Economic and Social Impacts of Farm Restructuring
Pretest Version DRAFT 2827OCTOBER November 2003
The aim of the Survey is to help the World Bank to assess the economic and social impacts of farms restructuring in order to advise the Government on measures that could improve the outcomes.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
All information provided would be totally confidential. Data will only be used in aggregate form. Names and details of individuals will not be released to Government Department or any other organisation or to the Public.
Neither your name nor your address will ever be associated with the information that you have given.
Interviewee Name:______
District, sector:______
Survey Code No.:______
Date of Interview:Day ____ Month ______2003
Farm size* / 5 ha / 5-15 ha / > 15 ha* Based on all land used for farming (owned, leased or used under other arrangements.
Interviewer name______
SECTION A – LAND ownership and land transactions
Interviewer: Make sure that the respondent is the farm manager who is the most knowledgeable about the farm’s activities – no exceptions!]
A1) How old are you?___(A01)_____ years
A2) What is your education? (A02) CUSTOMIZE
Circle ONE (= highest achieved)Higher (university and higher)Higher (university) / 1
Incomplete higher Uncompleted High / 22
Secondary professional Technical cCollege / 3
Secondary, general Polyvalent (pProfessional (vocational) school / 4
Primary school LyceumHigh school / 5
NoneSecondary school / 6
A3) Do you have any special education in agriculture or farm management? (A03)
Yes / 1No / 2
A43) What is your farm organization at present? (A04)
Circle ONEPeasant farm Full partnership / 1
Individual enterprise Mixed partnership
/ 2Limited Liability Company / 3
Joint Stock Company Public corporation
/ 4Peasant Farms Association Close corporation / 5
Agricultural cooperatives / 6
Non-commercial (non-governmental) organization / 7
Natural person engaged in entrepreneurial activity without setting up a legal entity / 8
Peasant farm / 9
Other (specify)__(A0400) / 107
A55) In which year was the farm / agricultural enterprise established in its current form / legal status? ___(A05)___
A64) Has the farm / agricultural enterprise existed before in a different form / legal status? (A06)
/ 1No
/ 2A7) Did the farm benefit from an agricultural project in your area in the last 5 years? (A07)
/ 1No
/ 2A876) How many members/shareholders does the farm include? _____(A08)_____
A9) How much land is owned by the farm in JURIDICAL TERMS?
A87) / Area (ha)2 1 Shares of farm members / A0901
3 2 Purchased land / A0902
4 3 Inherited land / A0903
7 4 Leased out land / A0904
5 Other land (specify) (A090500) / A0905
6 TOTAL LAND privately owned by farm [without community owned land or communal land; interviewer: do not fill in yourself, but carefully prompt respondent, if 1+2+3+4+5 do not add up to 6] / A0906
A10) How much land does the farm use? [0 if farm does not use land; no blanks; consistency check 2+3+4+5+6=1]
Area (ha)1 Total land used / A1001
of which
2 Own land (incl. purchased or inherited)
/ A10023 Leased land / A1003
4 Land that the farm does not own or lease [including community owned land or communal land] / A1004
6 Other land (specify) (A100500) / A1005
A11) Out of the total land USED, how much is
[blanks only if q.A9 =0; otherwise value ≥ 0; consistency check 1+2+3+4+5 = q.A10 total land used]
Area (ha)1 Arable land
/ A11012 Orchards
/ A11023 Vineyards
/ A11034 Hayfields and pastures
/ A11045 Other (specify) (A110500) / A1105
FM A9 – A17: In CIS formally the land cannot be sold but definitely de facto may have changed the hands for cash. We might have to take this questions out or use a more general term – “obtained” or something.
