Business Technology Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
June 09, 2017 (Friday)
3:00 pm, Barge 412
Present:Adrian Naranjo, Chris Huss, Greg Williams, John Mounsey, Eric Scott, Carolyn Thurston, Michael Gimlin, DeeAnn Karageorges, Todd Mildon, Jamie Thomas, Jared Jakeman, Shane Scott, Sharon O’Hare,Sue Noce,Tim McGuire, Tina Short, Jonathon Henderson
Absent:Jill Hernandez, Kelley Christianson, Nathan Hill, Patrick Turner, Cindy Rickey, Jenna Hyatt, Lindsey Brown, Natasha Ruffin, Steve Wenger, Traci Klein
- Approve Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2017 Minutes - Moved to Approve Shane Scott, Todd Mildon seconded – Motion Passed
- Solutions Requests/Business Cases
Update Search Criteria for Fiscal Item Types (presented by Greg Williams)
Request to update Award page and add the ability to search project ID. Move to approve Tina Short, Todd Mildon seconded – Motion passed.
Academic Early Alert Modification (presented by Carolyn Thurston)
Request to modify the Academic Early Alert pages within MyCWU to reflect a business process change that will remove the behavior portion of the Academic Early Alert and replace it with a hyperlink to the Behavior of Concern Report, with an explanation added and the confidentiality option moved to the comment box only. This modification would assist students in providing a greater support team to address behavior alerts by faculty/staff to a team that passes along info to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities who can provide assistance or support with emotional, physical, or health related concerns or to report disruptive, disturbing, or concerning behaviors that may include potential university policy violations. Carolyn will contact Faculty Senate to see if they have any concerns.
Move to approve Todd Mildon, Tina Short seconded – Motion passed.
*After meeting received support from Cody Stoddard (chair of Faculty Senate) to move forward with the change.
Involvio Implementation (presented by John Mounsey and Eric Scott)
Reviewed a power point presentation regarding the need for a communication tool for First Year students and Sophomores. Currently CWU New Student Programs prints all schedules and supporting documents for Orientation programs. As college student smartphone usage nationwide surpasses 90%, the department is needing a way to engage students via a phone app. Involvio will meet the needs for a number of areas (ticketing, assessment on attendance to event/session, visibility to campus wide events as it can sync to 25live, push notifications, sync with PeopleSoft schedule that students can opt in to pull in their class schedule and populate their calendars, built in social media with safe language capability). The cost is just under $10,000. Initial pilot departments would be New Student Programs, University Housing, and Campus Life. Discussion from BTAC membership was who would do the support of the program and update information within it to keep it current. There would be similar governance to the Print model. WSU and UW use this program but use a less robust version. BTAC membership requested John contact Public Affairs to gain their support and then come back to present again to BTAC.
ATAC Updates
See attachment for ATAC notes (6/5/17)
EISC Updates
No update
IS Updates
Document Management demo with WebCenter. Also looked at PeopleSoft as a possible solution but no eSignature. Sharepoint is being implemented in various areas to assist with document management.
CAPs Plus – rollout to Advisors in August.
PeopleTools Upgrade – testing by business users in August with go-live towards the end of August.
STAMP project – moving away from Radius. There is a delivered module in PeopleSoft to manage applications. Will continue with Hobsons Retain for one more year. RFP coming soon.
- Informational Items/Other
Student Self-Service for Direct Deposits – restarting work on this request since it was put on hold due to the MyCWU Upgrade. IS will work closely with HR/Payroll on details of project.
Review past BTAC Solution Requests/Business Cases – tabled until next meeting due to meeting going over.
Next meeting:
Monday, July 31, 2017
Barge 412, 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Academic Technology Advisory Council Agenda
Monday, May 15, 2017
Barge 304, 1:00-2:00
- Review of Meeting Minutes 5/1/17
Approved with minor change to attendees list.
- Information Items
- Task Force Updates:
Chris Schedler provided the below updates:
Distance Education Task Force – They are implementing WebEx (using telepresence). MML have also started recording sessions using WebEx. There have been some issues experienced with the new recording sessions but are being actively worked. Networking issues were identified within classrooms and now changes have been made to move areas to a private network for the Creston controlers. More rooms are being upgraded at our branch campuses (Des Moines). Plans include additional rooms in Summer.
Classroom Technology Task Force – No meeting recently.
- EISC Update - No meeting Monday 5/15/17.
- BTAC Update – Tina Short provided update from 4/18/17 meeting.
- IS Update:
Chris Timmons provided information regarding Sammamish. Equipment must be purchased prior to May 26 for using this years funding. Discussed a proposal that was brought before EISC regarding conference meeting room equipment (specifically cameras). Funding was approved from cost savings on Polycom project to purchase generic cameras. Information Services staff will not be able to visit and scope each area prior to the funding deadline. Decisions will have to be made without that information. IS is looking at various technology elements that may meet the business users needs vs purchasing new equipment.
Discussion about ITV DE and possibly purchasing a software that allows for check points if Creston equipment fails. The new software (Fusion) will allow the ability to restore hardware settings and also provide network monitoring.
- Online Service Campus implementation
Chris Schedler provided an update to the group regarding changing Online Students not associated with a campus to a new value in MyCWU. Currently there is an issue with identifying which students are truly only online and not associated with either Ellensburg or one of the other branch campuses. There is now approval from the Provost to create a new value to identify these students. Information Services is building the Service Campus with effective date as of Sept 16, 2017 some of the code changes from WW (web courses) to Online. IE will update their dashboards to add the new information. The new value will allow faculty to allow certain numbers of “online” students and center students sign up for classes. This will impact Admissions as the students will have identify up front if they will be online vs at a Center. Students wanting to register for centers would contact the particular center. Students wanted to register for Ellensburg would contact Ellensburg staff. Students wanting to register for online only would contact the Online Counselor. Question from group on how this would impact searching within MyCWU. Future plans include recruitment for 4 year online programs (once the full online gen ed is determined).
- Other Items?
Inclusive Access Initiative (Wildcat Shop *Steve Wenger) The adoption rate for classes is increasing up now to around 18. This includes some in Music, Physics, etc. More publishers are coming on board with contracts to provide this service. Issue expressed with Testing Services with students having open book tests and bringing in their laptops to the Testing Center and having the ability to have wireless access. Group talked about possibly having a printed copy for them or having the copy on a testing computer. This initiative provides a cost saving to students for books and other resources for digital materials. It can also provide advantages to faculty for analytics on how students are interacting with the textbooks.
Open Education Technology (Open Stacks) – This is also a parallel effort to provide cost savings to students regarding educational materials.
Discussion about International Students having difficulty using CWU’s Website to Find Departments – The group talked about why some web support staff were moved to Information Services and some web support staff stayed under Public Affairs. There was discussion about how to assist students in finding information more easily on the website. Chris Timmons will talk to Andreas Bohman regarding his web support staff. Chris indicated that there was a possible RFP coming for a new web software similar to Drupal.
Next meeting:
June 5th meeting and then pick back up in Fall. One topic to include next meeting will be End of Year report for Council.
*Future agenda items – 2020 Plan from Information Services
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