SYLLABUS 2017./2018.

Study programme / English Language and Literature - Graduate Study
Teacher Education Programme
Course / Principles of English Language Teaching
Status of the course / Compulsory
Year / 2017./2018. / Semester /
  1. (Graduate level)

ECTS points / 3
Teacher / Anna Martinović, PhD, Assistant Professor
e-mail /
Consultation hours / Thursdays, 10-11h and by appointment
Associate/assistant / Dino Dumančić, prof.
e-mail /
Consultation hours / Wednesdays 10-11 h, and by appointment
Location / SK- Dvorana 131
Mode of teaching / Lectures, seminars, consultations
Teaching Workload
Lectures + Seminars + Exercises / (30+30+0)
Assessment Criteria and Exams / During the semester students are required to write a mid-term and end-of-termexam and one seminar paper. At the end of the semester students are required to write a final written exam. Once students pass the final written exam they are eligible to attend the oral exam which is also obligatory. Students are expected to actively participate in class. All grades will be given as percentages. The teacher reserves the right to exempt individual students from the written and/or oral exam.
First day of classes / Last day of classes
Mid-term and End-of-term exams / 1. / 2.
Final Exams / 1st exam period / 2nd exam period / 3rd exam period / 4th exam period
Course objectives / The major goal of the course is to provide students with insightinto the underlying processes of language teaching, including an understanding of the interaction of the foreign language, linguistics, psychology and second language acquisition principles, as well as the influence of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics on English language teaching.
Learning outcomes / At the end of the course students will:
(General outcomes)
  • be able to identify and elaborate on the relevant ideas and concepts and connect them through an interdisciplinary approach
  • plan and carry out a research of a smaller scope
  • apply ethical principles to individual and group problem solving and research execution
(Specific outcomes)
  • identify, describe and compare different approaches, methods and strategies of English language teaching
  • identify and elaborate on the goals of contemporary theoretical principles in foreign language teaching
  • examine the basic theoretical assumptions and intricacies of the linguistic, psychological and educational influences on English language teaching
  • examine and explain the complexity of communicative competence
  • analyze the relation between the needs of the students and elements of the curriculum

Enrolment Requirements / Completed langauge courses from the 1st year
Course Content / The course will cover key concepts and principles of foreign language teaching, based on an empirical approach, along with the interaction between the principles of foreign language teaching, linguistics, psychology and second language acquisition, as well as the influence of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics on English language teaching. The course will give a historical overview of the methods and approaches to foreign language teaching and their influence on the contemporary approach to foreign language teaching. Emphasis will be placed on the characteristics of basic language skills with regard to the development of students' interlanguage. Additional emphasis will be placed on the student as the subject of language teaching process, along with defining communicative competence, self-evaluation and assessment of knowledge and skills and the interaction between foreign language theory and practice.
Topics closely related to the course content will be discussed during the seminars.
Required Reading / Brown, H. D. (2015). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd ed). White Plains, NY: Longman.
Additional Reading / Council of Europe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. (2001). Cambridge: CUP.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP.
Lightbown, P. M., Spada, N. (2006). How Languages are Learned. Revised ed. Oxford: OUP.
Long, M. & Doughty.C. (2009). The Handbook of Language Teaching.Oxford: Wiley - Blackwell
Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (1998). Uloga afektivnih faktora u učenju stranoga jezika. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet.
Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2002). Strah od stranoga jezika – kako nastaje, kako se očituje i kako ga se osloboditi. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
Richards, J., & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP.
Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.
Internet sources / (additional materials)
Course Evaluation Procedures / Self-evaluation, internal and external evaluation
Conditions for Obtaining Signatures / Students are required to regularly attend classes(lectures and seminars), and are entitled to be absent only 3 times. If the studentfails to complete one or more of the semester assignments on time, including term exams and the seminar paper, or ifthere are more than3absences, he/she will not be eligible to obtain a signature, and thus will not be entitled to write thefinal writtenexam.
Assessment / Term exam (T) 2X + Seminar (S) + Final written exam (FW) + Oral exam (OE)
Assessment / T1 / T2 / S / FW / OE / Total result
% / 15 / 20 / 20 / 35 / 10 / 100
Seminar paper / Participation / Total result
% / 15 / 5 / 20
Calculation of Final Grade and Grading scale / Final grade
Exams and assignments during the semester / Written exam / Oral exam / Final grade
55% / 35% / 10% / 100%
Ocjene / 1
(Nedovoljan) / 2
(Dovoljan) / 3
(Dobar) / 4
(Vrlo dobar) / 5
% / 0 - 59 / 60 - 69 / 70 - 79 / 80 - 89 / 90 - 100
Please note / Lectures and seminars will be carried out in English.The coursedemands a highlevel ofstudent activity. Students will be required to: a)read previously assigned readings with an understanding of basic questions, b) prepare seminar papers based on the required andadditionalreadings, and be prepared to discuss selected topics, c)actively participateduringlectures andseminars.
The results of the semester exams and assignments will be posted in the exam booklet on
Topics - lectures
No. / Date / Title / Literature
2. / Introduction to the course.
Elements of a language lesson. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 1
3. / A History of Language Teaching – part 1. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 2
4. / A History of Language Teaching – part 2. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 3
5. / Cognitive, Affective, and Linguistic principles of language teaching. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 4
6. / Agency in Language Learning / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 5
7. / Test 1.
8. / Teaching across age levels. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 6
9. / Teaching across proficiency levels. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 7
10. / Sociopolitical and institutional contexts. / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 8
11. / Curriculum and Course Design / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 9
12. / Teaching language skills – part 1 / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapters 15 & 16
13. / Teaching language skills – part 2 / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapters 17 & 18
14. / Test 2.
15. / Teaching language skills – part 3 / Brown, H.D. (2015) Chapter 19


Anna Martinović