Victoria E. Crisp

361 North Main Street

Andover, MA01810



Lowell Public Schools, Lowell, MA 2007- Present

Special Education Teacher

  • Oversee educational plans for students with dual diagnoses of learning and emotional disabilities.

WatertownMiddle School, Watertown, MA 2004-2006

Coordinator of the Harbor Program

Special Education Teacher- Behavior Specialist

  • Design and oversee a transitional special education program for middle school students with learning disabilities and a primary psychiatric or mental health diagnosis.
  • Oversee educational program and behavior management system, write IEP’s, chair team meetings and act as a liaison and advocate for the child.
  • Coordinate and oversee program Social Worker and two Instructional Assistants.
  • Work with school staff to achieve NCLB and IDEA compliance.

WatertownPublic Schools, Watertown, MA 1999- 2002

Mediation Program Coordinator

  • Coordinated school district based violence prevention and leadership development initiatives with local police department, probation, Middlesex District Attorney’s office, district administration, parents, and students.
  • Acted as a coordinator of the superintendent’s implementation of the Center for Disease Control’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Analyzed results, made recommendations to the school principals and superintendent, and developed new needs based risk and prevention programming.
  • Prepared and wrote Federal Safe and DrugFreeSchools grant and Massachusetts Health Protection Grant.
  • Trained students and staff in mediation, conflict resolution, sexual harassment, and comprehensive health and prevention practices.

Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety, Boston, MA 1999

Assistant to the Director of Policy

  • Drafted legislation on education and violence prevention.
  • Planned legislative strategy and coordinated coalitions to address youth violence.
  • Assist state agencies to implement Governor’s Task Force on Youth Violence recommendations.
  • Wrote speeches, addresses, and introductions to be given by the Secretary of Public Safety.
  • Researched, organized and drafted talking points and coordinated briefings and schedules.

Young Parents Networking and Support Group, Haverhill, MA 1998-1999

Founder and Director

  • Organized community task force collaboration meetings to reduce the dropout rate among pregnant and parenting teens.

Haverhill Teen Coalition, Haverhill, MA 1998-1999

Assistant Coordinator of Haverhill Teen Coalition

  • Coordinated first annual Youth and Violence Conference for the MerrimackValley.

HaverhillHigh School, Haverhill, MA 1997-1999

PEACE Violence Prevention Program

  • Organized, motivated and trained inner city, high-risk adolescents to be peer mediators.



Cambridge, Massachusetts

Candidate for Masters of Education Expected 2008

University of MassachusettsBoston, Program for Women and Public Policy

Boston, Massachusetts 2000

Graduate Certificate, Public Policy

BradfordCollege, Bachelor of Arts

Bradford, Massachusetts 1999

Major: Human Studies


Thomas Cheetan Human Studies Service Award 1999

To a graduate who has in exemplary fashion, applied knowledge and skills acquired in the major to serve the local, regional, national or international community.


Empirical research study on female adolescent violence


Hillary Clinton for President Campaign 2007- present

Campaign Volunteer

Deval Patrick for Governor 2006

Human Services Committee

BradfordCollege Alumni Association

Bradford, MA

Board Member 2003- present

WoodwardSchool for Girls

Quincy, MA

Board Member 2003, 2004

The Women’s Resource Network

BradfordCollege, Bradford, Massachusetts

President 1997- 1999

Norfolk District Attorney’s Office,

Quincy, MA

Speaker for Teen Dating Violence Conferences 1997-1998