Form A (EN)
Directorate General :Secretariat General
- Directorate: DirectorateF
- Unit:SG/F/1 (Relations with the Council – CRPI)
SG/F/3 (Codecision)
- Place: Brussels
- Heads of Unit: Cristina Russo (tel.55975)
Una O'Dwyer (tel.60956)
- Datesof the threesuccessive periods: from 01.07.2009 to 31.12.2009
from 01.01.2010 to 30.06.2010
from 01.07.2010 to 31.12.2010
Main areas of responsibility:
The task of the Unit 'Relations with the Council - CRPI'is to coordinate relations with the Council configurations preparedby CRPI and SCA (Special Committee on Agriculture): Employment/SocialPolicy/Health and ConsumerAffairs, Competitiveness (InternalMarket, Industry, Research, Tourism), Transport/Telecommunications/Energy, Agriculture/Fisheries, Environment, Education/Youth and Culture (including Audiovisual).
The principal task of the Codecision Unit is to coordinate the codecision procedure externally with the other two institutions (Council and Parliament) and internally with the Commission's Directorates-General, and to provide secretariat support (preparation, minutes and follow-up) to the GRI (Interinstitutional Relations Group).
The three successive posts will involve:
-Monitoring work in CRPI and in Council, in tripartite and trilogue meetings, on dossiers under the codecision procedure in order to keep management and cabinet informed regarding progress and to warn of any foreseeable problems
-Following discussions in working groups for dossiers that are institutionally and/or politically sensitive
-Attending internal preparation meetings for CRP, the Council and the trilogues
-Ensuring institutional consistency between the positions adopted by the Commission in Council and in Parliament (for dossiers under the codecision procedure)
-Developing a network of contacts to facilitate preparation and follow-up of meetings
-Assisting the College to take appropriate decisions during the interinstitutional procedure
-Preparing for the future Hungarian Presidency
Main qualifications: University degree in law and/or political science. Good knowledge of the EU and its institutions is essential. Familiarity with the procedures and the working environment inside the European Commission is also required. Good communication skills, initiative and ability to work as part of a team.
Languages:Very good knowledge of English and/or French, and of Hungarian.