02-14-12PLAN MINS




PresentCouncillor T.F. Marris (in the Chair)

Councillors:Mrs. E. Ballard JP, B. Burnett Mrs. G. Burton, F.G. Coonghe, R. Featherstone, C. Green, D.J.E. Hall, G.E. Horton JP, Mrs. S.E. Locking, Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE, J.O. Pocklington, Ms L.M. Stephenson, F.W.P. Treanor, N.A. Ward, Mrs. P.F. Watson andD.E. Wing

The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley, her Secretary, Mrs. L.M. Phillips, 1 member of the public and 1 member of the press were also present.

  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Councillors F. Robertson, J.F. Wood and A. Leonard JP (who arrived late).
  2. Chairman’sRemarks
    The Chairman informed Councillors that ELDC had invited them to a meeting on 22nd February 2012 at Louth Town Hall from 4pm to discuss ELDC’s plans for the improvement of the market. The Chairman asked Councillors to inform the Town Clerk whether or not they would be attending as soon as possible. Finally, the Chairman reported that a press release had been received from the Environment Agency which, amongst other things, stated that a National Grant in Aid funding towards the Louth scheme was confirmed with further allocations earmarked over the following two years and it confirmed that Louth and Horncastle town councils had agreed in principle to fund future maintenance of the completed works. The Town Clerk remarked that it also stated that the Horncastle scheme would be started later this year, which is earlier than originally thought possible.
  1. Declarations of Interest
  2. The following personal declarations of interest were made:
  3. Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders – agenda item 6. Planning Applications, 7. Planning Correspondence and 8. Proposed Work to Trees – as a member of ELDC Planning Committee.
  4. Councillor Ms L.M. Stephenson – agenda item 6. Planning Applications – as a member of the ELDC Planning Committee.
  5. Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson – any item from or relating to LCC or ELDC as a member of LCC and ELDC.
  6. Councillor G.E. Horton – any item from or relating to ELDC – as a member of ELDC and especially agenda item 7.c.i. Planning Appeal Cistercian Cottage – as he had been in involved in the application and appeal as DC.
  7. Councillor Mrs. S.E. Locking – agenda item 6. Planning Applications 1) The Miller’s Daughter – as the owner of a catering business in the town.
  8. Councillor B. Burnett – any item from or relating to ELDC – as a member of ELDC.
  1. Minutes
    Following a proposal by Councillor J.O. Pocklington, seconded by Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE it was RESOLVED by vote of the Committee that the notes of the last meeting held on 24th January 2012 be approved as the Minutes.
  2. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding
    The Town Clerk had nothing to report.
  3. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    The Committee considered the applications listed in the schedule PA/Schedule 02-14-12 and it was RESOLVED as follows:
  4. 1) N/105/00012/12 - Listed Building Consent - Marston's Pub Company - Installation of signs to existing building - The Millers Daughter, 21 Northgate - Object - to multiple signage, effort should be made to reduce signage required and thereby improve the external appearance.
  5. To support all other applications.
  6. Planning Correspondence
    The committee noted that the following notifications had been received:
  7. Planning Decisions (Variances) –
  8. N/105/02141 and 2142 – The Packhorse Inn – Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent has been refused for the satellite dish and chiller units, already in place, by ELDC, which was supported by LTC….fail to preserve or enhance the historic and architectural interest and the overall setting of the building and the wider character of the Louth Conservation Area.
  9. N/105/02144/11 – The Packhorse Inn – Listed Building consent has been refused for satellite dish, internal light boxes and window films by ELDC which was supported by LTC. Reasons see (i).
  10. N/105/01682/11 – Land adjacent to 136 Horncastle Road – Planning Permission has been refused on the grounds that the proposed development would result in an intrusive and alien feature in the landscape which detracts from the distinctive character of the landscape….by ELDC which was supported by LTC.
    It was agreed that ELDC should be notified with regarding to iii. above that Louth Town Council were unhappy with ELDC’s use of the term ‘alien’ in their refusal notice.
  11. ELDC Enforcement –
  12. Riverhead Mill, Riverhead Road – Erection of gates and posts within the curtilage of a Listed Building. ELDC has issued a Listed Building enforcement notice stating that the work carried out are for the alteration of a listed building in a manner affecting its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest and the said works are not authorised; no listed building content having been granted.
  13. 47 Kidgate, LN11 9BT – The removal of a boundary wall without Conservation Area Consent, and the erection of a close-boarded timber fencing with trellis attached to the top, in its place which is approximately 2.50 metres in height, within Louth Conservation Area. ELDC has issued a Conservation Area Enforcement Notice requiring the removal of the above fence and the building of a wall to match the sections still existing.
  14. Planning Appeal to the Secretary of State
  15. N/105/00797/11 – Cistercian Cottage, Stewton Lane – the appeal is dismissed (to site a temporary caravan……..)
  16. N/105/01225/11 – 34-36 Little Lane – an appeal has been made against condition 2 that stated that ‘The windows and doors to be utilised in the development hereby permitted shall be timber and painted white’. LTC supported this application and ELDC approved Planning Permission with conditions. If LTC wishes to withdraw comments or make further representations they should be submitted by 01/03/2012.
  17. Proposed Work to Trees
    The Committee noted without comment the following proposed work to trees:
  18. 1 Trinity Lane – remove tree 1 (Willow) – to tidy and allow room for a parking area.
  19. West Green, Love Lane – fell tree 1 (Apple) – concerns regarding the roots affecting the building and due to light.
  20. 27 Painters Cottage, Cisterngate – 40% crown reduction (Ginkgo Biloba) – proximity to outbuildings, gutters and telephone lines.

