April 21, 2012

Board Members Present: Max Holstein, Lee Gilreath, Jeff Long, Don Nickle, Jim Sweat, Greg Foster, Bunny DeMeo, Nicole Hawthorne, Evelyn Schoonejongen.

Board Members Absent: Susan Harden, Paula Davis

Staff Present: Twila Knowles, Gerald Spavins

The WMPOA Monthly Board Meeting was called to order by President Max Holstein at 9:00 A.M. at the Clubhouse. MOTION made by Don Nickle, seconded by Bunny DeMeo to accept the Minutes of the March 17, 2012 Monthly Board Meeting. MOTION PASSED.

Appeal Request: Rebecca Stambaugh -Tree Cutting Fine - letter send to Board. MOTION made by Jeff Long, seconded by Greg Foster that we eliminate the fine. The MOTION was amended by Lee Gilreath to read a fine of $350.00. The AMENDED MOTION was seconded by Don Nickle. This reduced the original fine of $700.00 to $350.00. MOTION PASSED. Twila will prepare a letter to the owner.



Vandalism has seemed to stop at this time. Gerald reported that the light sensor on gate one was destroyed. Jeff will contact the Sheriff's office, as this is the gate that has the camera. Anytime we have vandalism or suspect any we need to call the Sheriff's office.

Jeff brought up the fact that a security system at the clubhouse should be considered. There is a system at the maintenance building and Twila will check if the clubhouse could be tied into that system. It would be a motion sensor system.

Sheriff Nicholson will be at the quarterly Meeting today to talk about security for the mountain. They are patrolling throughout the mountain both day and night. For further security around gates and pool there is the availability of hiring off duty police if the need should arise. There is also a police camera already set up.

TV - Nicole, Greg and Jeff. Jeff will make the purchase of the TV this following week. Cable will also be contacted. Greg will look into WIFI system, and wireless router. Looking into wireless at the pool area with this system.

Architectural Control Committee - Don Nickle

Committee working on a spread sheet system. Don reported problems with access control. Gate has been letting people in without the proper paper work. A solution to resolve this situation will be that two copies of the approved work agreement with the mountain will be given to the contractor. The contractor/subcontractor upon first entrance to the mountain must present this copy to the access control personnel and they can match with copy on file there. This is just for exterior work. Committee to try this system.

Recreation Committee - Bunny DeMeo

Game night was held on Friday, April 20, 2012.

Bingo will be on May 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Block Party to be tonight at the clubhouse, grills available for cooking, bring food to share. Pool Opening and Meet the Candidates on May 26, 2012. Food provided, Jeff and Lee will do cooking.

Flea Market held in campgrounds on June 2, 2012 from 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tables available on a first come/first serve basis. Recreation will sell hot-dogs, chips and soda as a fundraiser.

Water aerobics will be in afternoon (4:00 - 5:00). Much interest shown, Bunny looking for a leader for the group, Cooking classes ongoing, Wine tasting - Max will look into for the fall.

Nomination Committee - Jim Sweat

Jim has asked everyone to help recruit people to run for the Board. Four members are going off at the time. Max Holstein and Jeff Long have agreed to run again. Bill Beardon has consented to have his name placed on the ticket. Jim will get his resume to Twila.

Communications - Nicole Hawthorne

Website is up. People are signing up for the e-mail newsletter. People will be able to pay via pay pal. Payments should increase with this availability. Nicole and Twila will work on a pay pal account to make it easy for property owners to pay. Nicole will look into advertisements on the website and a recommendation will be made at the next meeting.

Executive Committee Reports

Presidents Report - Max Holstein

Max has spoken to Emory DeBord and the update is a startup sometime in early May. Tank is complete. The Water Authority will be installing an additional pump on Greenfield. Once Water Authority takes over the tank and cleaning is complete they will paint, fence and landscape the area.

The water department has torn up approximately four hundred feet of Walnut Mountain Road when they were installing the pipeline. They will bring Stanley Paving to repair that section.

Max had looked into areas of Walnut Ridge, which are in need of repair. Gerald will check these areas on Monday and prioritize. Max felt that since Stanley Paving would be on the mountain doing the repair for the water department we should allocate money to repair areas of Walnut Ridge. After much discussion on road conditions and money available a MOTION was made by Jeff Long that we should allocate $12,000.00 toward the repairing of sections of Walnut Ridge. MOTION seconded by Greg Foster. MOTION PASSED.

Letter from an employee tabled for executive session.

Treasurers Report - Greg Foster

To date 715 assessments have been paid. Tracking behind what was done a year ago. Delinquent notices will be going out this week. Profit and Loss statement 11% behind budget due to assessments not paid. Expenses running good - 5% below. Challenge is to get assessments caught up. MOTION made by Greg Foster, seconded by Jeff Long to accept Treasurers Report. MOTION PASSED.

NEW BUSINESS - Max Holstein

The Board has been asked to restart the Simple IRA that had been available to employees previously. It is managed through Edward Jones. MOTION made by Jim Sweat, seconded by Jeff Long that this be made available to our employees. MOTION PASSED.

MOTION made by Lee Gilreath, seconded by Bunny DeMeo to adjourn MOTION PASSED.


Max Holstein, President Evelyn Schoonejongen, Secretary