Exclusions Reasons 32 Studies Meeting Initial Screening Criteria
ID / Author / Title / Main Reason for Exclusion1 / Rubin, Lisa, R.; Tanenbaum, Molly / "Does That Make Me A Woman?": Breast Cancer, Mastectomy, and Breast Reconstruction Decisions Among Sexual Minority Women / African Americans not included in sample
2 / Rowan, Diana; DeSousa, Maysa; Randall, Ethan, Makai; White, Chelsea; Holley, Lamont / "We're Just Targeted as the Flock That Has HIV" : Health Care Experiences of Members of the House/Ball Culture / Not focused on shared decision making (SDM)
3 / Wohl, Ar; Garland, Wh; Witt, Md; Valencia, R; Boger, A; Squires, K; Kovacs, A; Larsen, R; Hader, S; Anthony, M; Frye, D; Weidle, Pj / An adherence-focused case management intervention for HIV-positive patients in a public care setting / Not focused on SDM
4 / Bogart, Laura M.; Wagner, Glenn J.; Galvan, Frank H.; Klein, David J. / Longitudinal relationships between antiretroviral treatment adherence and discrimination due to HIV-serostatus, race, and sexual orientation among African-American men with HIV. / Not focused on SDM
5 / Oh, Debora Lee; Sarafian, Farjad; Silvestre, Anthony; Brown, Todd; Jacobson, Lisa; Badri, Sheila; Detels, Roger / Evaluation of adherence and factors affecting adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy among White, Hispanic, and Black men in the MACS cohort. / Not focused on SDM
6 / Traeger, Lara; O'Cleirigh, Conall; Skeer, Margie; Mayer, Kenneth; Safren, Steven / Risk factors for missed HIV primary care visits among men who have sex with men / Not focused on SDM
7 / Halkitis, P; Parsons, J; Wolitski, R; Remien, R / Characteristics of HIV antiretroviral treatments, access and adherence in an ethnically diverse sample of men who have sex with men / Not focused on SDM
8 / Bouris, Alida; Voisin, Dexter; Pilloton, Molly; Flatt, Natasha; Eavou, Rebecca; Hampton, Kischa; Kuhns, Lisa M.; Eder, Milton; Schneider, John A. / Project nGage: Network Supported HIV Care Engagement for Younger Black Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Persons. / Not focused on SDM
9 / Groff, Jy; Mullen, Pd; Byrd, T; Shelton, Aj; Lees, E; Goode, J / Decision making, beliefs, and attitudes toward hysterectomy: a focus group study with medically underserved women in Texas / No analysis on the intersection of race/ethnicity and sexual identity. They include Lesbians in their analysis, but do not discuss their race/ethnicity
10 / Seaver, Margaret R.; Freund, Karen M.; Wright, Leslie M.; Tjia, Jennifer; Frayne, Susan M. / Healthcare preferences among lesbians: a focus group analysis. / Race/ethnicity of participants not reported
11 / Stein, G.L. / Physician-patient relationships among the lesbian and gay community / Only 7% African Americans included in the sample
12 / Maulsby, Cathy; Millett, Greg; Lindsey, Kali; Kelley, Robin; Johnson, Kim; Montoya, Daniel; Holtgrave, David / HIV Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in the United States: A Review of the Literature / Systematic review - No human data/participants included
13 / Van den Berg, Jacob John / Stigma, psychological distress, and health-related quality of life among persons living with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in the United States / Not focused on SDM
14 / Garrison, Orsolya Monika / Impact of physician appointment on HAART adherence among HIV/AIDS population in a public clinic for HIV/AIDS, in Houston, Texas; a cross-sectional design using logistic regression modeling / Not focused on SDM
15 / Tobin, Karin; Kuramoto, Satoko, J.; German, Danielle; Fields, Errol; Spikes, Pilgrim, S.; Patterson, Jocelyn; Latkin, Carl / Unity in Diversity: Results of a Randomized Clinical Culturally Tailored Pilot HIV Prevention Intervention Trial in Baltimore, Maryland, for African American Men Who Have Sex With Men / Not focused on SDM
