Tearfund began working in Darfur, Sudan, in 2004 and currently operates in four areas Urn Dukhun, Nertiti, Ed Daein and Kass. This week, we pray for Tearfund's work in the fields of nutrition, water and sanitation, emergency response and food security in Darfur.

Sunday 1 March

The conflict in Darfur began in 2003 and ever since there has been constant displacement. More than 400,000 people have been newly displaced in 2014 alone. Give thanks that, despite this insecurity, Tearfund has been able to operate and reach those in need.

Monday 2 March

Sudan's next general election is planned for next month. Pray that this process is peaceful and transparent, and pray for the future of Sudan's leadership. Pray also that those elected have good governance and care and concern for the Sudanese people, which will help the country move forward and away from conflict.

Tuesday 3 March

So far, conflict in South Sudan has forced more than 100,000 people to cross into neighbouring Sudan. It's a hard life for a refugee: they often flee with very little and can face tribal discrimination. Pray for the hostilities in South Sudan to cease so that these refugees can return home.

Wednesday 4 March

Conflict causes many problems, but nature also plays its part. Every year Sudan experiences flooding and drought and the effects of these are magnified by the conflict. Pray for wisdom for the Tearfund team, and other agencies, who are responding to the needs of people affected by extreme weather.

Thursday 5 March

Darfur receives very little media attention, and this affects the amount of funding governments pledge to support Sudan. Pray that people will be generous towards Sudan so that Tearfund can continue to effectively and compassionately serve families in greatest need.

Friday 6 March

Working as part of the Tearfund team responding in Sudan can be stressful and dangerous. The need is great and the team encounter many difficulties. Despite this, the team serve faithfully and bring hope to many vulnerable people. Give thanks for their dedication and passion, and commit them to the Lord for protection.

Saturday 7 March

Tearfund's Kass project in South Darfur is piloting a new livelihood activity among women–soap-making! Let's praise God that this has been incredibly successful, and the women have been selling their soap at the local market to provide a source of income for their family.

Welcome to the weekend – Small group prayer idea

Write down a list of nine people whom you care about. When you get to the ninth person, stop and ask yourself, how would you feel if one of those people were suffering? Then reflect on this: we are one in Christ. So when one of our brothers or sisters in Christ is suffering because of hunger, we all suffer (1 Corinthians 12:26a).

Peace hymns in Bolivia: 8 - 14 March

Bolivia boasts tropical rainforests, vast highland plateaus and horizons serrated with dramatic mountain peaks. But some areas are also home to brutal poverty, marginalised people groups and broken homes...

Sunday 8 March

Despite its wealth of natural resources, Bolivia is one of the least developed countries in Latin America. Almost half of its population live in poverty. There is pronounced inequality between wealthy urban elites and the majority of Bolivians. Pray for a more equal future where all can prosper.

Monday 9 March

Praise God for Tearfund's partner, Mosoj Yan, which provides a safe home for young women in Cochabamba who have suffered violence or abuse. Monica was just 17 when she came to the Restoration Shelter with her baby, Eva. 'I encountered God when he brought me here,' says Monica. 'I recognised that he had been taking care of me all the time.'

Tuesday 10 March

Five hours' drive from Cochabamba is the remote village of Tipa Tipa, home mainly to indigenous Quechua families. Thank God that, through Unión Cristiana Evangélica, a church network supported by Tearfund, these families now have clean, piped water and latrines in their homes. Pray for better access to essential services for Bolivia's marginalised communities.

Wednesday 11 March

'It's wonderful,' says Pastor Teodoro, leader of the church in Tipa Tipa. 'Now we have new people coming to our church because they see that we're concerned for their material needs as well as their spiritual needs.' Pray that more churches across Bolivia will catch this vision.

Thursday 12 March

Tearfund partner OESER is teaching Bolivian teenagers about healthy sexuality based on biblical principles–and state schools across three cities are now using its materials. Give thanks that many young people are hearing about God's love for the first time, and pray that sexually transmitted diseases will decrease.

Friday 13 March

In Potosí, poverty forces hundreds of children to work in the city's mines, at the expense of their health and education. Lift up Tearfund's partner, Red Viva, which runs centres to provide the children who work in the mines with healthcare, nutritious meals and education. Pray that local churches will provide more volunteers to continue the project.

Saturday 14 March

Father, the Bolivian national anthem speaks of 'sweet hymns of peace and unity'. We pray for peace and unity to flow in broken families and between the diverse communities in Bolivia. May your church move forward in unity, bringing peace, love and hope to all in need. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do

The mining in Potosí takes place in the Cerro Rico mountain. After visiting the city, a Tearfund supporter wrote, 'I felt the Lord say that he wants to make the mountain like Mount Zion–that, where there is pain, suffering, death and darkness, God wants to bring light, life, hope and freedom.' Read Psalm 126 as a prayer for Potosí and the whole of Bolivia.

Restoring the Philippines: 15 - 21 March

More than 14 million people were affected by Typhoon Hyaiyan which tore through the Philippines on 7 November 2013. Nearly a year and a half later, there is much to thank God for.

Sunday 15 March

Nelson and Florentina Orate are fishermen who used to sell their catch in Roxas city centre. The super typhoon destroyed their boat and its motor was lost at sea, leaving the Orates with no source of income. Pray for all those who lost their livelihoods as a result of Haiyan, for God's provision and restoration.

