Instructions: Running the Wizard & Enter Wimba Room

Log In to your Blackboard Course:

Select “Tools”

  1. You are now at the “Tools” page; scroll down and select the “Wimba Classroom”

***Depending on your browser you may see a security warning.***

Internet Explorer; it may say “do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?” Yes is highlighted but you want to choose “No”

Mozilla Firefox: it may say “you have requested an encrypted page that contains some…by a third party.” Select the OK box.

2.  You are at the “List of Rooms and Archives”. Click “on the title” of a room you want to enter

  1. You are now at the “Wimba Classroom” Click “Run Wizard”

Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard takes you through a series of tests to make sure your computer and browser are ready – be sure to read each step completely before you click to go to the next step!

Click the Start button to begin

The first test is Popup Windows (Most computers are set to block popup windows)

Popups must be allowed – Mozilla Firefox; if popups are blocked you may see a message similar to this; Click the Options button and allow the popups.

Internet Explorer; click on the Information Bar (the pale yellow bar) and allow popups.

**If you continue to have problems with Popup Blockers view this presentation**

1.)  After popups have been allowed; Click the “Retry Test” link or click the Start button to restart the test

2.)  If the Java and Text Chat tests run successfully the next screen will look like this – after reading the instructions, click the Next button and click the appropriate option in the “Warning – Security” popup window, if prompted

3.)  At the Audio Playback test, DO NOT click the Next button until the audio player has completely loaded, AND you’ve heard the audio greeting – you may need to wait 30 seconds before proceeding! – Look for the colored bars next to the TALK button – if they’re gray, keep waiting! Once you’ve heard the message, click Next to continue.

4.)  If you want to respond audibly to the class during a Wimba session, you will need a headset with a microphone, the next step of the Wizard is critical! Be sure to wait until you hear the tones sound and the TALK button is no longer grayed out before you continue!

·  When the TALK button is available, click and HOLD DOWN the TALK button with your mouse and speak into your microphone (the TALK button will turn orange when held down) – when you release the mouse button, you should hear your voice played back to you.

·  If you heard your voice played back successfully, click the Next button to proceed – If you’re not using a microphone to respond audibly you can click the Next button to bypass this test.

5.)  Click the “Finished!” button to close the Setup Wizard.

6.)  You should now be ready to Enter the Wimba Classroom and participate in the Wimba session without problems! Click the Enter Room button at the top left side of the Wimba Classroom window to begin.