Honorary Award Nomination 2018

Submission deadline: 5.00pm, Friday 15 July 2016Honorary Award nomination, page 1 of 3

Nominations must be prepared in accordance with the University’s Honorary Awards Policy, and using this form. Please note that a person nominated for an award shall not be consulted beforehand.

Awards criteria are set out in Section 4.2 of the Honorary Awards Policy. Please attach supporting material (curriculum vitae, published material) if available, and complete the Reasons for Nomination section of this form (overleaf). Well-written reasons can be more persuasive than a lengthy CV.

Nominees may be local, national or international.
A direct connection with ECU is not a prerequisite, however the values of the nominee should be consistent with those of the University.

The following individualsmay submit a nomination:

Honorary Degree, Fellow of the University:

  • any ECU staff member
    (excluding casual or honorary staff) or
  • any member of the University Council or
  • the President, ECU Student Guild.

Emeritus Professor:

  • any member of the University Executive or
  • any professor of the University.

Submission deadline: 5.00pm, Friday 15 July 2016Honorary Award nomination, page 1 of 3

Please note:This form may be completed electronically, however a signed printed copy must be submitted.

Title of proposed award(Please select one only. Aseparate form may be used to propose additional awards.)
☐ Honorary Degree (Please choose one honorary degree discipline)
☐ Doctor of the University honoris causa☐ Doctor of Law
☐ Doctor of Arts honoris causa☐ Doctor of Medical Science
☐ Doctor of Businesshonoris causa☐ Doctor of Music
☐ Doctor of Commerce honoris causa☐ Doctor of Nursing
☐ Doctor of Educationhonoris causa☐ Doctor of Performing Arts honoris causa
☐ Doctor of Engineeringhonoris causa☐ Doctor of Science honoris causa
☐ Doctor of Health Sciencehonoris causa
☐ Fellow of the University☐ Emeritus Professor

Submission deadline: 5.00pm, Friday 15 July 2016Honorary Award nomination, page 1 of 3

About the Nominee
Nominee’s full name:
Click here to enter name.
Post-nominals (if applicable):
Click here to enter text.
Current position:
Click here to enter position.
Telephone (1):Click here to enter number.
Telephone (2):Click here to enter number.
Email:Click here to enter text.
Address (including postcode):
Click here to enter address.
About the Nominator
(Please refer to eligibility requirements above.)
Nominator’s name:
Click here to enter name.
Member of (click all that apply):
☐ Council☐ ECU staff
☐ WAAPA Board☐ Academy Staff
☐ University Executive☐ Professoriate
Telephone (1):Click here to enter number.
Telephone (2):Click here to enter number.
Email:Click here to enter email.
Date:Click here to enter date.

Submission deadline: 5.00pm, Friday 15 July 2016Honorary Award nomination, page 1 of 3

Honorary Award Nomination 2018CONFIDENTIAL

Submission details

Please return under confidential cover, marked “Honorary Award nomination”, to:

Mrs Aisling Vennitti, University Governance Adviser,
Strategic and Governance Services Centre
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus
270 Joondalup Drive JOONDALUP 6027

Closing date

5pm Monday16th July 2018


Please contact Mrs Aisling Vennitti as follows:

Tel: 6304 2443

Honorary Award Nomination 2018CONFIDENTIAL

  1. Nomination Summary
Key reason/s why this person is being nominated.
The key reason/s are critical to shaping the citation and testamur of successful nominees.
MAXIMUM of 40words.
You can expand on the reason/s under section 4. of the nomination form, Detailed reasons for nomination.
Click here to enter text.
  1. Chronological biography, degrees and/or honours
Include academic awards, honorary awards, Imperial, Australian and other honours, military awards.
Add additional pages if necessary. Attach entry from most recent Who’s Who if available.
Click here to enter text.
3. Benefit to the University.
In what ways will your nominee be able to align with the values and ideals of ECU? i.e. Integrity, Rational Inquiry, Respect, Personal Excellence
In what ways will your nominee be able to enrich the universities strategic vision and objectives? (Eg. Partnerships, image & reputation, student experiences, international networks, research, student inspiration etc.)
Attach additional pages if required.
Click here to enter text.
4. Detailed Reasons for nomination
Attach additional pages if required.
Click here to enter text.

Submission deadline: 5pm Monday16th July 2018