Monday 16 March

The Orates lost their home in the storm and, like many Filipinos, built a temporary shelter from remnants they could salvage. Give thanks to God for the tremendous strength and resilience of the Filipino people, which has been a fundamental factor in the country's recovery.

Tuesday 17 March

With more than 280,000 homes damaged or destroyed, many families rebuilt their homes as best they could. But not all these homes will withstand future storms. 'I lost sleep about how we could replace our leaky roofs, low ceiling, shaky floors and walls that could collapse any time,' says Florentina. Pray for the work of Tearfund partners, who are building and strengthening shelters, and training communities to build better, safer homes.

Wednesday 18 March

Nelson and Florentina, along with two of their children and grandchildren, are now living in a new home built by Tearfund. Praise God for the hope, security and health experienced by those who are now living in safe dwellings. Pray for the 24,000 individuals who are still without permanent shelter.

Thursday 19 March

Trauma support and provision of safe play and education areas for children have been a focus for Tearfund's partner in Samar. Lord, we ask for your blessing, safety and healing for all the children who have suffered as a result of the typhoon.

Friday 20 March

'The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.'–Psalm 34:18

While physical repair work and rebuilding have made great progress, many people are still suffering tremendous emotional pain and loss. Pray that those who are grieving will experience God's presence and healing.

Saturday 21 March

Thank God for the presence of his church in the Philippines, and for the way that churches engaged in responding to disasters and being more prepared for them. Pray for unity and grace for churches as they work together to reach the people of the Philippines with his love.

Welcome to the weekend – what you can do

Tearfund works on climate change because extreme weather patterns hit the poorest people hardest. Poor communities across the world, including in the Philippines, tell us they are already feeling the impact of changes to their environment. Visit our website to find out more: www.tearfund.org/climate

Getting churches active: 22 - 28 March

In Tanzania, churches are being inspired to make lasting changes in their communities, using the resources and skills they already have. This week, we give thanks for 'church and community mobilisation' in southern Africa, a Tearfund-supported process that uses Bible-based training to get churches active and engaged in meeting the needs in their communities.

Sunday 22 March

Mr Chamunorwa from Shurugwi in Zimbabwe found that, through church and community mobilisation, he has deepened his relationship with God. He says, 'This has helped me to understand I should not look down upon myself because God has created me for a purpose.' Thank God for how he is moving in people's lives in Zimbabwe.

Monday 23 March

The church and community mobilisation process helps people see that change is possible and within their reach. Rev Kanyume in Tanzania says, 'I used to think that the Bible is only for spiritual development. I had no idea about integral mission despite four years of theological training.' Give thanks for the encouragement and understanding church mobilisation gives to individuals and communities.

Tuesday 24 March

Praise God for improved relationships that develop through church mobilisation. Mrs Chiwetu, from Zindoga Rusape in Zimbabwe, found the Bible studies inspired her to start her own chicken project instead of relying on her husband's income. This helped them work together on their finances.

Wednesday 25 March

Nancy Karimi from Kenya struggled to make ends meet after her husband died. The community irrigation project, brought about through church mobilisation, enabled her to plant bananas, potatoes, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. Thank God that she can now feed her family, and has enough left to pay for school fees, buy clothes and help people poorer than herself.

Thursday 26 March

Mobilising churches can transform people's understanding too. Students at Msolato Theological College in Tanzania were inspired by church and community mobilisation to establish a garden to grow food for the students, not easy in an arid climate. Pray that their garden will flourish and provide enough for the students to eat.

Friday 27 March

Churches are starting to engage with local officials and press for better services, thanks to church and community mobilisation. In Okulonyo community in Uganda, the church organised a community discussion. This resulted in the district authorities providing medicines for the community health worker and visits from a mobile health clinic. These medical services are housed in a centre built by the community. Pray for communities like them who are engaging local government to bring change.

Saturday 28 March

Heavenly Father, we thank you that you bring new life to individuals and communities through active and engaged churches. Please continue to help communities see how much you've already given them and what they can use to improve their lives. Amen.

Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea

Church and community mobilisation seeks to inspire people to make changes in their community through Bible study. On your own, or in a group, think of what Bible verses have inspired you to act and work for change in your community.

Choosing the cross: 29 March - 11 April

'Yet not my will, but yours be done.'

Luke 22:42b

Over the next two weeks, we reflect on Christ's suffering, death and resurrection. The cross was something Jesus chose to endure, in obedience to God the Father. This Easter, as you read some of the biblical accounts of Jesus' final days in his earthly body, ask God to challenge you to choose the less comfortable paths in different areas of your life ...

Sunday 29 March

'[Jesus] began to teach [the disciples] that the Son of Man must suffer many things ... that he must be killed and after three days rise again.'

Mark 8:31

Lord Jesus, we thank you today that you chose to endure pain and suffering on the cross for our sake.

Monday 30 March

'The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head.

John 19:2a

There's a particularly cruel irony here that the King of Kings is forced to wear a crown that causes only humiliation, pain and discomfort. Lord, we ask forgiveness for our sins, and thank you that you chose to take up the cross.

Tuesday 31 March

'Those who passed by hurled insults at him ... saying, "... Come down from the cross and save yourself!'"

Mark 15:29-30

People living in poverty often feel worthless, and face daily insults and abuse. Thank God that Jesus associated himself with people who were rejected and outcast when he chose the cross.