Review for Antigone Test (25 Points): Review all the following items in your book and on your study guide for the final test on Antigone. The test is 55 Points, but if you can do all the work below and study what’s below, you will do well on the test.
Matching Practice:Identify the following characters below. Many character names will be used twice.
Tears out his eyes because he feels he was blind to the truth. ______
Son of Creon, engaged to Antigone.______
The representative of the general public’s and chorus’s voice.______
The god of all Greek people.______
Refuses to break Creon’s decree.______
Is not to be buried, but is to rot in open air.______
Loses a dice game and must bring bad news to Creon.______
Believes in god’s law over human law.______
Refuses to give up his throne to his brother, and dies by his brother’s hand.______
Current ruler of Thebes (present tense in the play).______
The queen of Thebes. ______
Antigone compares her fate to this other imprisoned woman.______
Antigone blames her doomed fate on the character.______
The blind prophet, who sits in a state of augury.______
Advises Creon to follow the prophet’s suggestions/requests.______
Spits in Creon’s face.______
This character dies in honor of his/her family. ______
Referred to as “a walking dead man.”______
Short Answer Practice: Answer the following in sentence form
Explain the type of law Antigone favors/believes versus the type of law Creon favors/believes.
What crime has Polyneices committed, according to Creon?
Initially, who does Creon believe buries the body of Polyneices?
How do the guards manage to capture Antigone?
Why is Antigone so angry with Ismene after they’ve both been brought in to see Creon?
What does the blind prophet claim happens that bothers him when he’s in augury (2 things)?
What does the blind prophet claim MUST be done to repair the evil against the gods (2 things)?
What does Creon see when he looks into the tomb at the end of the play (2 things)?
Why does Sophocles not have Creon die at the end of the play?
Explain, in detail, how each of the following characters dies:
Haimon -
Antigone -
Eurydice -
Multiple Choice Practice: Answer the following multiple choice questions.