Caroline has asked me to give you another presentation, this time on acronyms, and I thought this time I'd start with a little musical number. Some of you may remember the Major-General's Song from The Pirates of Penzance, which then was turned into a song about the periodical table of elements by Tom Lehrer. Recently, versions of that song have circulated sung by Daniel Radcliffe (now that he's finished being Harry Potter) and by Jim Parsons, who plays a character named after me on The Big Bang Theory.
Anyway, here goes a slightly different version by me:
There’s UBC and VOC and VST and Robocom
And CUS and AUS and GSS and Educom
There’s ESP and SRC and SOL and AGM
And F&B and UAC and IPF and VFM.
There’s ISA and LPC and CVC and Photosoc
And UNA and UEL and OCP and Aquasoc
There’s SUS and SUDS and AVP
And MoU and SRC
And SAC and CORP and SLC
And maybe even Fillimsoc
There’s GAP and DAP and CFS
And SUB and SEEDS and AMS
And also MASS and PSP
There’s BAGB and CiTR
And Metro and GVRD
And Rec and SASC and Unecorn
And also WOW and TRC.
[to the tune beginning There’s BAGB and CiTR]
These are the only acronyms that I could fit onto this screen
There may be many others, but I think I’ve picked the carcass clean.
And now a fairy tale.
Once upon a time a tired Unecorn[1] thought it should say its prayers, so it decided to go to MASS;[2] but on the way it decided to SUS[3] out what had happened to the ACF.[4]
First it asked the SEEDS,[5] but they didn’t know. Then it wandered into a BoG,[6] but no one could help it there.
“Perhaps they know at the AMS,”[7] someone said, so the Unecorn wandered over to the SUB[8], but no one there could help either, so it ended up down in the Pit drowning its sorrows in a MUG full of SUDS.[9]
Then it was so tired it thought it would hit the SAC[10] and it dreamed of going to an AGM to talk about Aquasoc or Photosoc. Then the dream turned troubling; it found itself falling into a deep GAP, which made it feel it should go to SASC. SASC cheered it up again and it felt so positive it decided to apply for an IPF grant to do something fun: advocating for a change in SOL rules.
When it awoke, it found it had grown so old[11] it would have to become a grad student and join the GSS. But on the way to the GSS building it met someone who said they had the power to interpret dreams.
“You must have ESP,” said the Unecorn.
“Better than that. I am an ESP, and I can tell you that the most practical thing for you to do is become a DAP student.”
So the Unecorn headed to Sauder. But before it could get there it fell into another deep sleep and dreamed of crimes and thought it should consult the CSI[12] or at least Educom or LPC. Or maybe SLCC.
“Or maybe,” it thought, “I should apply to get some money from CPAC.”
“It’s called Student Spaces now,” said someone from Fincom, “and it really shouldn’t be used for dream expenditures.”
So the Unecorn walked sadly away, thinking perhaps it should just go watch a movie put on by Filmsoc in the Norm. But on the way it saw people with signs.
“What’s going on?” it asked.
“It’s the referendum,” said an official looking person who said he was the EA. “It’s about selling the lodge in Whistler. That’s what BAGB recommended.”
“What’s a BAGB?” said the Unecorn.[13] “I’ve heard of honey bees and bumble bees, but a BAGB?”
“No, no,” said the EA, “it’s the Business and Administration Governance Board.”
“Oh,” said the Unecorn. “That sounds very intimidating, and why do you call it one thing when its name is really another?”
“Oh, it’s just to make things easier,” said the EA. “But I have to go now. I have a referendum to oversee.”
“It doesn’t seem easier to me,” said the Unecorn, but then an AVP came along and said, “Here, read this, and everything was made clear.”
“Wow,” said the Unecorn, and lived happily ever after.
ACF: Arts County Fair
AGM: Annual General Meeting
AMS: Alma Mater Society
Aquasoc: the Aquatic Society, an AMS club which runs the scuba shop
AUS: Arts Undergraduate Society
AVP: Associate Vice-President
BAFCOM: Business and Facilities Committee (defunct AMS standing committee)
BAGB: Business and Administration Governance Board
BCIT: British Columbia Institute of Technology
BoG: Board of Governors
CACUSS – Canadian Association of College and University Student Services
CASA: Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (federal student association AMS used to belong to)
C+CP: Campus and Community Planning (UBC Department)
CFS: Canadian Federation of Students (the other federal student association)
CiTR: the student radio station
CORP: Committee for Organizational Review & Planning (1994 committee which produced a report that led to major AMS structural reorganization)
CPAC: Capital Projects Acquisition and Construction (old name for the AMS fund now called Student Spaces Fund)
CSHG: Canadian Student Horizons Group (group of student societies, including the AMS, which formerly owned part of Travelcuts)
CSI: Centre for Student Involvement and Careers (UBC body)
CUS: Commerce Undergraduate Society
CVC: Chinese Varsity Club
DAP: Diploma in Accounting program
EA: Elections Administrator
EC: Elections Committee
ECSS: Executive Coordinator of Student Services
Educom: the Education Committee (an AMS standing committee)
ESP: Enrollment Services Professional (UBC advisers)
EUS: Engineering Undergraduate Society
F&B: AMS Food and Beverage Department (the Pit, the moon, etc.)
