c/o Notre Dame Primary School, 30 Havelock Street, Dowanhill, G11 5JZ
- Opening Prayer – Mrs Gordon
- Apologies – Viviana Kennedy; Monica McCabe; Esperanza
- Welcome from the Co-Chairs and Previous Minutes
Parking Issues – unfortunately – no great improvement since last meeting. Agreed that we would link with other schools with similar issues; speak to community police for guidance about what action we could take as a parent council.
Minutes from meeting on 11th October 2016 – approved
- Head Teacher’s Report – Mrs Gordon
Enrolment – 68 children enrolled last week
Placing requests might be difficult to accommodate on these numbers.
New Staging -ordered using ‘new priorities action fund’. A contribution from the PC towards the costs would be welcome.
School Improvement Priorities Update
Raising Attainment in literacy and numeracy
Staff are using the new guidance from Education Scotland on ‘Benchmarks for Assessment’ to measure children’s attainment in the context of curriculum for excellence. Staff are also involved in local improvement groups and the learning community.
Creativity in Learning
Ms Doherty, acting PT, is working with P2 and 3s to deliver ‘creative thinking lessons’ to equip children to deal with challenges.
Developing in Faith
Ms Nicolson, Depute Head, is the co-ordinates religious education in the school with the archdiocese. The school theme is ‘Promoting Gospel Values’.
Events to the end of term
P6s and 7s – 10 pin bowling trip to be arranged
P1-5s – Christmas party in school.
- Financial report – Leigh-Anne
Halloween Disco – great fun event and good fundraiser
Income (from ticket sales and photobooth) - £872.00
Outlays – party bags; photobooth – approx. £250.
Bank account – current balance - £4910.00
It was agreed that the PC would subsidise the ten pin bowling trips for P6 and 7.
- Christmas Activity
Christmas Fayre (Sarah) organisation going well. Number of traders already signed up. Stall holders will make a donation. Parent Council will run- baking stall; children’s craft stall; tea and coffee and games corner.
Christmas Craft Club – Friday after school (Pauline) 2 down; 2 to go! Great fun and producing lots of lovely things for the Christmas fayre.
Raffle – 40 prizes so far. Full list will be published and details provided with tickets – to sent home in school bags next week. Tickets will also be sold at the nativity and Christmas fayre.
Calendar (Soifra) – pre-orders to be taken with final orders at the fayre. Newsletter and order form will publicise this.
P1 and P2 Christmas party presents - Maeve is organising books for this.
- Playground Improvements and outdoor Learning Grant – Next Steps (Jenny Gorevan)
The application for grant funding from the Learning ‘Through Landscape/Grounds for Learning Charity’, was successful. We’ve been awarded 1 day’s advisory and consultation visit which will take place in the new year.
The children will be asked for their views and ideas in advance of the visit. Jenny will look into further sources of grant.
- Notre Dame High – request for a consultation (Monica McCabe)
There was a meeting at the end of October at Partick Burgh Hall, attended by 12 parents. The initial response from Glasgow City Council is that the Council would only run a consultation on whether boys should be admitted to the High School if parents in the community want this.
There was a proposal that a sub-group be formed to produce an information sheet to go to parents along with a ballot on whether GCC should be asked to launch a formal consultation on admitting boys to the High School. The ballot would be just on whether there should be a consultation; parents wouldn’t be asked at this point to vote on the question of whether boys should be admitted or not.
After discussion, the meeting agreed to the setting up of a sub-group for this purpose. It was agreed that this was a sensitive subject and it was very important that the tone of any communications and the ballot should take account of this.
Meeting of the sub-group to take place on 24th November.
School lunches – there are still issues around quality and choice. This will be discussed as a further meeting.
10.Next meeting
Tuesday 17th January7pm, school hall
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