MontagueIndependentSchool District
2008-2009 Montague
Faculty Handbook
Absences/Makeup Work Policy Timeline
Students who have excused absences from class are allowed one day for each day absent to make up missed assignments. It is the student's responsibility to find out the assignments and make up the work within this period unless the teacher agrees upon another date.
A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects due in any class missed because of an excused or school related absence. Teachers may assign a late penalty to any project in accordance with long term time lines approved by the principal and previously communicated to students.(ex. Research Paper). For any class missed, the teacher may assign the student makeup work based on the instructional objectives for the subject or course and the needs of the individual student in mastering the essential knowledge and skills or in meeting subject or course requirements.
A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.
Activity Calendar
To avoid conflicts, a master calendar will be kept in the office and Ms. Cox’s office. If you have an item that needs to be placed on the calendar, notify the principal’s office for approval so that it can be placed on the campus calendar and in turn the office will place it on the master calendar.
Announcements will occur immediately after the minute of silence. Whenever possible, announcements will be handled by memos and calendars. If you have an announcement please submit it to Mrs. Thompson no later than 3:45 P.M. the day before the announcement is to be made. Forms are available in the front office. Exceptions will be handled on an individual basis. Sponsors/coaches are required to report results to be announced the following day of the event.
Campus Site-Based Committee
The campus site-based committee will be selected yearly according to state and local guidelines.
Students caught cheating on assignments or tests will receive a zero as a grade for that assignment. This includes all in-class assignments and tests. Teachers should use discretion about suspected cheating. All confrontations should be private. Refer to your classroom behavior management plan for cheating referral procedures.
Copy/Fax Machines, Mailboxes, E mail
A mailbox is provided in the teachers’ workroom. Please visit your box at least twice daily, as many notices are distributed in these boxes. All information is considered important and should be carefully read. Also, e mail communication will be implemented frequently, so please check your email often.
- The Campus Principal must approve all handouts placed in teacher mailboxes.
Solicitation of sales, advertising or political handouts must also be approved by the Campus Principal before placing in teacher mailboxes.
- The use of email or any electronic communication device provided by the District are not private and are subject to the Open Records Act. School email is to be used for school business only.
The use of the copy and fax machines is for school business only.
The Texas Education Code §25.092 “requires that a student may not be given credit for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered.” Failure to meet the attendance requirements may result in credit denial for the course(s) which reflect less than 90 percent attendance. The Texas Education Code also requires that a student must meet the 90 percent requirement in order to obtain or renew a driver’s license.
Absences involving a doctor’s care, court appearance, school-related activity, nationally recognized religious holiday, and/or funeral attendance of an immediate family member may be considered an excused absence. Should a student exceed the 10 percent limit on absences in a course, which he/she has passed, credit retrieval may be obtained by attending assigned Saturday Schools.
Crisis Management Plan
Please refer to the Montague I.S.D. Emergency Procedures Handbook for specific instructions and assignments. The document must be easily accessible at all times.
Lockdown Procedures
If there is an intruder in our building, we will announce, “Mr. Freeman, your lights are on.” Please take the following actions: (Should you hear gunshots or explosions, there may not be an announcement.)
Turn out your lights, and move students into a corner away from your door.
Force students to be quiet and still.
Based upon the layout of our building, please don’t attempt to go into the hall.
If there is the potential for someone entering our building and we have advance notice (police chase, stranger in neighborhood, etc.) we will announce, “Lockdown.”
During this procedure, look into the hall and pull anyone nearby into your room.
Use your key to lock your door, and turn out your lights, and move students into a corner away from your door.
***There is no possible way to prepare for a tragedy, but I think these precautions will minimize our risk of casualties and injuries.
Disciplinary Procedures
The following disciplinary procedures shall be implemented:
-Corporal Punishment
-Lunch Detention(administrator, teacher assigned)
-After-School Detention(administrator, teacher assigned)
This will be held from 3:00-4:00
-In-School Suspension (I.S.S.)
Immediate Placement
Teachers will be notified of the placement.
Assignments will need to be sent to the Principal as soon as possible.
Planned Placement
Teacher will be notified of the placement.
Assignments will need to be sent to the Principal by the morning of the placement.
Students will receive appropriate special education accommodations if necessary.
A teacher cannot deduct points from an assignment because the student is in ISS.
The student will turn in completed assignments to the ISS instructor.
Assignments will be personally delivered to the teacher by an administrator or the assignments will be placed in their mailbox.
Any exams or quizzes will be carefully monitored and secured.
Alternative assignments will need to be given if ISS cannot facilitate the original lesson.
Off -Campus Suspension (O.C.S.)
Teacher will be notified of the placement.
Assignments will need to be sent to the Principal the afternoon of the placement in order for the student to complete assignments at home.
A student removed to a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) during the school year will have an opportunity to complete coursework needed to fulfill the student’s high school graduation requirements before the beginning of the next school year.
