Mentee Application Form FITT Mentoring Programme

Mentor Nomination Form

FITT Mentoring Programme 2017

Complete this form inWordby double clicking the fields in each box and entering your answer.

Personal Information

First & Last Name:




Job Title / Role:


Contact Phone Nos:







Work Location (please be specific to suburb):

Home Location (full address):

Selection Criteria

  1. Are you a member of FITT?

Yes No

*Note, all 2016 Mentors will automatically become a member of FITT (no charge)

  1. Have you participated in a mentoring programme before?(If yes, please provide details)

Yes No

Provide a short description here

  1. How many years have you worked in the ICT industry? No. of years in ICT
  2. If you have more than 20 years’ experience in ICT, would you be willing to facilitate a Mentoring Circle?

Yes No

  1. How many years have you been on your current career path?

No. of years on current career path

  1. Briefly provide a summary of your career (you also need to submit an up-to-date resume)

Provide a brief description here

  1. What do you think your current strengths are?

Provide your strengths

  1. What do you think your current weaknesses are?

Provide your weaknesses

  1. Please rate your level of confidence AND expertise in mentoring the following areas.

Please review this section carefully, as we use this information to match you to a mentee based on your indicated key areas of strength, experience and knowledge.

1 = no confidence/expertise; 2 = some confidence/expertise; 3 = confident/expert; 4 = extremely confident/high expertise.

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Mentee Application Form FITT Mentoring Programme

Understanding a career path within ICT

Changing career

Balancing work/life priorities

Motivating people

Strategic planning and management

Developing influencing skills

Navigating organisation politics

Business planning

Managing clients/customers

Organisational leadership

Other (Please specify)

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Mentee Application Form FITT Mentoring Programme

  • Where you have rated an area 3 or 4, please provide detailed information about your level of experience, knowledge and skills to demonstrate your level of expertise in the area.

Please include years of experience, qualifications, and other information that is relevant

  • What specifically are you hoping to gain from the mentoring programme? (what contribution, knowledge, skills, behaviours, benefits, experience, etc)

Provide what you hope to gain here

  • Do you have any special interests, hobbies, memberships or experiences that might be of interest to a mentee?

Provide special interests, hobbies, memberships or experience

  • Do you know someone else who would be a suitable mentor for the programme?

Please provide the person's names and contact information


Do you believe that you are able to commit to the programme requirements?

Mentors mustbe:

  • Committed to assisting your mentee achieve their goals
  • Able and prepared to share your knowledge and experience with your mentee
  • Committed to a minimum of a nine month mentoring relationship (via mentoring contract), including monthly one-on-one meetings.

Yes No

Data Privacy

By signing this application I understand that my application and accompanying documentation will be shared by the FITT Mentoring committee and the volunteers involved in the various steps in the process.

I also understand and agree to the sharing my email details with other mentees and mentors within the programme for the purpose of networking

Signed: (Please type name here – your email will be considered a signature for the purpose of this document) ______Date:

Please ensure you have included your Resume with this application.

Submit this form (in WORD)with your resume by email to

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