8:15 10:45

Acolyte Zachary Longenecker

Greeters Vi Stiffler Sue Graft

Lay Readers Larry Porter Tom Bay

Nursery Helen Ferguson/Carly Rogers Donna Schwalm/Rhonda Harris

Ushers Bud Gruber (C ) & Friends Jeff(C ) & Faye Mertus , Bob Vogt, David Harris, Pearl Mahan

Sound Volunteers: John Butari, Bruce Neely, Bill Miller, Jeff Karchner

Lay Support: Cards: Diane Hilbert, Sue Graft Flowers: Marlene Myers Telephone: Bea Durham

This Week’s Schedule

Monday - Children’s Choir – 11:30a; Womyn’s Chorus – 6:30p

Tuesday - Children’s Choice – 10a; Zumba – 6:30p; Facilities Team – 7p; Bells – 7:30p

Wednesday - Prayer Group – 6p; Taize – 7p

Thursday - Band – 6p; Children’s Choir – 6:30p; Choir -7p; AA Mtg. – 7p

Friday - T.O.P.S. – 10a

Birthdays (Feb. 22-Mar 1): Aaron Barnard, Sue Bishop, Brenda Fischer, Darren Bishop, John Butari, Mark Karchner, Tom Rowe, Kim DeHart, Mary Jones, Jill Pento, Elizabeth Sees, Roger Hix, Liesl Yohn, Abigail Karchner, Jerry Long, Alex Wachira, Greg Horton, Thomas O. Potts, Jackie Wright, Karen Kraft, Hannah DiSanto. Birthday information is available in the Messenger each month and can also be found on our website at

Attention all Parents of Young Children! Six different Activity Bags for infants-toddlers, ages 2-4 ages 5-8 are located in the narthex and are available to help keep children occupied. Bags can be taken into the sanctuary for use and then returned to the table after worship. Of course, nursery services are still available for young children, and Bible activity sheets are available from the ushers. Any questions contact Patti Feit or Mary Jones.

During worship we invite you to leave your children in our Church Nursery. Infants will remain in the crib nursery with caring volunteers. Supervised play for the older children will take place in the preschool room next door. Both are located in the hall beside the Sanctuary.

Congregational Life invites everyone to stop by Fellowship Hall on Sundays after each worship service. We’ll have light refreshments and conversation! If you’d be willing to provide refreshments one Sunday, there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway between the office & Library.

Welcome! Today is Seminary Sunday!

To celebrate Seminary Sunday, we have this year’s recipient of the Rev. Dr. Horace & Louise Sills Scholarship Fund at Lancaster Seminary, Scott Siciliano, speaking to us during the “Living Faith” part of the service. Horace & Louise are former disciples of Colonial Park UCC. After parish ministry Horace served as a Conference Minister and in many other roles within the denomination. He remained supportive of CPUCC and we benefitted greatly from his knowledge and experience. If you’d like to support the Sills Scholarship Fund with a donation make your check payable to CPUCC w/Sills Fund in memo or on the envelope. Thank you for your support.

The Altar flowers today are presented to the Glory of God in loving memory of John, Esther, & Larry Bay by Tom, Sue, Katie, & Sarah Bay.

The Bulletins today are given to the Glory of God in honor of Pastor Bonita in celebration of her 7 years of service to our congregation.

Today the Remembrance Book is open to the pages acknowledging the Gifts given to the Glory of God in memory of Walter H. Wetzel.

We are promoting church family connections by sending cards for special occasions, illness or injury, and sympathy. Please sign your name or write a note on the cards on the table at the back of the Sanctuary. This week’s cards: Tom Bay who was hospitalized this week, Fern Hartman who had been hospitalized and is now recovering at home, Marie Kitzmiller who is celebrating her 85th Birthday and Susan Medellin who is under care at home.

The next House Church will be on March 16 at 6p. Before worship you are invited to a light supper at 5p. Please contact Scott Siciliano or Pastor Bonita if you’re willing to host House Church.

Have you notice the beautiful pictures representing the theme of “light” that were taken by Neil Weiser for Epiphany? They have been hanging in the church hallway outside the office. There will be two more pictures added in the coming weeks. The All Inclusive Interest Group will like to sell them to benefit “The Tree House at Alder Health" and "Hope Springs Farm". The print will cost $10 each. Orders will be taken starting March 2nd after the last picture is displayed. Please look for upcoming information on how to order the pictures in the weekly bulletins.

The Church’s Flea Market will be held on May 3! We’ll be collecting Attic Treasures type items beginning on April 1 behind the curtain in the Activity Room. NO clothing (any clothing brought in will go to Shared Ministry), NO books, NO computer & computer equipment, NO electronics, NO furniture. When you’re doing your spring cleaning – be sure to set aside a few items to donate!

Congregational Life is going to have another Movie Night on Friday March 14th at 7 PM. Come join us for another fun filled evening at the theater....complete with fresh made popcorn, drinks, and snacks. If you have any suggestions for the movie you would like to see please send them to Kathy in the church office, Mike Shafer at or Greg Clark at


All adult classes are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Classes are Sunday mornings at 9:30a.m.

"Jesus and the Just Reign of God" is the February topic for the class that meets in the Chapel.

