Whetstone Wildcat Gazette
Parent Edition
School News from the Principal
Victoria A. Casey
19201 Thomas Farm Drive * Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879
October 25, 2013
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on November 11th and 12th. This is an important time to learn about how your child is performing at school and to get any questions you have for your child’s teacher answered. Please make sure you have a conference scheduled for one of these days. If you are not able to meet with your teacher during the conference days, please make an appointment for a time that is convenient for you. We want to make sure that each of you is given an opportunity to sit with your child’s teacher for a few minutes of focused discussion of what your child is doing well and where support may be needed.
Ideally, you will begin preparing for your conference now. What should you pay attention to?
· Ask your child’s teacher about what is being taught, the assignments your child is expected to complete on a regular basis and how that work is evaluated.
· Look for patterns in your child's school work. What subjects (such as math or reading) seem difficult? Are certain tasks (such as writing or computing math problems) more difficult than others? Jot down examples of:
o Ongoing (carryover) problems from your child's previous school years.
o Any new struggles you see emerging.
o Improvement in areas that used to be difficult.
· Listen to what your child says about school work, as well as relationships with his teacher and classmates. Ask him what he thinks are the most important points to cover at the conference. Doing this will help you see things from his perspective.
· Note any classroom accommodations and techniques previous teachers have used to help your child succeed.
Next, organize and prioritize what you want to discuss with your child’s teacher.
· Select the most important points to discuss with the teacher.
· Prioritize your concerns so you'll be sure to cover the most critical topics during the short conference time.
· Summarize your top concerns on paper to take with you to the conference.
The parent/teacher conference is an opportunity for you and your child’s teacher to collaborate. Remember that you're the expert about your child, while the teacher is the expert on teaching students at her grade level. You'll both come to the table with ideas and opinions. Remember, too, that through a collaborative effort we can meet the needs of your child and keep her best interest as our focus.
I look forward to seeing everyone during conference time.
Mrs. Casey
Make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Our students go out to recess whenever the weather permits. They need time to unwind and get ready for an afternoon of learning. Although our weather has been wonderful lately, coats, hats, and even mittens will be a must as the weather turns colder.
Our Lost and Found is filling up! Speaking of coats, hats and mittens; our lost and found rack is beginning to fill up. If your child is missing items you know came to school but never came home, the lost and found rack may be the answer. It is located near the front door of the school by the entrance to the all-purpose room. All leftover items will be donated to charity during winter break.
Please join our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and volunteer your time and talents in a way that fits you and your family. One predictor of student success in school is parent involvement in the educational process. I encourage you to become active in your child’s experiences at Whetstone. We have volunteer jobs at Whetstone that can fit anyone’s schedule and talents. I look forward to helping you find a way you can fit in our school community.
Dates to Remember
October 28
5th Grade In-School Field Trip Science-Alternative Energy Sources
October 29
Kindergarten Field Trip – Port Discovery
October 31
End of 1st Marking Period
Fall Parties – 2:00-3:00 – Classrooms All parties will fall themed. Costumes may be worn at the party if children wish to do so but there will not be a costume parade. If your child wishes to wear a costume, the costume must be fun and not scary, gory, or sexually suggestive. No masks or face paint and no weapons of any kind are allowed. Modesty rules of the regular school day will apply. Costumes must be brought to school in a bag and your child will have to be able to put it on without adult support. There will be an alternative activity for children who will not participate in the party. We are committed to making sure that our students have a great day of learning on October 31st followed at the end of the day by a fun party. Please talk with your child’s teacher to ask what you can do to help.
November 1
No School for Students Grading and Reporting Day for Teachers
November 5
Fall Picture Make-ups
PTA Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – All-Purpose Room
November 8
3rd Grade In-School Field Trip Baltimore Museum of Industry
November 11-12
Early Dismissal/Parent-Teacher Conferences Students will be dismissed at 12:35. All students, kindergarten through 5th grade, will have breakfast and lunch but no recess. Pre-Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 10:30. They will eat breakfast but no lunch. PEP students will not have school. Please make sure that your child knows, and is able to tell an adult, what he/she is to do after school on that day.
November 12
Flu-Mist Clinic at Whetstone You must sign up through the Health Room
November 13
Report Card Distribution
November 21
2nd Grade to Strathmore Concert Hall
Math Night and Dessert Bake-off – 6:30 p.m.-8:30 – Entrance at the front of the school This will be an exciting time for the whole family to have fun together learning about the many fun ways you can help your child find success as a mathematician. The PTA is having their annual Dessert Bake-Off the same evening, so not only will you get to learn about math, you also will be able to eat delicious desserts. Yum!
November 27
Early Dismissal See Early Dismissal notice under November 11-12
November 28-29
Thanksgiving Holiday
Looking Ahead
December 3 – PTA Meeting
December 23-January 2 – Winter Break