Members of the staff of the MontagueIndependent School District will at all times and in all places be treated with respect and courtesy by students.
- Every teacher is charged with the responsibility of handling disciplinary problems when and where they arise. This means not only in your classroom, but also anywhere authoritative attention is needed.
- Each teacher is responsible for maintaining proper conduct and good discipline in his/her classes.
- He/she shall seek advice and assistance from the appropriate administrator in any difficult case of discipline.
- Any unusual forms of punishment, such as slapping, striking, shaking, etc. are strictly forbidden.
- Corporal punishment will only be used by an administrator and with parental consent.
- The teacher is the absolute authority within the classroom. If a student is to remain a member of the class, the teacher must have his/her cooperation.
- Students who refuse to cooperate will lose the privilege of class membership. State law and School Board Policy have established the procedure for removal of a student.
- A set of basic rules and a list of consequences, which will result when these rules are not followed, should be posted in your room and/or printed for your students as a handout or on your syllabus. The Principal will need a copy on record.
The U.I.L., Texas Education Agency and/or the constitution of the organization govern eligibility requirements for club/organization membership. Students must meet the eligibility requirements to be active members and participate in organizational functions. This includes the “No Pass/No Play” provision.
A student participating in U.I.L. activities will be suspended from participation after a grading period in which the student received a grade lower than the equivalent of 70 on a scale of 100 in any academic class. This suspension continues for three weeks. The grades will be subsequently reviewed at the end of each three-week period; the suspension will be removed if the student's grade is equal to or greater than the equivalent of 70.
Employee Absence Procedures
Substitute Folder
All teachers should maintain an up-to-date substitute file in an easily accessible spot. Please show another teacher where your materials are to be found in case of last minute absences. This file should contain the following information:
Lesson Plans: Lesson plans should be sufficiently detailed to enable the substitute to teach the class.
Grade Book/Roll Sheet
Textbooks/Materials for the substitute.
Name and room number of the closest teacher who could help your substitute.
Fire drill and other emergency procedures.
Duty Assignment time and location
Important or unusual information about any student. (medical needs, etc.)
Emergency Lesson Plans
All staff members will submit 3 days worth of lesson plans to be filed in the main office in the unfortunate event that you must leave throughout the day.
Employee Absence Notification
In the event of illness or emergency, call Ms. Cox-- Home # 825-8524 and Cell # 782-4269 or Mr. Freeman. Home # is and cell # is 940-231-9248. Then, call TJ Thompson at 872-1344 to arrange for a substitute.
It is your responsibility to report your absence by 7:00 A.M.
Please remember that sick days are used on a half day or full day basis and must be called in by 7:00A.M. of the day absent in order to ensure a substitute.
When absent, it will be necessary to call the school before 2:00PM to advise us of your
status for subsequent days.
Upon return, it is your responsibility to complete the absence verification form from the
secretary. These must be completed and returned promptly in order to ensure
payment to your substitute.
Planned Absences
- Staff members must submit an Absence from Duty form to the office for approval. The teacher is required to check with Ms. Cox to determine if a substitute is available.
- To schedule personal leave, complete the Absence from Duty form, and turn it into the office at least five days in advance of the anticipated absence.
- If you need to leave during the school day, please check with an Administrator. A teacher must not leave campus during a class period unless specific arrangements have been made for a faculty member to be in your classroom.
Employee Concerns
All employees are urged to make concerns known to the principal as soon as possible. Expediency can often alleviate anxieties caused by certain situations, and will usually aid in resolution.
Extra Curricular Activities Policies
Students shall receive a written copy of each organization’s rules with a consent form attached. The parent and student must sign the form and return it indicating they know the rules and will abide by their content.
It shall be the responsibility of the sponsor to communicate (both in writing and verbally) this information to the students who are participating. The sponsor shall consult the the principal before a student is suspended from an activity
Field Trips
Field trips are considered co-curricular activities and are an extension of classroom instruction. Field trips must enhance student learning of the TEKS through participation and observation. Field Trips must be part of the teacher’s educational plan.
Field Trips will be granted by the administration on an individual basis provided the following guidelines are followed:
1. A Field Trip Request Form must be submitted to the administration at least 2 weeks
prior to departure.
2. Students must have signed permission forms before departure.
3. Policy regarding extra-curricular activities will be followed. The sponsor must
turn in a list of students attending the field trip at least 3 days before the trip.
Sponsors need to check with each student concerning possible future extra-curricular
absences. (golf, tennis, track, UIL, etc.)
5. The sponsor will secure transportation at least two weeks in advance.
Grading Guidelines
Semester exams will be given in all subjects. This includes any subject for which a student receives either state or local credit. Semester exams will count as 20% of the semester. A grade of 70% is considered passing.