Filmsoc: AMS Film Society (a club; it shows films in the Norm)
Fincom: the Finance Commission
GAP: Genocide Awareness Project (U.S. anti-abortion group)
GCC: Grad Class Council
GSA: Graduate Students Association (old name for the GSS; it currently still exists for certain legal purposes)
GSS: Graduate Students Society
GVRD: Greater Vancouver Regional District (the governing body for Greater Vancouver; now called Metro Vancouver)
IPF: Innovative Projects Fund (joint AMS-UBC project funded by AMS)
ISA: International Students Association (AMS club)
JV: Journal Voucher (used in AMS financial transactions)
LEAP: Learning Enhancement Academic Partnership Program (UBC program)
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (rating system for green buildings: LEED Platinum, LEED Gold, etc.)
LFS: Land and Food Studies (the former Agriculture Undergraduate Society)
LPC: Legislative Procedures Committee (AMS standing committee)
MASS: Meekison Arts Social Space (AUS social space for Arts students in Buchanan building)
MOA: Museum of Anthropology
MoU: Memorandum of Understanding
MUG leader: My University Group leader (guiding first years through orientations)
NSSE: National Survey of Student Engagement (U.S. survey of universities)
OCP: Official Community Plan (GVRD plan for campus development)
Photosoc: Photo Society (AMS club)
PSP: Pacific Spirit Place (University-run food court in SUB)
REC: UBC Recreation (includes Intramurals)
Robocom: Restructuring of Business Operations Committee (an ad hoc AMS committee)
SAC: Student Administrative Commission
SALA: School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
SASC: Sexual Assault Support Centre
SEC: Student Environment Centre (an AMS student resource group)
SEEDS: Social Ecological Economic Development Studies (UBC sustainability program)
SFU: Simon Fraser University
SLAIS: School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
SLC: Student Leadership Conference (annual UBC-AMS conference)
SLCC: Student Life and Communications Committee
SLFS: Student Legal Fund Society
SOL: Special Occasion Licence (for alcohol functions)
SRC: Student Recreation Centre
SUB: Student Union Building
SUDS: Student Union Development Summit (annual conference at UBC, formerly the Student Union Development Symposium)
SUS: Science Undergraduate Society
TA: Teaching Assistant
TLEF: Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund, a UBC fund
TRC: Truth and Reconciliation Commission
UAC: University Athletics Council or U-Pass Advisory Committee
UBC: University of British Columbia
UBCO: the Okanagan campus of UBC
UBCSUO: UBC Student Union – Okanagan (the student society at UBCO)
UEL: University Endowment Lands
UNA: University Neighbourhoods Association (non-student residents of campus area)
UNBC: University of Northern British Columbia (Prince George)
Unecorn: University and External Relations Committee (an AMS standing committee)
U-Pass: the universal transit pass for UBC students
UVic: University of Victoria
VFM: Voter-Funded Media (old name for the contest for media covering AMS elections; now called VoterMedia)
VOC: Varsity Outdoors Club (AMS club)
VST: Vancouver School of Theology, a college affiliated with UBC
WOW: Whistler Orientation Weekend for new Council members, commissioners, etc.
WUSC: World University Services of Canada (its UBC branch is an AMS club)
[1] Picture of a unicorn, alongside a committee labelled University and External Relations Committee.
[2] Cathedral / the Meekison Arts Student Space
[3] Science Undergraduate Society photo
[4] photo of Arts County Fair (labelled as such), with its dates
[5] seeds and UBC SEEDS program
[6] bog/ Board of Governors
[7] Alma Mater Society; our logo perhaps?
[8] photo of SUB
[9] beer/a MUG leader/Student Union Development Summit
[10] bed picture/something indicating Student Administrative Commission/clubs etc.
[11] old-looking unicorn
[12] Gil Grissom/centre for student involvement
[13] pictures of bees