Search Terms: Academic Pathways, Education Pathways, Career Pathways, Curriculum Pathways, Programs of Study Pathways

Resources - ERIC, Chronicle of Higher Education, Google

Waters, John K. "A Pathway To Achievement." T.H.E. Journal 35.9 (2008): 32-36. ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Sawchuk, Stephen. "States Seek High School Pathways Weaving Academic, Career Options." Education Week 32.29 (2013): 1,. ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Coles, Ann, and Pathways to College Network Education Resources Institute. "The Role Of Community-Based Organizations In The College Access And Success Movement. Research To Practice Brief." Pathways To College Network (2012): ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Mangan, Katherine. "What 8 States Are Doing to Build Better Pathways From High School to Careers." Chronicle of Higher Education. N.p., 1 July 2014. Web.

Afterschool, Alliance, and Foundation MetLife. "Afterschool: Supporting Career And College Pathways For Middle School Age Youth. Metlife Foundation Afterschool Alert. Issue Brief No. 46."Afterschool Alliance (2011): ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Cahill, Charlotte, Nancy Hoffman, Amy Loyd, and Joel Vargas. State Strategies for Sustaining and Scaling Grades 9-14 Career Pathways: Toward a Policy Set for Pathways to Prosperity. Rep. Jobs for the Future, Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Harvard Graduate School of Education. Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century. Rep. N.p., Feb. 2011. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Frazier, Stephanie D., and N. Maria Swygert. "A Glimpse Into A State Technical College System's POS Pathways." Techniques: Connecting Education And Careers 87.1 (2012): 40-43. ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Lekes, Natasha, et al. "Career And Technical Education Pathway Programs, Academic Performance, And The Transition To College And Career." National Research Center For Career And Technical Education (2007): ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Couturier, Lara K., and Future Jobs for the. "Cornerstones Of Completion: State Policy Support For Accelerated, Structured Pathways To College Credentials And Transfer." Jobs For The Future (2012): ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Kempner, Ken, and LauranceWarford. "The Promise Of The College And Career Transitions Initiative." Techniques: Connecting Education And Careers 84.7 (2009): 40-43. ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Reese, Susan. "Career Clusters Implementation In The States." Techniques: Connecting Education And Careers 83.6 (2008): 16-21. ERIC. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Sample Pathways

IT Program of Study - Kentucky

Information and Communications Technologies - California

WICareer Pathways - Wisconsin

Statewide Pathways

United States. Dept. of Labor.Bureau of Labor Statistics.Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections.“Computer and Information Technology Occupations.”Occupational Outlook Handbook. Dept. of Labor, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 2 Mar. 2015.

List of job descriptions under group: Computer and Information Technology Occupations. Includes job titles, brief summaries, education requirements, median salary. Each occupation link leads to further details: Summary, What They Do Work, Environment, How to Become One, Pay, Job Outlook, Similar Occupations,More Info.

Keywords: ooh via Google (link available on home page).

(Category: general)

Royster, Sara. United States. Dept. of Labor.Bureau of Labor Statistics.Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections. “Working with Big Data.”Career Outlook. Dept. of Labor, Sept. 2013. Web. 2 Mar 2015.

Defines big data and lists related occupations and their details such as wages and necessary training as well as challenges.

Keywords: went to Bureau of Labor Statistics, Career Outlook link, Archives > Subject > Technology.

(Category: trend - Data)

Vilorio, Dennis. United States. Dept. of Labor.Bureau of Labor Statistics.Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections. “Web Operations Engineer.”Career Outlook. Dept. of Labor, June 2013. Web. 2 Mar 2015.

Interview with web operations engineer about career in technology who emphasizes importance of experience.

Keywords: went to Bureau of Labor Statistics, Career Outlook link, Archives > Subject > Technology.

(Category: job advice, career path)

Flinders, Karl. "How to Cross From Public Sector IT to A Technology Career In Business."Computer Weekly(2013): 6-7.Business Source Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

British article about transitioning from public to private sectors (due to layoffs in public jobs). Final paragraph lists useful training and skills that would probably translate in US industry.

Keywords: (EBSCO Business Search Premiere) information technology, 2014-2015.
(Category: job advice, skills, career path)

Barnes, Nancy Dupre. "Analyze This: The Big Demand For Big Data Professionals."Information Management Journal48.1 (2014): 34-37.Business Source Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Brief article describing big data needs, skills necessary for occupation, and programs offering certificates and degrees.

