At a meeting of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy Member Working Group held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth, on Monday 7February from 5.00pm to 6.05m.

Present:-Councillors Martin Trevett (Chairman), Phil Brading, Geoffrey Dunne, Stephen Giles-Medhurst,Amrit Mediratta,Ann Shaw OBEand Ron Spellen.

Officers:-Renato Messere, Head of Development Plans

Claire May, Principal Planning Officer

Joanna Bowyer, Senior Planning Officer

Suzanne McGinty, Planning Officer

Janet Ide, Democratic Services.

Also in attendance: Councillor Barbara Lamb MBE and Brian White.

An apology was received from Councillor Chris Hayward.


The Minutes of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy Member Working Group meeting held on 16 and18 August 2010were agreed as a correct record.


The Group received feedback from the Public Consultation carried out between 12 November 2010 and 14 January 2011 on ‘Issues and Options’ covering secondary schools, employment, retail, open spaces and cemetery provision.


Site S(a) Mill End/Maple Cross. Land east of A405/north of A412

There had been general support for providing a school in this part of the District and it was considered that the site had good access with room to expand in the future. There were concerns about the loss of farmland impact on traffic levels with congestion when there were problems on the M25 and proximity to the M25.

Site S(b) Mill End/Maple Cross. Froghall Farm and adjoining land

There had been general support for providing a school in this part of the District and it was consideredthat the site had good access with room to expand in the future and would have less impact on the environment. There were concerns about the flood plain, impacts on traffic levels, with congestion when there were problems on the M25, and the proximity to the sewage treatment works. With regard to site ownership objections had been received from the landowner of part of site on the loss of farmland and residential properties but support had been received from another landowner.

Site S(c) Croxley Green. Land north of Little Green Lane

There had been significant concerns that the development of this site would breach the green belt boundary and would impact on the access to residential roads. There were also significant concerns about traffic implications on the already congested road network and the loss of agricultural land. Many comments had been received stating that Croxley Green already had sufficient school provision and that the need was in Mill End/Rickmansworth area.

Site S(d) Croxley Green. Land north-east of Baldwins Lane

This site was generally considered to be the best of the Croxley Green sites if a school had to be located in Croxley Green. This site would have less of an impacton the main roads and public transport. Significant concerns had beenraised about traffic implications on already congested road networks, and that the site was too small which would lead to a cramped school with no space to expand in the future. There had been many comments that Croxley Green already had sufficient school provision and that the need was in Mill End/Rickmansworth area.

Site S(e) CroxleyGreenLand west and north of Little Green Lane

There had been significant concerns that the development of this site would breach the green belt boundary and would significantly impact on the narrow residential roads/lanes. There were also significant concerns about traffic implications on the already congested road network. There were also concerns that a split site was not ideal and could lead to safety concerns. There had been many comments that Croxley Green already had sufficient school provision and that the need was in Mill End/Rickmansworth area.

Hertfordshire County Council had originally looked for one site plus one reserve site across the District but considered it would be prudent to seek the reservation of two 8FE secondary school sites in the District; one in Mill End/Maple Cross and one in Croxley Green/Watford. This would provide sufficient flexibility for the Council to bring forward either site dependent on local education requirements once a decision was made to bring forward the development.

In response to Councillor Phil Brading’s suggestion that Little Green Lane and MalvernWaySchool be combined on the Malvern Way site in order to release Little Green Lane for a secondary school, slightly improving access, the Head of Development Plans confirmed this had been discussed. This would mean that DurrantsSchool site would not then be built on, which would leave the existing Little Green Lane site plus its playing field and Durrants Playing Field, although this was not sufficient for modern standards.

It was proposed by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, seconded by Councillor Phil Brading that site (b) was the preferred site with site (d) being a contingency site. On being put to the meeting the proposal that (b) be the preferred site and (d) the contingency site was CARRIED unanimously.

Councillor Ann Shaw requested that the wording be circulated to Members of the Working Group before responding to the County Council.

