Biology Spring Syllabus 2015/ Mr. Bodas / Room 29

*Biology uses a student study guide sheets for laboratory write-ups and the majority of homework assignments. Most study guide pages are also available as PDF files available for download from my webpage ( ) should you lose your study guide pages or need an extra copy of a page for any reason. You will need your learning materials in class everyday, and you are expected to bring your materials to class every class period in order to participate in labs, engage in class discussions, ask questions on homework, etc

Biology Second Semester Syllabus-2015

SG = Assignment Packet IP= Instruction Packet H=Handout T=Text SWB= Class Supplementary SG semester I or II






1/29 / Ch 35 -1 Body Systems Overview &
Intro. To Nervous System / Warmup: SG pg 7 diagram review
Discussion on Organ Systems, Tissues, & Homeostasis
VHS Nervous System-
Basic Structures Nerve Impulse posterusing SG pg 7
In class, SG pg 1 Introduction to Human Body Systems & Structure of Neurons Ch 35-2 (Part I & II) SG pg 2 & 3 / 890-900 / Finish and turn in classification/taxonomy unit packet
2/2 / Ch 35-2,3
Structure & Divisions of the Nervous System / Warm-up SG pg 6 Nerve Impulse & Synapse
Nervous system discussion Nerve Impulse
Classnerve impulse demonstration
Reflex Arc SG pg 12 (bottom)
Senses Lab Part I & IISG pg 10, IP pg 39
VHS Nervous Impulse / 901-905 / Ch 35-3 Study Guides SG pg 4 and 5
2/4 / Ch 35-4, 5 Senses and Drugs / Standards Practice Quiz Text pg 919
SG pg 12 Review (top)
Autonomic Systems Discussion (H)
Effects of Drugs
Senses Lab PART II SG p 11& IP p 40
VHS: Drugs & the Nervous System / 906-918 / Ch 35-4 & 5 Study Guides SG pg 8 & 9
2/6 / Test Ch 35 Nervous System
Intro. Ch 36 Support Systems / Test Ch 35 Nervous System
Intro. Ch 36
After Test do SG Ch 36-1 pg 15
Skeleton Lab (SG pg 16 , IP p 12 & Joints SWB-II p 17)
Muscles & Bones VHS / Read in class
921-925 / Study for the Nervous System Test(SG pg 13,14 )
Packet Materials are due!!!!
Complete ch. 35 Assessment #1-18 pg. 917 in text
2/10 / Ch 36 Support Systems (Muscles, Bones, Skin) / Standards Practice Quiz Text 941
Discussion on Muscles & Bones
Warm-up SWB-II p33 or CD-ROM

Muscles Lab (IP, SG pg 18

/ 926-941 / Ch 36-2, & 3 Study Guides SG pg 17 & finish SG pg 15 if not completed in class
2/12 / Quiz Ch 36 Muscles & Bones
Intro. Ch 37 Circulatory System / Quiz Ch 36 Support Systems
Do Ch 37-1 After Test SG pg 19
Begin Ideal drawings of Artery, Vein, & Capillary SG pg 21
of the Blood Vessels Lab IP p 48 / Read pages 943-950 / Study for Ch 36 Quiz Muscles, bones, joints!!
Complete Ch. 36 Assessment #1-10, 14,16,17,21
Packet Materials are due!!!!
Holiday 2/13 & 2/16 / Ch 37-1 Blood Vessels & the Heart / Warm-up IP p 51 Applying the Scientific Method Heart rate or Blood Pressure IP p 52 & Review SWB-II p72
Heart & Vascular system discussion
Finish Blood Vessels Lab SG pg 21
VHS: Heart Attack / 942-948 / Ch 37-1 Blood Vessels & Heart Study Guide (SG pg 20,22)
Finish SG pg 19 if not completed in class.
2/20 / Ch 37-2 Blood & Lymph Systems / Warm-up Blood Types IP p 47
Discussion Blood
Lab (IPpg 48, 49, SG pg 26 and 27)

VHS Blood

/ 951-955 / Blood and Lymph System SG pg. 24 and 25
2/24 / Ch 37-3 Respiratory System / Warm up: Biology of a Hiccup IP p 50 or finish blood lab SG pg 27

Lung Capacity Lab (SG pg 31, 32 )

VHS VHS: Respiration & Circulation VHS / 956-968 / Ch 37-3 Respiratory Guide (SG pg 28,29)
2/26 / Gas Exchange / Warm up State Standards Practice: Text pg 969
Breathing ,Cellular Respiration & Respiration discussion
Carbon Dioxide Lab IP p 43 & SG pages 33 & 34
VHS: Inside the Lungs / 956-968 / Ch 37 SG pg30, 31 on Air Exchange at the alveoli
3/2 / Test Ch 37 Circulation & Respiration
Intro. Ch 38
Nutrition /