A1298) Did the farm buy land since it was created in its present form? (A12)
Yes / 1 / Go to q. A1309No / 2 / Go to q. A1521
A1309) IF YES, when did the farm buy land, how many hectares, from whom, and how much did the farm pay per ha of purchased land, and was the transaction registered? [blank only if q.A12 = no, otherwise all values > 0]
When (year)? / Area (ha) / From whom? / Price / ha, including monetary value of payments in kind (local currencyMDL) / Was the transaction registered?1 – Yes
2 - No
1 / A130101 / A130102 / A130103 / A130104 / A130105
2 / A130201 / A130202 / A130203 / A130204 / A130205
3 / A130301 / A130302 / A130303 / A130304 / A130305
4 / A130401 / A130402 / A130403 / A130404 / A130405
5 / A130501 / A130502 / A130503 / A130504 / A130505
1 - Private household based farmers
2 – Old or disabled person who is physically not able to farmRetirees customize
3 - Other iIndividuals not engaged in farming
4 – Other fLarge farm enterprise customize
5 – Municipality / State
7 – Religious institutions customize
86 – Other (specify) (A130003)
A1410) If the farm bought land, what were the three main reason for purchasing land? (A1401) (A1402) (A1403)
Circle max. THREEPurchased land is near farm / 1
High quality of purchased land / 2
Purchased land has access to irrigation / 53
Purchased land is close to market / transport / 64
Profitable to cultivate more land / 35
Enough manpower available to cultivate more land / 46
Wanted to have secure ownership of more landConfidence in security of tenure of purchased land / 87
Other reason (specify) (A1400) / 98
A1521) Could the farm purchase (more) land if it wanted to? [ask everybody] (A15)
/ 1No / 2
A1632) What are the three main difficulties to purchasing (more) land? [ask everybody] (A1601) (A1602) (A1603)
Circle max. THREENobody in the farm's area wants to sell land.Nobody in the area wants to sell land. / 1
Farm management does not know who in the farm's area wants to sell land.I do not know who in the area wants to sell land. / 2
Difficult to determine appropriate land price.Difficult to determine the appropriate land price. / 3
Farm management does not know if there is a legal basis for purchasing land. / 4
Farm management does not know which authority deals with land transactions in the farm’s area.I do not know which authority deals with land transactions in the farm’s area. / 54
The land transaction process (legal aspects, registration) seems complicated and is unclear to farm managers.The land transaction process (legal aspects, registration) seems complicated and is unclear to farm managersis complicated. / 465
Land transaction process is expensive.Land transaction process (legal aspects, registration) is expensive. / 576
Farm does not have the financial means to purchase land.Farm does not have the financial means to purchase land. / 687
Other reason (specify) A1600Other reason (specify) / 98
No difficultiesNo difficulties / 109
A1743) Did the farm sell land since it was created in its present form? (A17)
/ 1 / Go to q. A1854No / 2 / Go to q. A20176
A1854) IF YES, when did the farm sell land, how many hectares, to whom, and how much did the farm receive per ha of sold land, and was the transaction registered? [blank only if q.A17 = no, otherwise all values > 0]
When (year)? / Area (ha) /To whom?
/ Price / ha, including monetary value of payments in kind (local currencyMDL) / Was the transaction registered?1 – Yes
2 - No
1 / A180101 / A180102 / A180103 / A180104 / A180105
2 / A180201 / A180202 / A180203 / A180204 / A180205
3 / A180301 / A180302 / A180303 / A180304 / A180305
4 / A180401 / A180402 / A180403 / A180404 / A180405
5 / A180501 / A180502 / A180503 / A180504 / A180505
1 - Private household based farm
2 - Individual not engaged in farming
3 – Other farm enterprise
4 – Municipality / State
5 – Other (specify) A1800031 - Private farmers
2 – Retirees customize
3 - Other individuals not engaged in farming
4 – Large farm enterprise customize
5 – Municipality / State customize
7 – Religious institutions customize
8 – Other (specify)
A19165) If the farm sold land, what were the main reasons for selling land? (A1901) (A1902) (A1903)
Circle max. THREEPlot Too too far from the farm / 1
Land of very poor quality / 2
Not profitable to cultivate / 3
Cannot get necessary inputs / 4
Not enough money / 5
Not enough manpower / 6
Other reason (specify) (A1900) / 78
A20176) Does the farm currently lease land from non-members? (A20)
/ 1 / Go to q. A21187No / 2 / Go to q. A232019
A21187) IF YES, how many hectares does the farm lease, from whom, how much does the farm pay per ha of leased land, and for what period, and was the transaction registered?? [blank only if q.A20 = no, otherwise all values > 0]
Area (ha) / From whom? / Cash paid per ha, (MDL; per year)Cash/ha (local currency) / Value of products in kind paid per hectare (MDL; per year)In kind
% of harvest
Value of products in kind (local currency/ha) / Term (years) / Was the transaction registered??
