Baltic FCCLABYOB Ice Cream Kickoff

Friday, Sept. 13 2013


  1. Welcome and icebreaker
  2. Introduction of Officers
  3. President: Maddie Rusche
  4. Vice President: Shi Almont
  5. Secretary: Kris Daugaard
  6. Finance and Star Events: Jill Folsland
  7. Recognition: Brianna Cortes
  8. Membership: Karson Koopman
  9. Community Service and Peer Ed: Chantel Brende
  10. Public Relations: Angela Feather
  11. Junior High Rep: Cooper McGreevy
  12. Handouts available
  13. Calendar of Events (also on the school activities FCCLA page)
  14. Oklahoma City Cluster Meeting Information
  15. Leadership Camp Information
  16. Ways to get to state meeting in April
  17. What would you like to do this year?
  1. Information
  2. We have 58 members in our chapter so far – our goal is 110 so urge your friends to join.
  3. Remember you can join FCCLA at any time but due increase next Friday – when we’ll draw for membership prizes.
  4. The new color printer is on its way – locker signs will be here soon.
  5. T shirts will be ordered after our Sept. 20 dues deadline and hopefully be here by the end of September.
  6. If you have a project idea you would like to lead, see Mrs. Ries or Maddie Rusche.
  1. Upcoming events
  2. Thursday Sept. 19: $100 down payment due for Cluster Meeting in Omaha
  3. Friday Sept 20: Dues deadline and membership prize drawings. Dues go up after this date.
  4. Friday, Sept. 20: New Member Mini Retreat from 4:00-6:00 in the FACS room.
  5. Friday, Sept. 20: Deadline to sign up for Leadership Camp in Huron. $45 payment due.
  6. Wednesday, Sept. 25: District officers meeting in Canistota at 4:00.
  7. Friday, September 27: Homecoming parade entry.
  8. Monday, September 30: September member of the month
  9. Friday, October 4: Fundraiser meal before the football game. Volunteers needed to bring food and serve.
  10. Sunday, October 6-Monday, October 7: Leadership camp in Huron
  11. Saturday, October 12: FCCLA night at the Harrisburg Corn Maze.
  12. October 13-19: Teen Read Week Activities
  13. October 18: Team of the Quarter
  14. Monday, October 21: Parent teacher conference babysitting from 2:30-8:30.
  15. Tuesday, October 22: Deadline to sign up for Spooky Pals
  16. Thursday, October 24: Spooky Pals handed out.
  17. Sunday, October 27: Spooky bowling in Hartford.
  18. Monday, October 28-Thursday, October 31: Spooky Pals
  19. Monday, October 28: Five cent milk cap collection ends
  20. Thursday, October 31: Halloween Carnival at the old elementary school. 12:30-3:00. Must have all C’s and above to attend.
  21. Magazine Sales and Cookie Dough Kickoff

We still need members to head up and serve on committees. Think about projects you might like to participate in this year. Ideas include health and nutrition, traffic and bicycle safety, financial information, careers, abuse and neglect, overseassoldiers, etc. What needs do you see in our community? You can also use these projects as a STAR event for state or district meeting.