Keywords: (EBSCO Business Search Premier) information technology careers, 2012-2015.

(Category: trend – Data, skills, certification)

Hawk, Stephen, et al. "The Information Technology Workforce: A Comparison of Critical Skills of Clients and Service Providers."Information Systems Management29.1 (2012): 2-12.Business Source Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Twenty researchers and practitioners interviewed 104 senior IT executives regarding current and future workforce skill requirements and related trends. Lists of skills in easy to read charts

Keywords: (EBSCO Business Search Premier) information technology careers, 2012-2015.

(Category: skills)

Beliveau-Dunn, Jeanne. "Developing Talent amid Rapid Change."HR Magazine58.1 (2013): 36-38.Business Source Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Cisco's certification program description from Vice President and Manager of Cisco. However, Cisco mentioned in another, less biased article (see Kridel) as useful certification.

Keywords: (EBSCO Business Search Premier) information technology careers, 2012-2015.

(Category: skills, certifications)

Kridel, Tim. "Why It Certifications Matter."Sound & Video Contractor31.3 (2013): 54-60.Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Explains some acronyms, and gives other Cisco article (from Cisco VP) more credibility. Abstract: “The article reports on the certifications for Cisco Certified Network (CCN) Associate, CCN Professional and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert that are required in the U.S. audiovisual (AV) and information technology (IT) industries. It discusses the integration of IT and AV applications, the establishment of credibility for access to career opportunities including the value of integrator knowledge in business.”

Keywords: (EBSCO Business/Economics Databases and Computer Science/Engineering Databases) information technology career development, US, 2010-2015

(Category: skills, certifications)

BIDWELL, MATTHEW J., and FORREST BRISCOE. "Who Contracts? Determinants of the Decision to Work as an Independent Contractor among Information Technology Workers."Academy Of Management Journal52.6 (2009): 1148-1168.Business Source Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Examines which IT workers take jobs as independent contractors.Demographics, and interesting insights into challenges of profession, especially that long-term employees receive strong training and development, yet contractors most likely to be least or most experienced workers.

Keywords: (EBSCO Business/Economics Databases and Computer Science/Engineering Databases) information technology career development, US, 2010-2015

(Category: skills, career path)

Waxer, Cindy. "Training Gets An Extreme Makeover."Computerworld47.2 (2013): 22-24.Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Nontraditional approaches to IT training. Examples of popular, successful training resources. One company claims: “on average, students retain 92% of the material presented in HD Live training sessions but only 30% of the material presented via traditional online learning channels.”

Keywords: (EBSCO Computer Science/Engineering Databases): information technology careers, 2012-2015, US (geographic limiter).

(Category: skills, certification)

Denning, Peter J., and Edward E. Gordon."A Technician Shortage."Communications of the ACM58.3 (2015): 28-30.Business Source Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

Opinion piece by computer science professor and president of a consulting firm expressing concern of lack of technician training: “Who will operate and maintain the information infrastructure on which so much depends?”

Keywords: (EBSCO Academic Search Premier (all)): labor demands information technology, 2010-2015

Category: (skills)

McCafferty, Dennis. “IT Jobs and Salaries Are Expected to Soar in 2015.” Baseline.Baseline. 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 3 Mar. 2015.

Slideshow summary of Modis IT Staffing's report, "2015 Salary Guide for IT Professionals."Includes list of skills and future direction of field (demand for security and big data analysis, etc.). The slideshow does not print as complete set, so viewing online recommended. The complete survey is available by request for free:

Keywords: reference found via articles (EBSCO Business Source Premiere: information technology careers, limited to 2014-2015) then search in Google for Modis and survey’s title.

(Category: trends)

Preimesberger, Chris. "Enterprise Big Data Analytics: 10 Prominent Trends to Look for in 2014."Eweek(2014): 4.Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Discusses data trends.Very centered on Hadoop since main source is Hadoop founder, but some useful insight into big data trends. Brief enough to scan.

Keywords: (EBSCO Computer Science/Engineering Databases): information technology careers, 2012-2015, US

(Category: trend - Data)

Everson, Kate. "In The Know, In The Now."Workforce94.1 (2015): 44.MasterFILE Premier.Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Source of article states, “‘there’s a learning crisis in the marketplace,’” which author connects to U.S. Labor Department’s October 2014 report that hiring is not keeping up with job openings, and “the growth gap points to a deficit in skilled employees.” Contains a list of training providers, including IT skills.

