Monthly general TEA MEETING - PLEASE NOTE...

TEA MEETINGS are held in the R.S.A. Club Lounge, Seddon Avenue, WAIHI

On the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Fellowship at 6:00p.m. followed by a meal at 6:30p.m.

Apologies for you or orders for extra meals for guests must be given to

David Parish - 863 8780 - no later than 6pm on Sunday before the meeting.

Members not apologising by the required time will be charged for the meal(s) which were ordered for them.

TEA MEETING: Tuesday 22 July 2014

Greeter: Liz H

Stewards: All to help please

Tail Twister: Eion H

Raffle: Barry L

Evening’s business: - Guest Speaker is Gary Radcliffe

Introduced by David P

Thanked by Brian A

Thought-for-the-Day: Wanda C


A follow-up from Directors and Social Committee – (in lieu of Mike’s Musings and Gael’s [my words] Grumblings)

Seating arrangements for the dinner meeting:

You will see from the minutes that a new seating arrangement for dinner meetings had been proposed. The idea behind the move is to try and ensure that all members, but especially newer ones, get to know one another better.

The method is very simple. As you pay the treasurer for your meal you will pick a numbered counter from a bag or box. This number will correspond with a number on one of the tables with the idea that you will sit at that table. If you come as a couple and do not wish to be separated then one of the couple selects the counter and we will find a second counter to match. Let’s see how it goes.


Guest speaker Tony Ratcliffe will be talking about his career as a circus owner. At the same time he will be promoting his autobiography, copies of which will be available for purchase on the night.

Social Committee We now have a social committee which met last Tuesday evening for the first time. For the most part it was a “brain-storming” session with ideas being put forward that may or may not have appeal to members.

On Tuesday night you will all be given a list of these possible events and asked to rate them on a scale of 1-5. There will be plenty of space for comment and further suggestions. The list is by no means exhaustive.



June 24th 2014

President Mike welcomed -13 members, 6 partners and 19 guests and 6 Members ex Waihi Beach.

Guests - Kelly Boggiss, Merrell Brennan, Pat Burr, Mary Carmine, Liz and Steve Lye, Sonya Scarth, David Eddy, Virginia Gordon, Richard Norris, Sara Patrick, Ron Boggiss, Joan Boggiss, Paul Boggiss, Jennifer Chappel, Brian Grim, Alan Hay, Caroline Wood and Dianne Spiers.

Apologies - Rob/Bob Irvine, Kevin Corney, Liz Hawker, Karen Gaffney, Marie Gear, Duncan Smeaton, Frank Gear.

Moved BL/DP that the apologies be accepted. Carried

Raffle - Conducted by Barry L.

Tail Twister–Gael D.

Tea Meeting Minutes

Moved DP/SL that the May 24th 2014 Tea Meeting minutes be approved Carried

Directors Minutes

The Minutes of the 12th June Directors meeting were tabled

Financial Report: as at 12/06/2014

Balances Admin $ 2.532.65

Charitable Trust$12,395.54

General Business

As this is a change over-night there was no General Business

Presidents Report.

Mike Hayden tabled his Presidents Report

Moved BA/DS that the Presidents Report be adopted Carried


President Mike Hayden presented the following awards:

Lion of the YearDavid Parish

Excellence – Dave and Christine Smith

Gael presented the Wooden Spoon to Mike Hayden

New Members:

The following new members were inducted by Davis Eddy (Past District Governor 202L)

Sonya Scarth

Liz and Steve Lye

Kelly Boggiss

Merrell Brennan

Pat Burr

Mary Carmine.

Virginia Gordon (Zone Chairman 202L) then conducted the Changeover ceremony.

Officers appointed were:

President Mike Hayden, 1st V.P. Gael Dunstall, 2nd V.P. David Parish; Secretary MorrieFoulds & Kevin Corney; Treasurer Barry Larsen; Membership and Programme David Parish; Tail Twister Eion Hicks; Bulletin Editor Brian Atger; Lion Tamer Dave Smith; Marie Gear (Youth Affairs)

The thought for the day was given by Dave Smith ”Change is the Law of Life Those who look to the past will miss the future. (JFK)”

A Quiz was then conducted won (of Course) by the “Teachers”

Meeting closed at 9-10 pm



At the July Director's meeting it was decided that:

The subscription for individual members remains at $40.00 per half year.