1 – Yes
2 - No
1 / A210101 / A210102 / A210103 / A210104 / A210105 / A210106
2 / A210201 / A210202 / A210203 / A210204 / A210205 / A210206
3 / A210301 / A210302 / A210303 / A210304 / A210305 / A210306
4 / A210401 / A210402 / A210403 / A210404 / A210405 / A210406
5 / A210501 / A210502 / A210503 / A210504 / A210505 / A210506
1 - Private household based farm
2 – Old or disabled person who is physically not able to farm customize
3 - Individual not engaged in farming
4 – Other farm enterprise
5 – Municipality / State
6 – Other (specify) (A210002)1 - Private farmers
2 – Retirees customize
3 - Other individuals not engaged in farming
4 – Large farm enterprise customize
5 – Municipality / State customize
7 – Religious institutions customize
8 – Other (specify)
A19228) If the farm currently does lease in land, what are the main reasons for renting in land? (A2201) (A2202) (A2203)
Circle max. THREELeased in land is near farm / 1
High quality of leased in land / 2
Leased in land has access to irrigation / 35
Leased in land is close to market / transportation / 46
Profitable to cultivate more land / 53
Enough manpower available to cultivate more land / 64
Other reason (specify) (A2200) / 78
A23019) Could the farm lease in (more) land if it wanted to? [ask everybody] (A23)
Yes / 1No / 2
A2410) What are the main difficulties to renting in (more) land? [ask everybody] (A2401) (A2402) (A2403)
Circle max. THREENobody in the farm's my area wants to lease out land. / 1
Farm management does not know I do not know if there are farmers / farm enterprises who in the farm's my area who wants to lease out land. / 2
Difficult to determine I do not know the appropriate price for renting. / 3
I Farm management does not know do not know if there is a legal basis for renting land. / 4
I do Farm management not does not know which authority deals with land transactions in the farm’s area. / 56
The land transaction process (legal aspects, registration) seems complicated and is unclear to farm managers. / 67
Land transaction process is expensive. / 78
Farm does not have the financial means to lease land. / 8
Other reason (specify) / 899
No difficulties / 10
A2521) Does the farm currently lease out land? (A25)
Yes / 1 / Go to q. B2632No / 2 / Go to q. B2854
A2632) IF YES, how many hectares does the farm lease out, to whom, at what price, and for what period, and was the transaction registered? ?[blank only if q.A25 = no, otherwise all values > 0]
Area (ha) / To whom? / Cash received per /ha, (local currencyMDL; per year) / In kind Value of products in kind received per hectare (MDL/ha; per year)% of harvest
Value of products in kind (local currency/ha) / Term (years) / Was the transaction registered?