A student’s grade must be based on factors as related to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Refer to the campus late work policy previously stated.
Six Weeks Grading Format: (Grades 4-8)
Homework 2/5 of the grade (40%)
Test/Project 2/5 of the grade (40%)
6 Weeks Test1/5 of the grade (20%)
Grading Scale
The Montague I.S.D. adheres to the following grade conversion scale when converting numerical grades earned in the district to letter grades:
100—90 = A89—80 = B79—70 = Cbelow 70 = F
All Teachers are expected to attend Graduation and assist in its facilitation.
Hall Passes
Students are expected to come to class with all of their materials. Should it be necessary to allow a student to leave the classroom after the tardy bell, the student will receive a tardy if the reason is to retrieve forgotten supplies or homework. If a student checks in and needs to go to the restroom, use your professional discretion. Perhaps you could encourage the student to wait until class gets started or another time suitable to your lesson. Please refer to the code of conduct for tardy consequences. A hall pass should be with the student at all times. The student must return the hall pass to the teacher upon returning to class.
Hours of Operation
-Class begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm
-Teacher Report time is 7:40am and you may leave at 3:45pm
-Teachers and staff should notify the Principal when leaving campus during the school day.
Leave Policy
Please refer to Policy DEC(LEGAL) and DEC(LOCAL) concerning leave and days allotted by state and local policy.
Lesson Plans
All lesson plans should be detailed enough for a substitute or the principal to understand your plan. It can include but is not limited to the instructional or assessment strategy addressed in the day’s lesson and to reference the TEKS and TAKS objectives. Teachers need to turn their lesson plans for the week each Monday in the Principal’s office. If the principal feels that your lesson plans are inadequate or you need to address a specific skill, you will be addressed individually.
Medicine at School
District employees will not give a student prescription medication, nonprescription medication, herbal substances, anabolic steroids, or dietary supplements.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
When a parent requests a conference, an appointment will made through the campus secretary or Principal. You will be notified verbally or with a written notice or e mail and with ample time to prepare for the conference.
Helpful Suggestions for Conferences
Perhaps these ideas will stimulate your thinking and actions when you have parent conferences. With a solid foundation of sound classroom accomplishment, we will continue to merit the complete confidence of our community and public – the people to whom the schools actually belong.
- Begin and end the conference with some kind of positive or encouraging comment about the student and his/her work.
- Decide in advance what you are going to discuss. Assemble a folder of the pupil’s work and work up a checklist of various problems about which you want to talk.
- Use clear, simple language to explain your work and your goals for the student.
- Try to sit beside the parent rather than placing yourself “above him/her” behind a desk.
- Give the parents a chance to “sound off” – especially if they are angry or upset. Try not to argue with them. It will be easier to discuss the problem after they have let off steam.
- Suggest ways in which the pupil can improve his work and ways in which his parents can help him rather than to find fault with him.
- Avoid making a comparison with the pupil’s brothers, sisters or classmates. Don’t let comments about other students creep into the conversation.
- Provide some kind of action for parents, something they can try at home to help the student. Help them understand that their child’s success in school is a joint project of home and school.
Teaching is a profession, and the teacher should be treated as a professional; therefore, you are not expected to accept verbal abuse from a parent. Terminate the visit or request that an administrator be included if the conference is to continue.
Parties at School
Any “party” to be held during school hours must be approved by the principal. These will be held to a minimum and will reflect an academic purpose. The school is allowed three school wide parties please see the principal for more information.
-End of School
Personal Use of School Property and Equipment
Please do not use school property / equipment for personal use. School equipment / property is for school or classroom use.
Professional Development Appraisal System
Teachers will be appraised and evaluated using the PDAS instrument.
Professional Dress
The following information is a set of guidelines for professional dress.
- Facial hair (Beards or Mustaches) will be well groomed. Grooming standards are at the discretion of the Montague I.S.D. Administration.
- Tattoos are not to be exposed at school.
Acceptable for Female Staff / Not Acceptable for Female Staff
Dresses / Frayed or wrinkled clothing
Suits with skirt or pants / Hats, caps, or sunglasses inside
Blouse and skirt
Capri Pants / Anything that bares too much skin (i.e. halter tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, or half shirts)
Slacks / Ripped or tattered clothes
Wind pants on coaches when in the main building / Wind suits or sweatsuits
Mini skirts
Tank tops
Spandex other body hugging fabric
Acceptable for Male Staff / Not Acceptable for Male Staff
Suits / Shorts
Shirts with a collar / Sandals
Dress slacks, nice jeans / Frayed or wrinkled clothing
Sweaters and sweater vests / Hats, caps, or sunglasses inside
Pants (Dockers style)
Wind pants on coaches when in the main building / Spandex or other body hugging fabric
Anything that bares too much skin (i.e. muscle shirts, half shirts, etc.)
Wind suits or sweatsuits
Tank tops