The subscription for a couple should be $60.00 per half year.

The official Lions' definition of a couple is “persons living under the same roof”.

The subs for the first half the new Lions' year (July to December) are now due.

Treasurer Barry has suggested that some members may prefer to set up an AP.

If that is an option for some the clubs administration account number is

ANZ 06-0473-0033814-00

The account name is Lions Club of Waihi (Inc)Members paying by AP should give last name and initial/s so that they can be identified.

Electronic banking is another option.



Present:Gael Dunstall (Chair), David Parish, Barry Larson, Dave Smith, MaurieFoulds, Eion Hicks and Grant Meiklejohn.

Apologies: Mike Hayden, Marie Gear, Brian Atger and Kevin Corney

Moved BL/DP that the apologies be accepted. Carried.

Directors Meeting Minutes:

Moved BL/DP That the June Directors Minutes are a true record.Carried.

Correspondence:- Inwards


Hauraki DC

Lions Clubs NZ

Waihi Stationery

Request for Funds;

WaihiGoldminer's Country & Western (May request)

Waipuna Hospice

Starship Foundation

Listen Up

Salvation Army

Thanks/Receipt $50 Salvation Army


Receipt ex G Tillson for $212.20 for cash raised at Zone Dinner re Brando Yelavich.

Donated to R Macdonald Trust.

Ohinemuri Singers advertising events.


  1. Lions International - International President’s Newsletter

-Newswire - June Newsletter

-LCIF Newsletter

  1. NZ Lions - Newswire
  2. District L- Noozletters 497,498, 499,500
  3. Heads up for Kids
  4. Lions Safety Items List


Moved DP/BL that the Inwards Correspondence be received.Carried

Financial Report: as attached. As 30/06/2014

Balances Admin $ 2,778.36

Charitable Trust$12,015.95


Signatures for the Bank Accounts still need to be resolved, when Mike/Brian are back, BL/DP will arrange action immediately.

Moved MF/GD that the Financial Report be accepted.Carried

General Business:

  1. Budget for advances to be increased to $650 per month. GD/DP Carried
  2. Donation $250 to WaihiGoldminer’s Country Music Group DP/CDCarried
  3. Donation $200 to Waipuna Hospice GD/BLCarried
  4. Donation $200 to Starship Hospital GD/MFCarried
  5. Fred Hollows Foundation, donations to Organizations outside NZ to be resolved.

BL to check. DP/MFCarried

  1. Eion H advised ;-
  2. Mints program up and running
  3. Daffodil Day all set for Friday 29th August.
  4. Diabetes Testing planned for Labour weekend, suggest 50/50 split between Countdown and New World.
  5. David Parish advised:-
  6. Membership now stands at 36.
  7. 4 new members to be inducted.
  8. Suggestion to allocate seating at Tea meetings using a token. DP/MFCarried
  9. Concert on July 6th went well, however the numbers attending were disappointing. Next time more promotion will be required. A good number of Lions members offered their services. The RSA provided a high quality afternoon tea.
  10. Gael D to approach Barry Smith (RSA) regarding the standard of the meal at the June Tea meeting.
  11. Dave S advised that the Garden Ramble is on target, with the Gardens for show all confirmed,
  12. Membership fees were discussed, and a motion was put that fees be set at:
  13. Single $40 per 6 months period.
  14. Married couple $60 per 6 months period.
  15. First 6 months period Jan 1 to June 30th
  16. Second 6 months July 1 to Dec 31st. Moved DP/BL Carried
  17. Motion regarding the taxable implication of fees collected in relation to the management of the monthly market, Barry .L to consult with Accounting advisor to obtain a ruling. DP/MF Carried.
  18. MF to email a reminder to those members allocated to setting up the next Market, It was noted that any extra volunteers would be welcome.
  19. Trolley Derby, noted that Kevin C to be involved, confirm October date.
  20. David P raised the issue regarding the importance and urgency of a social program to ensure we engage our increased membership, It was resolved that we approach the following members Liz H/Chris S//Sonya/Karen G/Sherry H, to form an interim Social Committee. David P and Maurie F to draft an approach to get this initiative underway ASAP.