Today is week 4 of the Embracing Spiritual Awakening series, featuring author and scholar, Diana Butler Bass. We are currently studying the 3 B’s – Believing, Behaving, and Belonging. In week 3 we were asked to consider the following:

1) Assess the life of our congregation along this continuum: a conventional church focused on lists of do’s and don’ts that just don’t connect to the questions of existence today – vs.- a community of faith that models practices that enable its members to live with meaning and purpose in a rapidly changing world.

2) What is it about membership in a community of faith that makes the challenging life of being a follower of Jesus less intimidating and perhaps to be deeply desired?

You are invited to join us in Room 4 on Sunday at 9:30 AM to continue the discussion!

“Great Figures of the New Testament" continues in the Parlor.

Women's Spirituality Lenten Retreat - Saturday Sunday, April 5 & 6 at the Stone House at Hartman Center. All women disciples and friends are invited. We will discuss Atonement and have lots of conversation, laughter, relaxation, eating, crafting and outdoor exploration. Register by writing a check for $45 to CPUCC noting WSG Retreat in the memo line and deliver/mail to the church office by March 31. BRING: bedding, toiletries, shoes and clothes for the outdoors, flashlight, your lunch for Saturday, snack to share, Bible, pen, paper and anything else you might need. For more information, contact Bonnie Cox at

Children & Youth fAITH DEVELOPMENT

The Children Youth Sunday School classes are held Sundays at 9:30am. Classes are for toddler through High School. We encourage you to bring your children & youth every week, but understand that it’s not always possible—so bring them as you are able—they are always welcome!

It’s Time to Sign up for Camp - Hartman Center offers a variety of camping adventures and is open to all people who want to experience what it means to enjoy Christian community in the midst of God’s Creation. New camps for 2014 include: MADD camp is now Music, Art, Drama & Dance Camp!; Ninja/Ropes; Pay-it-forward; Pen & Pages; Noah’s Ark, Mountain Bikes; and Speak for the Trees. Many of your favorite camps are also still available. Once again the Children & Youth Faith Development will pay half the cost of your first Camp. Get a Registration on the bulletin board in the main hallway, or online at Bring your registration form and 1/2 the fee payable to CPUCC to the church office and we’ll do the rest!

The UCC Homes Auxiliary is having a Ham Loaf ($9 – 2 ½ lb loaf) & Pork BBQ ($10.25 – 2 1lb pkg) Sale. Orders are due to Pat Greenawald (652-0133), Vi Stiffler (652-3693) or Linda Yoder (545-5810) by March 21 and may be picked up on March 29 from 9-11am.

Within the next week you should be receiving a survey that the Inclusive Interest Group has mailed to every member of the congregation. Please take the time to read it carefully, add your comments, and return it to the church office by March 9. The group appreciates the time and effort for returning your completed survey. Thank you!

Would you like to have your federal, state and local taxes prepared at no cost to yourself? If your family income is $52,000 or less, you are eligible for FREE Tax Preparation by trained volunteers through the United Way and its partners. There are 8 locations available in Dauphin County. Hours vary by site, but daytime, evening and Saturday hours are available. Contact Jennifer Hilt at 732-0700, ext 4068, or e-mail at .

Penn Central Conference’s Growing Stronger Churches will be held on Saturday, March 8 from 9a-2p at Colonial Park UCC. Classes include: MissionInsite (a demographics program); How to Navigate the PCC & UCC websites; Pinnacle Health Faith Community Health Connection; UCC 101 (learn about what the Conference does); Starting a Health Ministry; Thinking about ONA; Putting the “Fun” in Fundraising; How do You Start a Community Garden; Church Energy Tips; Planned Giving; and Effective Pastoral Relations Committees. Deadline for registration is February 28. Please let Kathy know if you want to sign up so that she can register and pay the fee (lunch is provided). Get more info about the workshops in the office.

The Lycoming College Tour Choir will present a concert on February 28 at 7:30p at Charlton United Methodist Church, 5920 Jonestown Road. Charlton Church is hosting a pasta dinner prior to the concert. More information is available by calling the church office at 545-2000.

The Kathryn Bolton/Edna Hoke Class is having another SOUP SALE! This time they’ll be selling Beef Barley Chicken Corn Soup. Soup is $6 per quart. Please pre-order to ensure you get the soup you want (forms in the office)! You may pick up your soup on Friday, March 21 between 1-2pm or on Sunday after Worship. Proceeds will go toward a new shed.

The External Mission Deacons are happy to report that the Youth collected $447 for the Souper Bowl of Caring which will benefit the Manna Food Pantry. On March 30th please plan to give generously to One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS provides support to health. education, refugee, agricultural and emergency relief initiatives in 138 countries by working with national and international partners.

A committee has been formed to explore options to the ONA process. It is our feeling that all views should be equally represented prior to the vote to become ONA. Our objective is to give a voice to people who feel that ONA may not be right for this church at this time and who may not know the right words to say without being seen as offensive, or are not organized enough to have their views heard and considered. We will be organizing educational meetings for all those interested in bringing our congregation to an understanding of both perspectives through sacred conversations, and ultimately to a place of compromise and unity. Look for more info to come, or contact Ellen De, Vi & Bill Stiffler, Shirley & Bill McCahan, Mary Jones, or Bill Morris.