Councillor Ron Spellen expressed concern at the lack of consideration of any sites in the South Oxhey area and it was agreed that the County Council be asked to reinvestigate the feasibility of South Oxhey.


that the Executive Committee be recommended to agree that :-

(1)that the responses in relation to the school sites be reported back to the County Council for their information;

(2)that Site (b) Mill End/Maple Cross - Froghall Farm and adjoining land be supported as the 'preferred' site to be taken forwards;

(3)that Site (a) Mill End/Maple Cross - land east of A405/north of A412, for reasons related to the loss of farm land, the threat to the viability of the farm, the impact on the landscape and Green Belt and the access difficulties be not supported;

(4)that Site (d) Croxley Green - land north-east of Baldwins Lane would only be considered as a 'contingency' site, in the event that Site (b) cannot be taken forwards;

(5)that Site (c) Croxley Green - land north of Little Green School for the reasons set out in the consultation document - the loss of good quality agricultural land and open countryside, the inadequate access and the adverse impact on the Green Belt in this area be not supported;

(6)that Site (e) Croxley Green- land west and north of Little Green Lane for reasons relating to impact on the Green Belt, the use of detached playing fields and poor access to the site be not supported;

(7)that further technical investigations be carried out by the County Council to test the deliverability of Sites (b) and (d) but not in relation to sites (a), (c ) and (e) which should now be excluded from further investigations;

(8)that the lack of any potential site in the South Oxhey Area was a significant omission and that the County Council give further consideration to putting forward a site in this area; and

(9)that a further report be considered by the Working Party once the County Council had considered the consultation responses and undertaken further technical investigations as detailed above.


Members of the Working Group noted the feedback from the consultation on employment sites as follows:-

Site E(a) CroxleyBusinessPark

There was support for CroxleyBusinessPark to remain allocated as employment land as it was an established BusinessPark. There were concerns about the current amount of traffic in the area and suggestions that access to the site should be improved to alleviate the traffic.


that the allocation of Croxley Business Park as Employment Land was taken through to the Preferred Options stage of the Site Allocations Document.

Site E(b) Tolpits Lane

There was support to keep Tolpits Lane allocated as employment land as it provided employment opportunities in the area. Concern was raised about the condition of Tolpits Lane and improving access to the area.


that the allocation of Tolpits Lane as Employment Land was taken through to the Preferred Options stage of the Site Allocations Document.

Site E(c) Junction Park

There was support to remove the employment allocation from the residential areas of the site as the development had already taken place.


that the EmploymentLand allocation of JunctionParkwas removed from the residential area (as detailed in the document) and the remaining allocation was taken through to the Preferred Options stage of the Site Allocations DPD.

Site E(d) Delta Gain

There was general support for the removal of employment allocation to the northern side of the site. Some concern was expressed for employment opportunities in the South Oxhey area.


that the EmploymentLand allocation was:

  • removed from the northern side of the site
  • remaining allocation be taken forward to the Preferred Options stage

Site E(e) Maple Cross

There was general support for the removal of employment allocation from the residential area and to extend the employment area to the east. Concern was expressed that the proposed extension to the employment area might have a negative effect on the proposed secondary school. There was also concern about any potential impact on the neighbouring Local Nature Reserve and Wildlife Site.


that the Employment Allocation was:

  • removed from the residential area of the site
  • extended to the east as detailed in thesite allocations document
  • taken through to the Preferred Options Stage

Site E(f) Kings Langley

There was support for removing the employment allocation from the residential areas and to allocate the remainder as mixed-use. There was concern expressed regarding the provision of parking facilities as parking was already a problem in the area.


that the Employment Allocation was

  • removed from the residential area of the site
  • changed to ‘Mixed Use’
  • taken through to the Preferred Options Stage


Members of the Working Group noted the feedback from the consultation on retail sites as follows:-

Site R(a) Abbots Langley

There was support for the allocation of Primary and Secondary Frontages in Abbots Langley.


that the Primary and Secondary Frontages were:

  • allocated as proposed in the site allocations document
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

Site R(b) Chorleywood

There was support for the allocation of Primary and Secondary Frontages as proposed. There was a suggestion that the Newsagents opposite the Library should also be allocated.


that the Primary and Secondary Frontages were:

  • allocated as proposed in thesite allocations document
  • the Newsagents opposite the Library was also allocated as a Secondary Frontage
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

Site R(c) Croxley Green

There was support for the shops on the Watford Road to be allocated as a Local Shopping Centre. There were also comments received stating that New Road was the main shopping area in Croxley Green.

The Head of Development Plans advised that New Road was not designated as a local centre.