Test Ch 37 Circulation & Respiration

Intro. Ch 38Digestion & Nutrition
After Test do SG Ch38-1 Nutrition SG pg 35
Set Digestion Lab (SWB-IIp35b on SG p36)
Food burning Analysis DemoSG pg 40 left) / Read pages 970-977
In class / Study for the Test Ch 37
Complete Ch. 37 Assessment #1-10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23
Packet Materials are due!!!!
Progress reports / Ch 38-2 Digestion /

Warm up: Digestion Practice QuizSG pg 39

Discussion on Digestion and color the Villi SG pg 40

Day 2 Digestion Lab SG pg 36 analysis
Digestion VHS / 978-984 / Ch 38-2 Study Guide (SG pg 37,38 )
3/6 / Test Ch 38-1 and 38-2 Digestion (no Excretion) / Test Ch 38-1 &2 Digestion
Intro. Nephron Function Excretory Diagram & Diseases of the Kidney IP pg 54
Video & Q’a “Work of the kindeys” / Study for the Digestion Test
Complete ch. 38 assessment 1-8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21
3/10 / Ch 38-3 Excretory System / Warm up: SG pg 46
Discussion on the Nephron structure & function
Urine Analysis Simulation Lab (SG pg 43,44,45 ) / 985-994 / Ch 38-3 Excretory Study Guide (SG pg 41)Nephron Function Excretory Diagram (SG pg 42 )
Late Start / Ch 38-3 Quiz Excretory System
Intro. Ch 39 Endocrine System / Quiz on CH 38-3 Excretory System
Feedback loop work sheets SG pages 49 and 50
VHS Endocrine System / Study for Ch 38-3 Excretory test
  • Finish the last page of the packet
  • Packet Materials are due!!!!

3/16 / Endocrine System / Warm up: Glucose Feed back loop
Discussion on Endocrine Glands & Hormones
Pin the Endocrine Gland Game Review / 996-1002 / Ch 39-1 & 2 Endocrine Study Guide SG 47 and 48
CAHSSE / Quiz Ch 39-1 & 2 Endocrine System
Intro. To Ch 39-3 Reproduction / Test on Ch 39-1 Endocrine System
After the test: Menstrual Cycle Diagram SG pg 52
Discussion on Menstrual Cycle / Read in class Text pg 1013-1014 / Study for the Endocrine test
Packet Materials are due!!!!
  • Complete Ch. 39 Assessment # 1-5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (Write answers in Full Sentences!!!)

3/20 / Ch39-3 Reproductive System / Practice Quiz Reproduction Structures (SG pg 54 )
Discussion of Reproduction System
Human embryo incubation versus Chick egg (SG pg 55,
SG 56 )
VHS Reproduction / Ch 39-3Study Guide (SG pg 51,53)
3/24 / Ch 39-4 Fertilization & Development / Warm up: Standards Practice In Reproduction Text pg 1029
Discussion of Development
Sea Urchin Test Tube Babies SG pg 59, IP or
VHS Embryology / Ch 39-4 Study Guide (SG pg 57,58)
3/26 / Test Ch 39-2,3,4
Reproduction & Development / Test CH 39-2,3,4 Reproduction / Development
  • After Test do Chapter 40-1 Infectious Disease Study Guide SG pg 61 and Do Poster illustrating analogies for: (WBC or macrophage, antigen, helper T-cell; killer T-cell; B-cell; Memory B-cell; antibody)
/ Read in class 1030-1035 / Study for Ch 39-2,3,4 forTest
(SG pg 60)
Packet Materials are due!!!!
Do Ch. 39 assessment #6-10, 17,18,21, 22,23,24, 27 (Write out answers in Full Sentences!)
3/30 / Immune System Ch 40 / Warm up Vocabulary Review SG pg 70
Immune Response Notes & Vocabulary Discussion
Immune simulation/Computer lab Immunity / 1036-1042 / Ch 40-2 Immune System (SG pg 62 & 64 )
(SG 63 is EC)
4/1 / Immune System
Ch. 40 / Warm up: Standards Practice Text pg 1059 & SG pg 71
VHS Immune Response NOVA
Discussion on Immune System Disorders
Auto immune diseases / Infectious diseases / 1043-1049 / Ch 40-4 Study Guide (SG pg 65,67,68)
(SG pg 69 is EC)
End of quarter / Test Ch. 40
Immune System / Test Ch 39 Immune System
Introduction to Bacteria
Study Guide Ch 19-1, 19-3 SG pg 71 / Read in class 471-478
485-490 / Complete Vocabulary Review SG pg 66
  • Study Practice Quizzes for Immune Test Ch 39
  • Packet Materials are due!!!!
  • Complete Ch. 40 Assessment #1-10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 18,19 22, 24 (Write out answers in Full Sentences!)