1 – Yes
2 - No
1 / A260101 / A260102 / A260103 / A260104 / A260105 / A260106
2 / A260201 / A260202 / A260203 / A260204 / A260205 / A260206
3 / A260301 / A260302 / A260303 / A260304 / A260305 / A260306
4 / A260401 / A260402 / A260403 / A260404 / A260405 / A260406
5 / A260501 / A260502 / A260503 / A260504 / A260505 / A260506
1 - Private household based farm
2 - Individual not engaged in farming
3 – Other farm enterprise
4 – Municipality / State
5 – Other (specify) (A260002)1 - Private farmers
2 – Retirees customize
3 - Other individuals not engaged in farming
4 – Large farm enterprise customize
5 – Municipality / State customize
7 – Religious institutions customize
8 – Other (specify)
A2743) If the farm currently does lease out land, what are the main reasons for renting out land? (A2701) (A2702) (A2703)
Circle max. THREEPlot Too too far from the farm / 1
Land of very poor quality / 2
Not profitable to cultivate / 3
Cannot get necessary inputs / 4
Not enough money / 5
Not enough manpower / 6
Other reason (specify) / 78
A2854) Does the farm carry out some farm activities jointly with other farms/farmers? (A28)
Yes / 1 / Go to q. A2695No / 2 / Go to Section B
A2965) What are these activities, what formal or legal (or informal) form of cooperation did the farm choose and what is your opinion on the current level of cooperation?
Activities / Form of cooperation (circle ONE answer) / Cooperation level (circle ONE answer)1 Production of crops and livestock / A290101 / A290102
2 Processing / A290201 / A290202
3 Sale of products / A290301 / A290302
4 Joint use of machinery and equipment
/ A290401 / A2904025 Purchase of farm inputs
/ A290501 / A2905026 Mutual credit / A290601 / A290602
7 Consulting and professional advice / A290701 / A290702
8 Other (specify) ____(A290800)______/ A290801 / A290802
B1) What is the total area of land that the of the farm that is cultivated uses (excluding land rented out to others): ______ha
B2) Out of which:
1 Arable land / ha2 Orchards
/ ha3 Vineyards
/ ha4 Hayfields and pastures
54 Other / haB13) Please describe the livestock that the farm owns at present:
Animal / At this moment, how many heads of livestock does the farm have? [0 if none] / Quantity sold for cash or barter in 2003 last 12 months (heads) [heads ≥ 0] / Average price per unit sold (MDL)[blank only if qty. sold =0]Sales Revenue ( local currency) / MainMarketing Channel
(ONE only) [blank only if qty. sold =0] / In the farm’s main marketing channel, did the farm market under contract?
1- Yes
2 -–No [blank only if qty. sold =0] / In the farm’s main marketing channel, how many weeks after delivery is the farm paid? [value ≥0, 0 if paid at delivery; blank only if qty. sold =0]]
1 Cattle
/ B010101 / B010102 / B010103 / B010104 / B010105 / B0101062 of which:
Dairy Cows / B010201 / B010202 / B010203 / B010204 / B010205 / B010206
3 Hogs PigsCustomize / B010301 / B010302 / B010303 / B010304 / B010305 / B010306
4 Sheep, goats / B010401 / B010402 / B010403 / B010404 / B010405 / B010406
5 Poultry / B010501 / B010502 / B010503 / B010504 / B010505 / B010506
6 Horses / B010601 / B010602 / B010603 / B010604 / B010605 / B010606
7 Other (B010700) / B010701 / B010702 / B010703 / B010704 / B010705 / B010706
1 – Directly to consumers (market, door to door, by the road)
2 – Wholesalers, traders
3 – Agro-pProcessing enterprises
4 – Procurement enterprise
5 – Large Other farm enterprise
6 – Farmer association / cooperation
7 – On CIS and neighboring markets
8 – On other foreign markets
9 – Other (specify) (B010004)
B4) IF the farm does have dairy cows, how much milk did the farm get from ONE COW give on average per day in 2003in last 12 months? [blank only if farm does not have dairy cow in q.B1]
(B04) / LitersB5) IF the farm does have sheeps, how much milk did ONE SHEEP give on average per day in 2003in last 12 months? [blank only if farmer does not have sheep in q.B1]
B05 / lLitersB65) Indicate the 2003 farm production of the last 12 months and the marketing channels used. [Only fill in white fields].:
/ Area cultivated (ha ) [value ≥ 0; no blanks] / Total production (quintals) [value ≥ 0; blank only if area =0] / Consumption by workers and quantity given away for free or used on the farm (quintals) [value ≥ 0; blank only if production =0 or production =blank] / Sales in cash or barter in the last 12 monthsQuantity sold for cash or barter / MainMarketing Channel
(ONE only) [blank only if qty. sold =0 or =blank] / In the farm’s main marketing channel, did the farm market under contract?
