LORD OF THE FLIES Chapter 1 Questions

DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET! Write answers in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1)  Describe the setting of the novel (time, place, mood) Pay close attention to details to get a mental picture of the island.

2)  Name and describe each of the first two characters we meet. Provide a physical description of each as well as personality traits.

3)  When the boys are exploring, what do they find? How is it used?

4)  Who is the elected leader? Why is he chosen? Who else wanted to be leader?

5)  What happened to the adults? How do the boys react to this?

6)  Approximately how many other survivors are there? Identify the other major characters and their ages, if given.

7)  How is the division of labor arranged?

8)  Why is Piggy angry at Ralph? How does Ralph respond to this? What does this show us about Ralph?

9)  What happens when the boys find a piglet in the brush? What do Jack’s words and actions reveal about his character?

10) What differences, besides physical ones, are apparent between Piggy and Ralph?

LORD OF THE FLIES Chapter 1 Questions

DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET! Write answers in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1.  Describe the setting of the novel (time, place, mood) Pay close attention to details to get a mental picture of the island.

2.  Name and describe each of the first two characters we meet. Provide a physical description of each as well as personality traits.

3.  When the boys are exploring, what do they find? How is it used?

4.  Who is the elected leader? Why is he chosen? Who else wanted to be leader?

5.  What happened to the adults? How do the boys react to this?

6.  Approximately how many other survivors are there? Identify the other major characters and their ages, if given.

7.  How is the division of labor arranged?

8.  Why is Piggy angry at Ralph? How does Ralph respond to this? What does this show us about Ralph?

9.  What happens when the boys find a piglet in the brush? What do Jack’s words and actions reveal about his character?

10.  What differences, besides physical ones, are apparent between Piggy and Ralph?