Faculty of Arts and Sciences

FY18 Request for Arts and Humanities Faculty Supplemental Salary

This form may be prepared/completed by the Department Administrator, or the grants manager.

Faculty Name______
Title______ / Harvard ID ______

Please use this form to request supplemental salary for FY18. Faculty may request up to 3/9ths supplemental salary in addition to their FY18 academic-year salary during the fiscal year (July 2017 through June 2018). All supplemental salary requested from Dean’s ninths, non-sponsored and sponsored funds will be paid in twelve equal monthly installments throughout the year, starting in July 2017.

Special information for federally sponsored funding:

The current NIH Salary Cap (Executive Level II) was last increased on 1/8/2017 – the maximum allowable monthly salary cap is $15,583. Non-federal sponsored funds may not be used to “top up” NIH-capped salaries beyond the cap. In order to accurately reflect anticipated expended effort, supplemental salary should be paid from grants on which explicit requests in proposals for supplemental salary have been made; these payments can be made only for time worked during the specified period on the grant projects charged – any vacation taken must be excluded.

Principal Investigators (PIs) are reminded of the expectation of federal sponsors (as reinforced by regulations of the Office of Management and Budget) that during any month in which any portion of the PI’s salary is charged to one or more grants, the PI’s effort in that month should benefit the project(s) funded by the grant(s) proportionally. Faculty effort on sponsored projects will be certified annually in the ecrt system.

1A. Non-Sponsored Supplemental Salary Request, including Dean’s Ninths
Comments / Tub / Org / Fund / Activity / Sub / Root / # of Ninths or $ Amt
1B. Sponsored Supplemental Salary Request
Sponsor / Tub / Org / Fund / Activity / Sub / Root / Project Start Date / Project End Date / NIH CAP / # of Ninths or Amt

1C. Total # of Supplemental Ninths Requested ______

Please note that when faculty request supplemental salary, the “20 percent rule” applies. The 20 percent rule states that no more than 20 percent of one’s total professional effort may be directed to professional activities outside Harvard

Faculty Signature Date

Department Administrator (Please Print) Signature Date