1- Yes
2 -–No [blank only if qty. sold =0 or =blank] / In tbe farm’s main marketing channel, how many weeks after delivery is the farm paid? [value ≥0, 0 if paid at delivery; blank only if qty. sold =0 or =blank]
Quantity (quintals) [value ≥ 0; blank only if production =0]kg / Average price per unit sold (MDL) [blank only if qty. sold =0]Sales revenue (local currency)
1 Grain / B060101 / B060102 / B060103 / B060104 / B060105 / B060106 / B060107 / B060108
2 Sunflower
seeds / B060201 / B060202 / B060203 / B060204 / B060205 / B060206 / B060207 / B060208
3 Vegetables / B060301 / B060302 / B060303 / B060304 / B060305 / B060306 / B060307 / B060308
4 Potatoes / B060401 / B060402 / B060403 / B060404 / B060405 / B060406 / B060407 / B060408
5 Sugar beets / B060501 / B060502 / B060503 / B060504 / B060505 / B060506 / B060507 / B060508
6 Other field crops / B060601 / B060602 / B060603 / B060604 / B060605 / B060606 / B060607 / B060608
7 Fruits & berries / B060701 / B060702 / B060703 / B060704 / B060705 / B060706 / B060707 / B060708
8 Grapes / B060801 / B060802 / B060803 / B060804 / B060805 / B060806 / B060807 / B060808
9 Wool (kg) / B060901 / B060902 / B060903 / B060904 / B060905 / B060906 / B060907 / B060908
10 Cotton (kg) / B061001 / B061002 / B061003 / B061004 / B061005 / B061006 / B061007 / B061008
11 Meat (kg) / B061102 / B061103 / B061104 / B061105 / B061106 / B061107 / B061108
12 Meat products (kg) / B061202 / B061203 / B061204 / B061205 / B061206 / B061207 / B061208
13 Milk (liters) / B061302 / B061303 / B061304 / B061305 / B061306 / B061307 / B061308
14 Milk
products (kg) / B061402 / B061403 / B061404 / B061405 / B061406 / B061407 / B06140815 Eggs (pieces) / B061502 / B061503 / B061504 / B061505 / B061506 / B061507 / B061508
162 Fruit and
preserves (quintals) / B061602 / B061603 / B061604 / B061605 / B061606 / B061607 / B061608
17 Other (specify)
B061700 / B061702 / B061703 / B061704 / B061705 / B061706 / B061707 / B061708
1 – Directly to consumers (market, door to door, by the road)
2 – Wholesalers, traders
3 – Agro-pProcessing enterprises
4 – Procurement enterprise
5 – Other fLarge farm enterprise
6 – Farmer association / cooperation
7 – On CIS and neighboring markets
8 – On other foreign markets
9 – Other (specify) (B060006)
B76) Could the farm market more of its agricultural produce if it wanted to? [ask everybody] (B07)
Yes / 1No / 2
B87) What are the main problems related to marketing agricultural produce? [ask everybody]
Product / Main difficulty difficulties (circle max. THREE!)1 Crops / 2 Livestock products
B080101 / B080102
B080201 / B080202
B080301 / B080302
B080001 / B080002
2 – Min. quantity requirements explain to interviewers
3 – Transportation problems
4 – Do not know enough buyers
5 – Do not know price
6 – Other difficulties (B080001) (B080002)
7 – No difficulties
There might be administratively fixed prices / regulated marketing system for some products in some countries which cause problems for marketing. Add if relevant.