4/4-4/12 / SPRING BREAK / Work on Ch. 19 packet “Bacteria and Viruses”
4/14 / Ch19-1
Bacteria / BACTERIA LAB SG 74
  • Notes bacterial characteristics
  • Video Bacteria (prokaryotes)
  • Bacterial review sheet
/ 471-478
485-490 / Complete Study Guide 7273
4/16 / Ch 19-2
Viruses / Warm up IP (pg 3 or 4 & 5) Lysogenic/ Lytic Cycles
  • Discussion on Virus/Notes video viruses
  • Viruses review sheet
  • Video Viruses
/ 478-483 / Ch 19-2 Virus Study Guide (SG pg 76 and Review SG pg 78)
4/20 / Test Ch 19 Bacteria & Virus / 1. Warm up: Bacteria & Virus practice
2. Bacteria Test
3. AFTER TEST: Intro to Plants Ch 22-2 (SG pg 80)
4. Fern and Moss Lab (SG pg 81 ) / Read in class after test 551-555 / Packet Materials are due!!!!
Do SG pg 79 Review and Study for Chapter Test
Complete ch. 19 Assessment # 1-10, 11,12, 14, 18, 20, 22,23 (Write out your answers in Full Sentences)
CST tests / Plants:
Alternation of generations / Alternation of Generations Notes (SG pg 82)
Reproduction in Plants:
Summary of Fern & Moss Lab SG pg 81)
  • section assessment pg 559 #1-4
/ 560-563
564-568 / Study Guides Ch 22-3 and 22-4 (SG pg 83 and 84)
  • section assessment pg 563 #1-3

tests /

Plant structures & photosynthesis

Chapter / Warm up: Vocabulary Review (SG pg 85)
Discussion of plant structures for photosynthesis
Leaf & Guard Cell observations (SG pg 90) / 579-591
And 595-598 / Study Guides Ch 23-1 on Plant Tissues (SG pg 86, and 87)
Complete section Assessment pg. 598 #1-5
4/28 /

Plant structures & Transpiration

Chapter / Warm-up: Transpiration demonstration (SG pg 89, bottom)
CD Rom Plant Transpiration Ch26 (disk #6) (H)
Discussion of Translocation & Transpiration
SG pg 91 Review / 595-597
599-602 / Study Guide Leaves 23-1 and 23-5 Transport (SG pg 88 and 89)
Complete Section Assessment pg. 602 #1-4
4/30 / Seed plants Reproduction / Warm up: Ch 22-25 Review SG pg 95a and 95b (top only)
IP p 79 Fruit formation
Seed plant reproduction & Hormone controls
Flower Lab (IP 77,78, SG pg 94 Part I) / 609-616
618-621 / Study Guide Flowers 24-1 and Seeds 24-2 (SG pg 92,and 93)
Complete Section Assessment pg. 621 # 1-4
5/4 / Hormones in Plants / Warm up-Hormone Practice Quiz (SG pg 95b bottom)
Discussion on Plant Hormones
Complete Seed Lab (SG pg 95 part II)
SG pg 98 / 633-645 / Study Guide 25-1, 25-2Hormones & Growth (SG pg 96,97)
Complete Section assessment pg. 638 #1-3
5/6 / Test Plants
Intro:Ch 3-1 What is Ecology / Test Plants
After test do Ch 3-1 Ecology SG pg101
VHS: What is Ecology / Read after test Text 62- 66 / Study for Plant Test
Do Plants Test Review SG pg 99 & 100 and Study for Plant Test
Packet Materials are due!!!!
5/8 / Ch 3-2 Energy flow / Warm up: SG pg 107
Food web & Community Analysis (H)
Demonstration of Bio magnification of pollutants in food pyramids / 67-73 / Ch 3-2 Study Guide SG pg 102 & 103
Progress reports / Ch 3-3 Cycles of Matter / Warm up: Standards Practice Test Text pg 85
Discussion on Carbon & Nitrogen cycles
Carbon & Nitrogen cards Review SG pg 106
Cycles Dominoes / 74-84 / Ch 3-3 Study Guide SG pg 104 & 105
5/14 /

Test Ch3 The Biosphere, cycles

/ Test Ch3 Ecology & Cycles
Intro to populations:
  • READ 118-123 in text after test
  • Complete pg. 120 & 121 in study guide
/ Study for Test (Know your Ch3 Guides & cycles)
  • Complete SG pg 108
  • Complete Ch. 3 Assessment #1-10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22,23,24 Write answers in full sentences!!!!