16 / Frew, Paula M.; Williams, Victoria A.; Shapiro, Eve T.; Sanchez, Travis; Rosenberg, Eli S.; Fenimore, Vincent L.; Sullivan, Patrick S. / From (Un)Willingness to InvolveMENt: Development of a Successful Study Brand for Recruitment of Diverse MSM to a Longitudinal HIV Research. / Not focused on SDM
17 / Durso, L.E.; Meyer, I.H. / Patterns and predictors of disclosure of sexual orientation to healthcare providers among lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals / Not focused on SDM
18 / Boehmer, Ulrike; Linde, Rhonda; Freund, Karen M. / Breast reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer: the decisions of sexual minority women. / Not focused on SDM
19 / Sherman, Michelle D.; Kauth, Michael R.; Shipherd, Jillian C.; Street, Richard L. Jr / Communication between VA providers and sexual and gender minority veterans: a pilot study. / Only 12% (n=7) of sample included African Americans and authors don't provide any race-based analysis or any did not discuss intersection between race/ethnicity and LGBT
20 / Bernstein, K.T.; Liu, K.-L.; Begier, E.M.; Koblin, B.; Karpati, A.; Murrill, C. / Same-sex attraction disclosure to health care providers among New York City men who have sex with men: Implications for HIV testing approaches / Not focused on SDM
21 / Boehmer, Ulrike; Freund, Karen M.; Linde, Rhonda / Support providers of sexual minority women with breast cancer: who they are and how they impact the breast cancer experience. / Not focused on SDM
22 / Hiestand, K. R.; Horne, S. G.; Levitt, H. M. / Effects of gender identity on experiences of healthcare for sexual minority women. / Only 4.6% of sample included African Americans and there was no race based analysis or information on the intersection between race/ethnicity and LGBT
23 / Boehmer, U.; Case, P. / Physicians don't ask, sometimes patients tell: Disclosure of sexual orientation among women with breast carcinoma / African Americans not included in sample
24 / Politi, M.C.; Clark, M.A.; Armstrong, G.; McGarry, K.A.; Sciamanna, C.N. / Patient-provider communication about sexual health among unmarried middle-aged and older women / Race/ethnicity of participants was not reported
25 / Rhodes, S.D.; Yee, L.J.; Hergenrather, K.C. / Hepatitis A vaccination among young African American men who have sex with men in the deep south: Psychosocial predictors / Not focused on SDM
26 / Mostade, S. Jeffrey / Components of internalized homophobia, self-disclosure of sexual orientation to physician, and durable power of attorney for health care completion in older gay men. / Only included 7 African American participants out of 105 (majority where White). Did not provide any racial analysis.
27 / Millett, Gregorio A.; Ding, Helen; Marks, Gary; Jeffries, William L. 4th; Bingham, Trista; Lauby, Jennifer; Murrill, Christopher; Flores, Stephen; Stueve, Ann / Mistaken assumptions and missed opportunities: correlates of undiagnosed HIV infection among black and Latino men who have sex with men. / Not focused on SDM
28 / Facione, Nc; Facione, Pa / Perceived prejudice in healthcare and women's health protective behavior / Not focused on SDM
29 / Labig, Chalmer E. Jr; Peterson, Tim O. / Sexual minorities and selection of a primary care physician in a midwestern U.S. city. / Not focused on SDM
30 / Magnus, Manya; Herwehe, Jane; Murtaza-Rossini, Michelli; Reine, Petera; Cuffie, Damien; Gruber, DeAnn; Kaiser, Michael / Linking and Retaining HIV Patients in Care: The Importance of Provider Attitudes and Behaviors / Not focused on SDM
31 / Schilder, Aj; Kennedy, C; Goldstone, Il; Ogden, Rd; Hogg, Rs; O'Shaughnessy, Mv / "Being dealt with as a whole person." Care seeking and adherence: the benefits of culturally competent care / African Americans not included in sample
32 / Mason, Hrc; Simoni, Jm; Marks, G; Johnson, Cj; Richardson, Jl / Missed opportunities? Disclosure of HIV infection and support seeking among HIV+ African-American and European-American men / Not focused on SDM