Upcoming Meetings

  1. The July Tea Meeting will be held on 22nd July 2014
  2. Guest Speaker Gary Radcliffe.
  3. The next Directors meeting will be Wed 13th August Gael’s at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 9.40.


Judy Innis has sent you a message from the Lions Clubs website:
Dear Members,
The Ohinemuri Singers are a small community choir with membership from Waihi, Paeroa, Thames and surrounding districts. We have a yearly focus for our singing programme. This year we have been working on songs to commemorate the centennial of World War One. The first half of the year we sang in rest homes in Waihi and Paeroa.

Our programme is simply entitled, "1914 the songs they sang". Many of the songs are familiar tunes which encourage audience participation. We have also invited other artists to participate in bringing this tribute to the times, through music.

We are seeking your support in helping us promote this event through the various networks your organisation has. This maybe in the form of email communication, newsletters, word of mouth and/or offering transportation to community members who may be interested in attending but are unable to drive to the venue.

All performances start at2.00pmand entry is $8.00. Our performance schedule is as follow
Waihi: Friday 1st August, War Memorial Hall.
Thames: Saturday 2nd August, War Memorial Hall.
Paeroa: Sunday 3rd August, War Memorial Hall.
Thanking you in advance for any assistance your organisation can give in helping our community pay tribute to this historical event.

If further information is required please don't hesitate to contact me on 07 8624899 or

Yours sincerely
Judy Innis

KatikatiLions Garage Sale & Steptoe’s Auction

In two weeks time the Katikati Lions garage sale and Steptoe’s Auction will be in full swing at the Katikati Memorial Hall on Saturday 26 July. A high proportion of the club members have been exceptionally busy in the last few months collecting heaps a good quality donated merchandise whilst leaving behind old computer, old style TVs, faulty electrical goods and clothing.

President Don Mossop says he is expecting big crowds of bargain hunters this year to buy their bits andpieces in the first couple of hours at the "garage sale" starting at8amand then a selection of quality of merchandise will be auctionedat10 am.All members of the public who purchase the goods will be told everything is sold on an " as is - where is" basis and no refunds will be given. As everything is donated the Club will sell everything withouta reserve. Katikati Lions have run their Steptoe’s auction project for over twenty five years but it will be the first time that they have set up an EFTPOS terminal which we hope will ease the burden on the"countinghouse" team of Bob Delbridge and Margaret Gill plus one or two others.

There will be bargains galore ...yes something for everyone which will raise much needed funds for future community projects!

Katikati Lions PR Officer John Groves

It had been a slow day in a small Scottish town. The rain had been beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt and everyone lives on credit.
One particular day, a rich tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a £100 note on the counter telling the hotel owner that he wants to inspect the rooms before he books in. The owner gives him some keys. As soon as the visitor goes up stairs to examine the rooms, the owner grabs the £100 and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher, who in turn takes it and runs down the street to pay his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the £100 and bolts down the road to the produce supplier to clear his debt with him. Immediately, the produce supplier takes the £100 and races off to settle his debt with the pub owner. The delighted pub owner rushes off to pay his debt to the hotel owner. The hotel owner places the £100 back on the counter before the tourist returns from upstairs.
The rich tourist comes down to the lobby, picks up his £100 and tells the hotel owner that the rooms are totally unsatisfactory and leaves. No one has produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism. And that my dear reader, is how the economic stimulus package works!


If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones
are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

Then You Are Probably
The Family Dog!

Handle every stressful situation like a dog.
If you can't eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away.

And you thought I was going to get all spiritual ...