North East Lincolnshire Drug and Alcohol Partnership (NELDAP)
Job Title:Clinical Nurse
Salary Scale Band 5
Main Location: NELDAP, Queen Street, Grimsby
Reporting to:NMP Nurse Prescriber
Reporting to jobholder:Case Managers / Support Workers
The postholder will:-
Provide structured key support within the framework of a harm reduction model of treatment to service users experiencing problems with substance misuse or dependency.
Manage a caseload which will include service users with complex needs during their substitute prescribing treatment.
Undertake comprehensive nursing assessments, inclusive of physical and mental health needs, social and support issues and to present this information to the multidisciplinary team.
Work effectively within the multidisciplinary team to achieve service objectives.
Ensure an understanding of clinical governance and its implementation.
Work effectively with external/partner agencies and other professionals writing andpresenting reports as appropriate to service user needs,e.g. Child Protection Services.
Maintain clinical records to agreed standards at all times.
Attend and participate in client based meetings routinely and business and external meetings as required.
Review care plans at agreed intervals with the focus on service user input and participation.
Ensure risk assessments and risk management plans are effectively delivered.
Develop and maintain good working relationships with other team members, staff in other departments of the consortium and staff in other agencies.
Participate in/undertake clinical/service audits as requested and to assist in the implementation of any audit/research findings that will enhance service delivery.
Undertake the provision of Hepatitis B and C testing and Hepatitis A and B immunisation/vaccination.
Undertake the monitoring and delivery of methadone titration, maintenanceprogrammes, reductions and detoxification regimes.
Undertake the collection of blood and urine samples from service users who may be in high risk groups for blood borne viruses.
Act as a resource for non-nursing members of the team on mental health and general health issues.
Work co-jointly with other team members and colleagues by providing specialist nursing advice to staff working with clients with mental health problems.
Act as key worker for complex clients with dual diagnosis (mental health and substance misuse problems), drug using parents and pregnant drug users.
Assist the Service in the development of plans for the continued implementation of the National Substance Misuse Strategy.
Ensure that the user and carer voice is influential in the monitoring and evaluation of service delivery and planning.
Contribute to the development of effective systems for the management of staff workloads to ensure that standards of response times meet agreed timescales.
Contribute to the development and management of staff within the clinical environment.
Contribute to/participate in the development of policies and guidelines of good clinical practice.
Participate in the induction of new staff members as required.
Act as a mentor for students on placement with the service.
Undertake/deliver in house and external information and training.
Attend supervision and appraisals with own line manager, and fully engage in the process.
Keep up to date with professional issues as appropriate to the post.
Maintain live registration with the NMC and to comply with requirements of PREP.
The postholder must comply with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct.
This job description is not a definitive or exhaustive list of the responsibilities but identifies the key tasks and duties of the postholder. Other work and general duties will be as delegated within the overall remit of the post. Specific objectives for the postholder will be regularly agreed and reviewed as part of the personal development review process.
This job description reflects the current main organisational priorities for the post. In the context of future business developments these priorities will develop and change in consultation with the postholder in line with service business needs and priorities.
As well as the departmental rules and procedures, which you are required to observe and follow, the postholder will be required to adhere to Consortium organisation’s policies and procedures that are relevant to the post.
Particular attention is drawn to:
Health and Safety: Under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 it is the responsibility of individual employees at every level to take care of their own health and safety at work and that of others who may be affected by their acts at work. This includes co-operating with management in complying withhealth and safety obligations, particularly by reporting promptly any defects, risks or potential hazards.
Fire Procedure: The post holder must adhere to the Consortium organisation's Fire Policy, including training attendance.
Equal Opportunities - Equality Act 2010: The Consortium organisations have policies covering Equal Opportunities and Harassment. The aim is to ensure that no colleagues, potential employees, patients/clients are harassed, or receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, religion or ethnic/national origin.
Security and Confidentiality: The postholder must adhere to a range of policies, procedures and legislation relevant to security and confidentiality; these include:
- Data Protection Act 1998
- Copyright, Designs and patents Act 1988
- Access to Health Records Act 1990
- Computer Misuse Act 1990
- BS7799 (Information Governance)
- Caldicott
- Document and Records Management
All staff are required to attend statutory and mandatory training as a condition of their employment.
Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults:The post holder must adhere to the Child Protection Guidelines and procedures of the Consortium organisations and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, and the North East Lincolnshire Vulnerable Adults policy.
This job description is not a definitive or exhaustive list of the responsibilities but identifies the key tasks and duties of the postholder. Specific objectives for the postholder will be regularly agreed and reviewed as part of the personal development review process.
This job description is not a definitive or exhaustive list of the responsibilities, but identifies the key tasks and duties of the post holder. Specific objectives for the post holder will be regularly agreed and reviewed as part of the personal development review process.
Review date: April 2016
Job Description up-dated: April 2014
Physical Attributes
- Able to take control in volatile situations if required as work may involve working with substance misusers.
- Willingness to travel as and when the job requires.
- The post holder will be required to work on computer throughout the day using an electronic case management system.
- May need to work longer hours than the normal working week to meet the needs of staff and clients in crisis, travelling to meetings locally and regionally, etc.
Mental Effort
- Potential direct exposure to clients with severely challenging behaviour,
- Unpredictability of clients, difficult or aggressive drug misusers and offenders, high level of concentration required and ability to cope with frustrations and being let down.
- The post is part of a team in an ever-changing technical, operational and procedural environment.
- Be prepared to work to deadlines.
- Prioritise workload.
- Ability to communicate at all levels with clients, members of a multi-disciplinary team, other agencies, the community and representatives from various local and national government agencies.
- Be prepared to make difficult decisions.
Emotional Effort
- Show empathy and compassion when required.
- Daily and frequent direct exposure to highlydistressing issues of users/ carers situations/history.
- Daily and frequent direct exposure to clients who may become angry and frustrated at lack of progress towards problem solving; such feelings will be directed at the post holder. This will be emotionally wearing.
Working Conditions
- General normal office surroundings and when required duties will be conducted in the police custody suite where the worker will come into contact with body fluids, fleas, lice and bodily odours.
- Will travel to, partner agencies, meetings, conferences and training.
North East Lincolnshire Drug and Alcohol Partnership
Service Manager
NMP Nurse prescriber
Clinical Nurse
- Nursing Qualification
- Recognised Substance Misuse Qualification
Skills and Knowledge /
- Experience of working with substance misuse
- Able to self start, lead and complete complex tasks
- Car driver – Full drivers licence required
- 2 years in senior clinical practice
- Experience of change management
- Specialist substance misuse knowledge
- Care of people with dual diagnosis and mental health problems, National Service Framework
Personal qualities /
- Strong interpersonal and organisational skills
Date Job Description Completed TBC
Name of Author TBC