Councillor A. Leonard JP arrived at 8.38pm.

  1. Correspondence
    The Committee noted that the following correspondence had been received:
  2. From: The Planning InspectorateRe: Definitive map and statement (Kiln Lane) with additional enclosures (available to view in the office).
  3. From: LCC Re: Highways East Division Quarterly update –
  4. Mill Lane Patching – March 2012
  5. A16 / A157 Roundabout carriageway resurfacing – March 2012
  6. Cinder Lane Road Closure – National Grid advance warning March 2012

  1. Publications Received
    Councillors noted that the following publications had been received and were available to view in the Members Room:
  2. CPRE – How to shape where you live: a guide to neighbourhood planning.
  3. RWE npower renewables – Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Update
  4. Street Collection
    The Committee noted without comment the following request made according to Police, Factories etc (Miscellaneous Provisions Act) 1916 Charitable Street Collection:
  5. British Red Cross Society Saturday 12th May 2012 Objectives of the charity are – care of vulnerable people in crisis, throughout Lincolnshire.
  6. Area Committee Agenda
    The Committee proposed that the following items be consideration for the forthcoming agenda of the Louth Area Committee. Meeting to be held on Monday 12th March 2012:
  7. Poor Condition of the road surface on St Bernards Road (Concrete Sectional)
  8. Possible future presentation by ELDC Planning Officer on policies regarding Eco Friendly Buildings
  9. Can the public forum be placed later in the meeting to allow Members of the Public to hear speakers before having to raise their points / issues rather than relying on the Chairman’s discretion?
  10. Louth Town Manager Update
  11. Louth and District Hospice Update
    The Chairman of the Louth Area Committee, Councillor Mrs. Watson made Councillors aware that there were many items already on the 'list' for presentations and that some prioritising may be required. Councillors found this ‘prioritising’ acceptable.
  12. Planning Training
    The Committee noted that LALC and Globe Consulting are facilitating the provision of free events which will cover - an introduction to the planning system, how to influence and engage with the planning system and local opportunities on offer for communities to engage in the planning process. The nearest event to Louth is in the Horncastle area and will be held at Baumber Village Hall from 6.30pm to 9pm on Wednesday 7th March 2012. Councillors Mrs Ottaway, Featherstone, Wing, Mrs Locking, Hall and Pocklington expressed an interest in attending and that Town Clerk requested that any other interested members confirm their wish to attend to her by Friday 17th February 2012.
  13. Planning Consultations
    The committee noted that ELDC have informed all Parish / Town Council’s that all planning consultations and decision notices will be sent electronically from1st April 2012. Comments are also required to be returned electronically. Councillor A. Leonard JP proposed that a smaller group of Councillors should be formed to go through the plans and they should make recommendations to the Planning Committee for resolution upon. It was agreed that this should be brought back to a future meeting for further discussion.

The meeting closed at 9.04pm.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______

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