1. Advise Barclays Bank UKRF, P.O. Box 709, Redhill, Surrey RH1 9EG, Tel 01737 227567 E/M . Where known please provide the address, staff number, national insurance number and date of birth of the deceased. The Bank will definitely want a copy of the death certificate. In cases where there is a surviving spouse, to activate the spouse’s pension the marriage certificate and birth certificate of the spouse will also be required. The Bank are now unable to advise the Barclays International Pensioners’ Club of any deaths so it would be appreciated if the Club Secretary could also be informed at the address below.

2. The attending doctor should have provided:-

- A free medical certificate showing the cause of death. This will be in a sealed envelope

addressed to the Registrar of Deaths.

- A formal notice stating that he has signed a medical certificate and details of the

procedure for registering the death.

3. Register the death with the local Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths; you will find the address in the telephone directory. Unless the death has been reported to the coroner it must be registered within five days. The following documents will be needed:-

- Evidence of the cause of death i.e. the medical certificate.

- The deceased's National Health card if this is available.

- The Registrar will require- The date and place of death

Full christian and surnames

Deceased's occupation, date and place of birth

Date of birth of deceased's surviving spouse

Whether the deceased was receiving any state benefits.

The Registrar will check the documentation, register the death and provide the applicant with:-

- A certificate of disposal which will have to be produced to the funeral director before the

burial, or cremation can take place.

- A certificate of registration of death. This is for social security purposes and on

production to the DWP will prove entitlement to any death grant or widow's benefit.

Extra copies can be obtained for a small fee and it is worth asking for at least five copies as one will

be needed by the Bank, the account holding branch and any other institutions where the deceased

had assets e.g. shares, investments, insurance policies etc.

- Pamphlets on welfare benefits that might be available and guidance on obtaining a Grant of Probate


4. Funeral Arrangements - Check whether the deceased's will contained instructions as to whether they wished to be buried or cremated although there is no legal obligation on next of kin or executors to follow these instructions.

5. Determine who are the personal representatives (executors) who are responsible for administering the estate. If this is Barclays Estates and Trusts Company, contact them immediately (Tel: 0845 766 0936).

6. Other steps to be taken, normally by executors:-

- Go through the provisions of the will.

- Apply for any death grant and any appropriate welfare benefits.

- Inform the deceased's banks, insurance and credit card companies of the death. The

banks will stop all the deceased's unpresented cheques.

- Inform Churches, clubs and other organisations which the deceased attended or

to which they belonged.

- If the deceased's car is to be used obtain a new certificate of insurance.

7. If you have any concerns, or problems please contact Barclays Bank UKRF at the address mentioned above for guidance.

Barclays Bank International Pensioners’ Club - Mike Cummins Tel: 01234 825772
