Alliance @ Benson


(Due Friday, May 10, 2013)



City: State: Zip:

Home Telephone: Birth Date:

Cell Telephone: Email Address:

Middle school/s attended:

High Schools attended: (Give location if outside of Portland)

9th Grade:

10th Grade:

11th Grade:

12th Grade:

List colleges or training programs you have applied to for next year, and responses:

Institution City/State Response?

I, (print your name) wish to apply for the Alliance @ Benson Scholarship. My application information is true and complete as well as I know. My signature also means that I agree that the committee may get a copy of my transcript and test scores from the school office if they need this information to decide on the award.

Should I fail to use this scholarship by the Winter Term following the year it was awarded to me, I realize the scholarship may not be available.

Signature: Date:

Please respond to the following in the form of a typed essay:

(Your essay should be at least a couple of pages.)

Your essay should address the following topic:

·  Some starting points for you might include the following:

What have you learned?

What are you proud of?

o  What obstacles have you overcome?

o  Who has helped and supported you during this time?

o  What would you like to say to those people?

·  What did you like about Alliance @ Benson? Why did you come here and how has it helped you accomplish the goal of receiving your high school diploma?

·  What are your future goals now that you are going to graduate? What vocational program or college/university

do you plan on attending?

·  Why do you need this scholarship?

·  Are you involved in any activities outside of school? What interests or hobbies do you have?

·  What guarantees can you give us that you will use this scholarship if it is awarded to you? If you are not 90% sure you will be attending school in the Fall, please do not apply.

Make sure your name is on your paperwork and give it to Cathy.

Due: Friday, May 10, 2013