Members of the Working Party asked what would be the consequence of centres in Croxley Green and were there any risks. The Head of Development Plans stated the only risk was that in the Local Plan and emerging Core strategy, New Road was not listed as a local designated centre and would have to go through the Local Development Framework process.

Councillor Phil Brading felt that in planning terms it would give a measure of protection if the Council was trying to retain retail activity and the Head of Development Plans said it would help clarify the role of the centre to designate it.

Members of the Working Party asked that this be taken forward to the consultation process and that the shops in New Road and Watford Road be allocated as local shopping centres.


that the shops as detailed in thesite allocations document were:

  • allocated as Local Shopping Centre
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

that New Road shops be taken through to the Preferred Options stage as a Local Shopping Centre.

Site R(d) Maple Cross

There was support for the allocation of the shops as Primary Frontages. There was concern expressed that the area was poorly served by shops.


that the shops detailed in the site allocations document were:

  • allocated as Primary Frontages
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

Site R(e) Rickmansworth

There was support for the proposed allocation of Primary and Secondary Frontages.


that the Primary and Secondary Frontages were:

  • allocated as proposed in the site allocations document
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

Site R(f) Moneyhill Parade

There was support for Moneyhill Parade to be allocated as a Local Shopping Centre. Concern was expressed about a lack of parking facilities and traffic congestion.

Members of the Working Party wished the former toilet block site next to Moneyhill Court to be included.


that the shops in Moneyhill Parade as detailed in the site allocations document were:

  • allocated as Local Shopping Centre including the converted shop
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

Site R(g) South Oxhey

There was support for the allocation of Primary and Secondary Frontages for South Oxhey.


that the Primary and Secondary Frontages are:

  • allocated as proposed in the site allocations document
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage


`Members of the Working Party noted the feedback from the consultation on open spaces as follows:-

Site OS(a): The Grove Woodland (Plaitford Close/The Byeway), Rickmansworth

There was support for the allocation of the land as Publicly Accessible Open Space.


that the land adjacent to 5 The Byeway was:

  • allocated as proposed in the site allocations document
  • taken through to the Preferred Options stage

Site OS(b): Chorleywood House Estate

There was support for the allocation of the Chorleywood House Estate grounds as Publicly Accessible Open Space. However, the consultation had identified areas of the Estate that might not be suitable for allocation either because the land had been leased by the Council for different uses or the land was not in the Council’s ownership. There were also suggestions for additional land to be included. The specific areas in question were detailed below and shown in the map in Appendix 3 of the report.

  • The Fisheries
  • Dell Farm Cottage
  • ChorleywoodCemetery
  • Chorleywood House Privategarden
  • The Scout Camp
  • Grazing Land (adjacent to Dell Farm Cottage)
  • Football Pitches
  • Grazing Land (adjacent to The Fisheries)
  • Corner of field (rear of Yeomans Keep)


(1)that the following land not owned by TRDC not be allocated as Publicly Accessible Open Space:

1 / The Fisheries
2 / Dell Farm Cottage
3 & 10 / ChorleywoodCemetery
4 / ChorleywoodHouse PrivateGarden
9 / Corner of field (rear of Yeomans Keep)

(2)that the following land leased to third parties by TRDC not be allocated as Publicly Accessible Open Space due to the terms of the leases:

5 / The Scout Camp
6 / Grazing Land (adjacent to Dell Farm Cottage)
7 / Football Pitches

(3)that the following land was allocated as publicly accessible open space which was supported by the terms of the Licence (“shall not hinder or obstruct members of the public from entering on the premises for recreational purposes”):

8 / Grazing Land (adjacent to The Fisheries)

(4)that all remaining land as shown in Appendix 3was:

  • allocated as Publicly Accessible Open Space
  • taken forward to the Preferred Options stage

Site OS(c): Land north of South Way (Horsefield/Furtherfield), Leavesden

There was support for the allocation of the land known as Horsefield and Furtherfield to be allocated as Publicly Accessible Open Space.


that Horsefield and Furtherfield be:

  • allocated as Publicly Accessible Open Space
  • taken forward to the Preferred Options stage.

Site OS(d): Middleton Road, Mill End

There was support to remove the allocation of Publicly Accessible Open Space from the 3.65m strip of land to the rear of properties on Middleton Road. Comments had been received objecting to the sale of open space for the use of garden land.