Due Date: May 10, 2013

Objective: You will apply ratios and proportions to help you convert a recipe to serve more people.

For this project you will need to:

  1. Choose one recipe from the internet, cookbook or home.
  2. The recipe must have at least 8 ingredients.
  3. Use proportions to increase the recipe to serve 30 people (1 serving per person).
  4. Create a poster board or a typed/neatly handwritten stapled booklet that includes the following: (Use attached table to assist you)
  • Original Recipe
  • Ratio for one serving

Example 1:

1 cup of sugar, and the recipe serves 8, the ratio for one serving equals 1/8 c. sugar

Example 2:

½ tsp of cinnamon, and the recipe serves 6 people, the ratio for one serving equals 1/12 tsp of cinnamon

  • Proportion used to increase recipe to 30 servings. 1/8 servings=x/30 servings
  • Show the work to solve the proportions.
  • Round your measurements to the nearest half unless it’s exactly 1/4 or 3/4 (i.e. 3.22 teaspoons, rounds to 3 teaspoons, 3.56 teaspoons rounds to 3 ½ teaspoons).
  • Scaled Recipe– Ingredient and new amount needed for 30 servings.
  • Explain the math you used for the project.
  • Directions how to make the recipe.
  • Be creative! Use drawings, pictures, etc. to demonstrate your knowledge of ratios and proportions.
  1. Review attached rubric for grading.

Project Table

Recipe Name ______

Original Recipe serves: ______

Original Recipe Ingredients / Work for finding ratio of one serving / Ratio for one serving / Proportion used to increase recipe to 30 servings / Work to solve proportion / Scaled Recipe- Amount needed for 30 servings
1 Cup Sugar (serves 8) / 1 x 1/8 = / 1/8 / 1 = x
8 30 / 8x = 30
8 8 / 3 ¾ Cups of Sugar

Write About Your Strategies:

Using complete sentences, describe the math you used for this project.


Rubric for Recipe Project

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Using Proportions / Fails to use proportions toincrease a recipe? / Set up proportions thatare incorrect forincreasing a recipe? / Correctly set upproportions to increase arecipe with one minorerror? / Correctly set upproportions to increase arecipe?
Using Cross Products or
Equal Ratios / Fails to use cross productsor equal ratios to solveproportions? / Use cross products orequal ratios inaccuratelyto solve proportions? / Reasonably use crossproducts or equal ratiosto solve proportions? (Nomore than one minorerror ) / Demonstrate the ability touse cross products or equal ratiosefficiently and accuratelyto solve proportions?
Increasing A Recipe / Includes a significantlyflawed calculation of theamounts needed toincrease a recipe?
Fails to use rounding of measurements correctly / Includes a calculation ofthe amounts needed toincrease a recipe thatcontains minor errors?
Inaccurately rounded most measurements? / Includes a reasonablecalculation of theamounts needed toincrease a recipe? Rounded to nearest half (Nomore than one minorerror ) / Includes an accurate andcomplete calculation ofthe amounts needed toincrease a recipe?
Correctly rounded measurements to nearest half.
Understanding / Describes strategies forsetting up and solvingproportions that showsno understanding of theconcepts? / Describes strategies forsetting up and solvingproportions that showssome understanding ofthe concepts? / Describes strategies forsetting up and solvingproportions that show agood understanding of the concepts? / Describes strategies forsetting up and solvingproportions that show astrong understanding ofthe concepts?
Poster Presentation / Poster lacks both organization and required information? / Poster lacks organization but includes most of the required information? / Organized poster with all required information? / Creative, neat, organized poster with all required information, at least 8 ingredients, typed, with pictures or drawings?

Total Points = _____ = _____ = _____%

Total possible points 20 100