5/18 / Ch 5-1 & 2
Populations & Limits to Growth / Warm up IP 95 Linear/Exponential Growth/
Discussion on Populations & Limits to Growth
The Lesson of Kaibab Investigation 2.2 SG 125
Intro. To Populations & Plenty
or CD-ROM on Paramecium competition (Handout) / 118-128 / Ch 5-1&2 Study Guide (SG pg 123 & 124 )
Late start / Ch 5-3 Human Populations / Warm up: Standards Practice Text pg 137
Discussion on Human Populations & Doubling time
Populations & plenty Resources Game
Intro.To Populations: Demographics graphing (Handout)
Mark recapture activity / 129-136 / Ch 5-3 Study Guide (SG pg 126 & 127 )
5/22 / Test Ch 5 / Test Ch 5 Populations
Climatograms Lab (SG pg109) Graph data for San Diego and use pg. 109a & 109b to do your assigned data for a-l
and climatogram questions
  • Video Biomes
/ Study for Ch. 5 Test”Populations”
  • Complete SG pg. 128
  • Complete Ch. 5 Assessment #1-10- 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23 (Write Answers in Full Sentences)
Packet Materials are due!!!!
=holiday / Ch 4Biomes, Climate & Abiotic Factors / Wrap up climatogram lab
Warm upSG pg. 113 Climate by latitude and altitude
Fire Ecology Inv. 22.4 BSCS Text p.620 or (H from BSCS)
Salt Tolerance Exp. Minilab 2-1 in Whale Book
  • SG 113a Abiotic factors of Chaparral
/ 87-99 / Study Guide Ch4-1 & 2 Role of Climate and Ecosystem Components
  • Do SG pg. 111 & 112)

5/29 / Ch. 4 Ecological Succession / Discussion on Biomes and Primary versus secondary Succession
Warm-up IP 82,85 Primary & Secondary Succession or
Succession Posters (Make a Succession Poster showing both Primary & Secondary succession for the Biome of your choice
Chaparral Plant Lab SG pg 110 & 110a / 94-97 succession
Biomes / Study Guide Ch 4-3 and Succession
  • Complete SG pg114 & 115)

6/2 /

Canyon trip

(Dress for Hike! / Canyon Study in LocalCanyon behind TPHS (handouts)
(Dress for Hike!)
  • Chaparral Plant Quiz
  • Complete biomes review SG pg. 116
/ Read 98-106 / Complete SG pg. 117 & 119
6/4 / Ch 4 Ecosystems, Communities & Biomes
Intro. Ch 6-1 &2 Renewable
Resources / Test on Ch 4 Biomes
  • After Test Ch 6-1 & 6-2 Study Guides (SG pg 129 &130
  • VHS: Biodiversity in San DiegoCounty (H)
/ Read
138-149 /
  • Study for Ch. 4 Test
Biomes Practice quiz (SG pg 118)
  • Complete canyon study handouts
Study for second semester final exam
6/8 / Ch 6-2, 6-3
Biodiversity /
  • Warm-up SG pg 134
Discussion on Biodiversity/Biodiversity map activity
Biodiversity Practice Test SG pg 135
Mini Lab Measuring Biodiversity SWB-IIp 149 or
Acid Precipitation analysis IP p 101
Impact of humans on environment / 150-164 / Ch 6-3,4 Biodiversity & Charting a Future Course
(SG pg 132 133)
Study for second semester final exam
Single period dad / Final Exam
Review / Final Exam Review
Final exam dominoes
Begin Textbook check in / Study for second semester final exam
1&5 / SECOND SEM. FINAL EXAMS / Humans in Biodiversity Ch6 included in final exam
Bring in all your WB pages to recycle for extra credit! / STUDY / STUDY Final Review (H)
Optional notebook and final exam review study guide is due on the day of the final exam…
3&4 / SECOND SEM. FINAL EXAMS / Humans in Biodiversity Ch6 included in final exam
Bring in all your WB pages to recycle for extra credit! / STUDY / STUDY Final Review (H)
Optional notebook and final exam review study guide is due on the day of the final exam…
2&6 / SECOND SEM. FINAL EXAMS / Humans in Biodiversity Ch6 included in final exam
Bring in all your WB pages to recycle for extra credit! / STUDY / STUDY Final Review (H)
Optional notebook and final exam review study guide is due on the day of the final exam…
  • Remember the final exam is cumulative over the 2nd semester, so make sure you make the time to study—Use the Final Review sheet as a guide
  • All of your EXTRA CREDIT recycling is due on the day you take the final exam
  • You may turn in a notebook for borderline grade consideration (within 1% after the final) If you choose to do this, your notebook should contain all of your old work, the notebook should have any relevant class handouts, and your notebook must be organized in some fashion.