SECTION C – Farming Inputs, Equipment, and access to information
C1) What labor has the farm used this year in the last 12 months?
(Include those who receive WAGE IN CASH OR IN KIND for work undertaken. Do not include laborers hired together with their equipment or machinery. “Hired outsiders” are laborers working on the farm that are not members or shareholders in the farm.) [0 if none, no blanks!]
Full-timeNumbero. of laborers workersTotaltotal / Part-timePermanent - full-timeFull time work / Amount paid in the last 12 months, cash and cash equivalent of in-kind payment
(MDL)Total cost in local currency (amount paid in cash or cash equivalent of in-kind payment)
Number personsMale / Number daysFem. / Number personsMale / Number daysFem.
1 Members/shareholders PERMANENT / C010101 / C010102 / C010103 / C010104 / C010105
2 Hired outsiders PERMANENT / C010201 / C010202 / C010203 / C010204 / C010205
C2) What tasks on the farm are typically performed by men or women or both on the farm, before dismantling of the sovkhoz / kolkhoz farmfarm restructuring (FIRST RECALL YEAR CUSTOMIZE) and today?
Before dismantling of the sovkhoz / kolkhoz farmBefore farm restructuring1- Men
2 – Women
3 – Both / Today
1- Men
2 – Women
3 – Both
1 Livestock / cattle / C020101 / C020102
2 Poultry/ rabbits / C020201 / C020202
3 Operating machinery / C020301 / C020302
4 Fieldwork / C020401 / C020402
5 Marketing / C020501 / C020502
6 Administration, payments, paperwork / C020601 / C020602
7 Management / C020701 / C020702
8 On-farm social services (cafeteria, childcare, health services, etc.) / C020801 / C020802
C3) Please specify what inputs the farm has utilized this year in the last 12 months in farm production, where the farm obtained them from, and what problems the farm had accessing adequate inputs:
Input / Quantity used (quintals) [value ≥ 0; no blanks] / Quantity taken from own production (quintals) [value ≥ 0; blank only if qty. used =0] / Quantity purchased (quintals) [value ≥ 0; blank only if qty. used =0] / Average price paid per purchased kg [value >0; blank only if qty. purchased =0] / Main source(max. twoONE only!) [blank only if qty. used =0] / Indicate problem(s) in getting production inputs [ask everybody]:
Circle max. THREE important problemsIndicate problem(s) in getting production inputs (max. THREE)
1 Seeds / C030101 / C030102 / C030103 / C030104 / C030105 / C030106 / C030107 / C030108 / C030109
2 Fertilizers / C030201 / C030202 / C030203 / C030204 / C030205 / C030206 / C030207 / C030208 / C030209
3 Crop protection chemicals / C030301 / C030302 / C030303 / C030304 / C030305 / C030306 / C030307 / C030308 / C030309
4 Animal feed / C030401 / C030402 / C030403 / C030404 / C030405 / C030406 / C030407 / C030408 / C030409
1 – Obtained from other large farmfarm enterprise in lieu of fees.
2 – Purchased from other large farm enterprise
3 – Purchased on market / commercial enterprise
4 – Received from processor agro-processing enterprise / trader as part of contract
5 – Taken from own production
6 – Other source (specify) (C030005) (C030006) / 1 – Lack of cash
2 – High price
3 - Absence on the market
4 – Low quality
5 – Transportation problems
6 – Other (specify) (C030007) (C030008) (C030009)
7 – No problems
C4) Estimate the total value of the farm assets that the farm presently owns. [0 if not available or value =0; no blanks!]:
Farm Assets / Market vValue in local currencyMDL1 Buildings / C0401
2 Machinery and equipment / C0402
3 Livestock / C0403
4 TreesFruit trees, vineyards / C0404
5 Land / C0405
C5) Please indicate the machinery in working condition that the farm uses [interviewer: the important is the use of machinery, it does not matter if owned or rented, or borrowed, etc.]: