to 25% of the PRB)
Total Expenditure

* The total PRB must be equal to $2000 after June 2015.


8.1How many people will be on the private rental lease with your client?

8.2 How many of the tenants will be applying for Private Rental Brokerage (PRB)?

Number of Approved PRB Tenants / PRB Tapered Limits per client
1 / $2,000
2 / $1,750
3 / $1,500
4 / $1,200

8.3 Please enter the PRB limit your client is applying based on the table above?

Please enter the names of the other tenants applying for PRB

Thank you.

VincentCare Victoria - PRB Application Form, Update May 2015Page 1 of 9