Mega Minds Times #1
Frisbee Free for All
By: Violet Tuttle
On the first day of Mrs. Armbruster’s class, 23 outstanding children went outside into the large field in between Eastwoods and Mcdowell to do an activity. While outside Mrs. Armbruster (who was holding a frisbee at the time) told everybody to stand in a line.
She pointed to Luke Palumbo and gave him the frisbee, “Throw it” she commanded.
So Luke threw it. Then Mrs. Armbruster pointed to the person next to Luke and told them to retrieve the frisbee from him. While she told Luke to stay where he was. After the whole class had gone down the line and everybody had thrown the frisbee, it was Mrs. Armbrusters turn. “No offence but I am probably going to get the frisbee the farthest because I am the oldest and I've had the most practice”, boasted Mrs. Armbruster!
With no effort, Mrs. Armbruster threw the frisbee and it went less than a yard. “Okey dokey, what was the lesson the of this?”
Fritz raised his hand. “Fritz,” called Mrs. Armbruster.
“The reason we did this activity was to teach us, that even though you’ve done something many times, doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in any effort.” All of the children said they learned a very valuable lesson and they hope you do to!
The Plays of
Room 205
By:JJ Wright
In Mrs. Armbruster’s class the students are making a few different podcast’s Introducing the United States and The Declaration of Independence. The cast for Introducing the United States is Luke, Max, Cordelia, Jimmy, Violet, Margaret, Sam G., and Fritz. The cast for The Declaration of Independence are Audra, Ryan, Tommy, Jenna, Sam.V, Nayan, Erica, Sarah, and Sherry.
The way to get to these wonderful podcasts is by going to Mrs. Armbrusters website, scroll all the down and click 4th Grade Podcasts. After you do that, click on the podcast you want to listen to, press play.
The process to making a podcast takes a week or two. Students have to get the right expression in their voice. They have to practice their part repeatedly and get to know their own character. After that process is over the students must go into a quiet room. In the room Mrs.Armbruster has her laptop and records the voices then Over night Mrs.Armbruster edits the recording. When she is all done she posts it online for your listening pleasure.
The reason they do all this work is to get better fluency and posture. Another reason is to learn about history.
Thank You For Reading This Brief Article About Room 205 Podcasts!