Keywords: (EBSCO Academic Search Premier): Workforce development Information Technology, 2010-2015

(Category: skills, certification)

McGlinchey, John. "How to Prepare the Technology Workforce for Cloud and Mobility."Computer Weekly(2014): 15.MasterFILE Premier.Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Senior VP’s opinion piece promoting CompTIA’s certification, but possible insight to challenges of maintaining current skill sets.

Keywords: (EBSCO Academic Search Premier): Workforce development Information Technology, 2010-2015

(Category: trend, skills, certification)

Stackpole, Beth. "IT Careers: Retire? HOW ABOUT Never."Computerworld44.3 (2010): 12.MasterFILE Premier.Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Interviews with late career IT workers, who are “making an effort to stay on top of management and technology trends, invest in ongoing training and, in some cases, completely retool their skill sets.” Insight to career strategy and skill sets.

Keywords: (EBSCO Academic Search Premier): Workforce development Information Technology, 2010-2015

(Category: skills, career path)

Thandri, Ananthan. "ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY in 2020."Siliconindia(2014): 24-25.Business Source Premier. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

Projects possible ways consumer IT will alter corporate IT in 2020, including User Experience, Applications Development, Application Delivery, Processing Big Data in Real Time, Predictive Information Security, and importance of workers as people in the tech field.

Keywords: (EBSCO Academic Search Premier): Workforce development Information Technology, 2010-2015

(Category: trends, skills)

Bersin, Josh. “Predictions for 2014: Building a Strong Talent Pipeline for The Global Economic Recovery – Time for Innovative and Integrated Talent and HR Strategies.” Canadian Digital Media Network. CDMN.n.d. Web. 4 March 2015.

This research report looks at the trends, challenges, and issues that will impact HR in 2014, especially dependence on technology and tech talent. Report is available from Bersin by Deloitte, but found on Canadian website.

Keywords: reference found via articles (EBSCO Academic Search Premier) with Workforce development Information Technology, 2010-2015, then search in Google for report title.

(Category: trends, skills)

Bersin, Josh. “The Software Economy: Why Software Jobs Are Taking Over.” Forbes, 5 Oct. 2013. Web. 4 March 2015.

Examines opportunities and trends in software development and thus demands for skill set.

Keywords: After finding “Predictions” report from Bersin, visited Bersin by Deloitte website and browsed other articles.

(Category: skills)

Schwartz, Aaron, Roger Magoulas, and Melinda Buntin. "Tracking Labor Demand With Online Job Postings: The Case of Health IT Workers and the HITECH Act."Industrial Relations52.4 (2013): 941-968.Business Source Premier. Web. 6 Mar. 2015.

While policy focused, contains useful discussion of effects of the HITEACH Act on the health IT labor market: “The new legislation included provisions calling for the development of uniform standards for health data, privacy, and security protections, grants to expand the health IT infrastructure, and an incentive program to promote EHR adoption.” The authors state that health-IT jobs postings have tripled since 2007.

Keywords: (EBSCO Academic Search Premier): labor demands information technology 2010-2015

(Category: trends)

“Today’s CIO is More Collaborative and Influential than Ever Before, But Controls Less, Says 8th Annual Harvey Nash Survey.” Harvey Nash. The Harvey Nash Group. 4 May 2013. Web. 2 March 2015.

Press release summary of full report.Chief Information Officers surveyed in 2013, list of needed skills and future of field.Full report available by request.

Keywords: reference found via articles (Business Source Premiere, information technology careers, limited to 2012-2015) search in Google

(Category: trends, skills)

“Demand Grows and More than Half of U.S. Companies Will Hire Tech Jobs in 2015 But U.S. Uncertain About Its Own Innovation, Says Harvey Nash Inc. Survey.” Harvey Nash. The Harvey Nash Group.18 Nov. 2014. Web. 2 March 2015.

Harvey Nash Technology Survey: Disruptors & Disrupted - the New Tech Flux. The report shares findings from 3,189 technology professionals from 49 countries. Full report available by request.

Keywords: reference found via articles (Business Source Premiere, information technology careers, limited to 2012-2015) search in Google

(Category: trends, skills)