PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, J Richmond, P Baildon, A White, and clerk G Simpson.
Four members of the public were present.
7.20pm Public Session
The Churchyard is open for burials, for arrangements contact the wardens. A large pothole on the apex of the corner opposite the Service Station was reported.
7.30pm Council meeting opened
15/200] Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman thanked Edward for turning the heating on and opened the meeting.
15/201] Apologies
Apologies were received from District Cllr Harrison
15/202] Declaration of Interests and applications for dispensation in relation to DPIs
There were no declarations of interest but all councillors submitted forms requesting dispensation to participate in debate to set precept. Resolved, dispensation to last for the term of office.
15/203] Notes of the meeting held on 22 September 2015 to be approved as minutes
Cllr Baildon proposed to accept the presented notes as the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Cllr White. Resolved and signed by the Chairman Cllr Whitehouse.
15/204] Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The clerk reported due to a technical error the financial documents had not been available for viewing on the website as reported. This error had been rectified at the end of September when noticed. The transparency fund application form had been submitted and places at LALC AGM and emergency plan training at Louth Town Hall had been booked. The drainage survey was forwarded to Cllr Harrison, who reported ELDC had decided to take action and charge the county council for the current work being undertaken; no update from N Marsh(LCC) had been received. A request for Cllr R Fry to respond to the Council’s concerns over the s106 agreement connected to Grange Leisure Park’s planning permission from 2007 has been unsuccessful to date. The additional grass cutting for next year had been confirmed with R Aldrich. The overgrown footpath at the end of Maltby Straight had been reported to LCC Highways along with the missing chevron sign, also the bend sign at the other end of the village which was facing the wrong way. Cllr Marfleet had failed to respond to two emails so no information regarding Village sign funding was available at present. Comments regarding the Crown Inn planning application had been resubmitted and The Planning Inspectorate has advised the appeal against planning refusal at Laburnum Cottage(N/112/00037/15) has been dismissed.
15/205] Reports from Outside Bodies
There were no reports.
15/206] Financial Matters
The current finance report and bank reconciliation were accepted. Cheques resolved for signing; Village Hall £53.00, J Alldridge £40.00, R Aldrich £145.00, LALC £7.00. The clerk requested the second LALC payment on the agenda be deferred. After discussion a figure of £3000.00 total income was suggested as a starting point for the clerk to prepare next year’s budget for debate at a later meeting.
15/207] Speed notices and report of meeting with LCC Highways
The speed notices have been moved and will be rotated round the 19 sites on a monthly basis. Cllrs Whitehouse, Williams and Baildon had met with Graeme Butler from LCC Highways to discuss various schemes to tackle the speeding issues in the village. During a very amicable meeting Mr Butler agreed to look at the possibility of extending the speed limits, village sign/gateway and improvements to bend signing as well as road markings. In a recent update Mr Butler was awaiting the new/revised Speed Limit Policy to become live and so was unable to offer any firm proposals at present but would be in touch shortly. Elaine Worrell (LCC Highways) has reported the footpath on Mablethorpe Road opposite the Willows Caravan Park has been inspected and the grass verge flailed to improve the area. An order for the vegetation overgrowing the surface to be edged back is in place but this is low priority and will be carried out as soon as resources allow.
15/208] Village sign
Having received estimates of the cost of production of the signs from Mr Norwood-Witts it quickly became apparent the Council lacked the necessary funds to proceed without the help of outside funding or sponsorship. It was decided to try and gauge the feeling of residents about the suitability of the project at the coffee morning and craft fair to see if it is worthwhile pursuing. Mr Norwood-Witts is to be contacted and informed of the decision to defer production at present because of financial constraints.
15/209] Drainage issues update
LCC Highways have reported insufficient funds to carry out all the necessary work this year. ELDC have advised them this issue cannot wait another year so has decided to carry out the scheme as a joint partnership and then recharge to LCC Highways at a later date. Work is currently being undertaken in the area around the junction with Hodgetoft Lane and for this reason the Chairman has delayed the planting of the daffodil bulbs
15/210] LALC AGM
Cllr Baildon attended the LALC AGM where he met several interesting people and participated in the voting process. He reported subscriptions would be increasing next year. After the AGM speaker Dr Jonathan Owen, Chief Executive of NALC, explained his role in the organisation and NALC’s activities in respect of lobbying government and making representation on matters pertaining to our sector.
15/211] Planning
The Planning Inspectorate has dismissed the appeal regarding refusal of planning application N/112/00037/15 (Laburnum Cottage). The open ditch left by removal of hedges and construction of new fences at the development near Hollybrook Cottage has now been filled in and neighbours appear happy with the improved visibility afforded by the fencing.
15/212] Broadband update
Mr Brookes (Lincs Broadband Programme Manager) recently requested BT to look at the feasibility of locating a new cabinet in Maltby itself to deliver Superfast broadband to the community. He is awaiting the results of the survey and costs analysis etc. He was also aware speeds have dropped recently and this has been passed to BT to investigate. Cllr Baildon reported there was only one refusal to sign his petition for improved broadband. Also after repeated complaints to his own broadband provider, the visit of an engineer and several phone calls had led to a vast improvement in his personal speeds at no extra cost.
15/213] Format of the next council meeting
After discussion it was decided to leave the format as normal and try to strictly limit the public forum to 10 minutes.
15/214] Correspondence
The following list of correspondence was noted;
ELDC; Planning N/112/01667/15 Crown Inn
ELDC; code of conduct & DPI training
Glasdon Products; bins etc
ELDC; Planning N/112/01569/14 amendment solar panels at the Church
LALC; delegate information for AGM
ELDC; Alford & Spilsby Area Committee re details of ELDC Portfolio Holders and the relevant areas for which they are responsible
There followed a short informal discussion as to how best promote certain Community Lincs projects within the village.
Date of next meeting
This was confirmed as the 8 December 2015, to be followed by the Anne Bolles AGM
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.
Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131
Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD