2017 Dance 1MandatoryEnd of Year Recital

“Unique ”

Aloha! Dance 1 dance family will be performing for our school, family and friends on May 12, 2017 at 6:30 pm. To make this a positive experience, please review this commitment to practice, take care of school property, and to behave respectfully during the process. With all stakeholders working together, this will be a successful performance, and is sure to make memories that will last a lifetime.

This year’s theme, “Unique” should be a lot of fun! I am very impressed at this year’s dance progress and dedication, and hope to have a big audience to enjoy the show! Incorporating Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, Creative Movement and Improvisation technique, dancers will showcase their Fall and Spring lessons within our recital. Our NEW VIDEO CAMERA will capture this performance and will be used for dancers to evaluate their individual technique, ensemble performance, and ability to portray the artist’s intent, on a Final Exam, and be used to edit a DVD. Please email me if any events or emergencies prevent your dancer from performing on this day. Bring your family and friends, pre-order a DVD of the performance for $10, and please review all requests for volunteer opportunities, prop designs, and costume accessories. Let’s have fun, and help our students shine bright  ~Ms. Wade

Practice Schedule

May 8, 4 – 6 pm & May 10, 4 – 6 pm – Dance Studio / CMS Stage – Full performance Run through

May 11 – Mandatory Dress Rehearsal 4 – 6 pm - CMS Stage / Dressing Rooms / Studio

May 12 – MandatoryPerformance – 6: 30 – 8:00 pm –Dancers CALL (be at our Dance room at 5:30 pm) Doors open for family and friends no sooner than 6:15 pm. Performance begins at 6:30 pm – feel free to bring water and snacks, but please be courteous and clean up after yourself .

Tickets are $5 at the door (Children 5th grade and below and VCSD employees – with proof -are FREE )

Costume Accessories, Make Up details, and specifics for each performance will come home the first day of practice  Email me with any concerns NOT related to costume, make up, hair at ------Please cut and return the following promise ------

I (dancers printed name) ______, understand that it is very important for me to attend as many practices as possible to help all dancers prepare for a successful performance. I will do my best to attend all practices to the best of my ability. Signature ______

I (dancers guardian printed name) ______, understand that it is very important for my dependent to attend as many practices as possible to ensure all dancers have a successful performance. I will do my best to provide timely pick up to all practices. Signature ______

Costume Contract

For our performances, we will use various costumes and accessories that CMS has previously purchased with proceeds raised through fundraisers. Most of our accessories can range from $1 - $20, and costumes range from $20 to $100. By law, any accessories and costumes purchased by the dance program belong to Volusia County Schools, specifically Creekside Middle Schools Dance Program. All accessories and costumes provided for students to borrow during performances, must be returned to the dance program following our performances. Parents and guardians will be asked to sign below acknowledging that any items ‘checked out’ to dancers will not leave CMS campus on May 12, and will be returned as soon as possible if accidentally taken home. An itemized list will be sent home prior to giving items to dancers. Basically, if we will all do our best to make sure future dance students have costumes and accessories for many years of beautiful performances, which would be awesome. Your help with this is greatly appreciated 

Dancer Printed Name ______Dancer Signature ______

Parent / Guardian Printed Name ______Signature ______

Behavior Contract

The following rules were created to help make the entire performance more successful. Please review with your dancer, and decide if you’d like to help ensure that the experience is one that is positive.

1.)Violence of any form will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal from the performance. This includes threats of violence, and any unwanted physical touch (pushing, shoving, verbal threats to ‘beat up’, etc.)

2.)No profanity of any kind : verbal, written, texted, etc.

3.)No name calling (no bullying)

4.)No touching / stealing anyone else’s property (cell phones, electronics, clothing, hangers, make up, etc.)

5.)No disrespect towards other dancers, volunteers, parents / guardians back stage, etc.

There should be a general understanding that Ms. Wade is directing all dancers and must be able to hear and see movement of all dancers. Ms. Wade’s directions must be followed by all dancers. We will use a “Three Strike” policy. The first negative behavior will be documented, and parents / guardians will be contacted to sign that they were informed of the event. The second event of breaking a rule or negative behavior will result in the same consequence, in addition to a detention. The third instance will be a referral, and the dancer will be dismissed from performing on May 12. This includes dismissing the dancer on the day of the show, or during the show. It’s my hope that we do not dismiss any dancers from performing. I want everyone to enjoy this experience .

Dance Printed Name ______Dancer Signature ______

Parent / Guardian Printed Name ______Signature ______