Pre- A.P. My I- Search Project / Name ______
Date ______

Topic: Select a topicabout the human body or genetics. Look through a textbook, an encyclopedia, library books, or on the internet to find a specific topic you would like to learn more about.

My Topic is: ______Final Project Due: Nov. 21st

Learning Objectives: Write at least five questions you want to answer about your topic from your research. These five questions must be answered in the final product. Use the” Question Stems” in your journal to give you ideas. Remember that level- 1 questions are not “in –depth” and will be hard to write “in depth” facts to answer the questions. You should not have your questions themselves in your product. If you can answer your questions in one sentence, it is not complex enough. Please see the example provided in this packet for “in- depth” facts. Write your questions on this sheet, make another copy on separate sheet of paper and hand in both to your teacher. You must use correct grammar for all of your work. In your spiral you have “My – I – Search” questions stems to help guide your questions.

Question #1: ______


Question #2: ______


Question #3: ______


Question #4: ______


Question #5______



Not an in depth fact: The largest oil spill happened in the gulf coast in April 2010 and killed lots of marine life.

An in depth fact: The largest oil spill in America happened off the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010.The cost in damages to man, theenvironment and animal life is estimated to be in the billions. It will be decades until things are back to the original condition, if ever.

You must have 6 Resources: You must useat least 2 books or encyclopedias, 1 magazine or newspaper article, and at least 1 website. If you do not have access to a computer,talk to me. You will spend 2 periods in the library to find facts to answer yourquestions(minimum of 6 resources). Record the information about your resources on the space provided. If you need additional room use your own paper. You will also be given instructions on how to do a bibliography the day prior to researching your topic.

(2) Resource - (for book or encyclopedia):

Author’s last name, first name (list all the authors): ______

Year of Publication: ______Title of article (encyclopedia only)______

Title of book or encyclopedia: ______

Resource - (for magazine or newspaper article):

Author’s last name, first name (list all the authors): ______


Year of Publication: ______Title of magazine or newspaper: ______

Title of article______

Resource - (for websites):

Website address: ______

2Additional Resource(s): You must list the information for your resources. ______

Product:Your product should not contain the questions you have written but your questions should be answered in the project. Web sites must be accessible from school.No Social net work sites!It is your responsibility to insure your product can be viewed by your teacher prior to the due date. If a project cannot be viewed it will be counted as late!!! PowerPoint’s will be allowed but are not encouraged it will be difficult to receive full credit on the creativity portion of your product. 2-D posters rarely receive full credit on creativity. Store bought models will not earn full creative credit unless they are radically transformed. Please refer to the restriction on photographs;you must use proper citations on all materials (pictures, graphs, quotes etc….). You may not quote more than 10 % of your project.

Product Description:______


Teacher comment on product description: ______


Activity Checklist/Due Dates are counted as a homeworkgrade. Receiving a 100 for any section only means that you have shown, you are working on this section it does not mean that you will receive full credit for this section on the final project grade. .

  • Once the teacher has approved your work by initialing the step, you may go on to the next step.
  • Be sure to have each step completed and approved by the due date.The check points will count as a daily grade. The checklist dates will be counted as late(minus 25), if they are not turned in on the due date. Turning in the final project late, will result in a 25 point penalty. All information must be included in the final product, don’t forget your bibliography!

1.Due Date: Oct. 14thSelect a topic and write the questions, make a second copy to turn in one copy to your teacher.Teacher Initials: ______Grade______

2.Due Date:Oct. 22ndLocate 6 resources. Present the 6 Resources in the form of a bibliography. Teacher Initials: ______Grade______

3. Due Date: Nov. 4th- Rough draft: Write your facts on a separate sheet of paper, make a second copy to turn in one copy to your teacher.

Teacher Initials: ______Grade______

4. Due Date: Nov. 10th- Determine your product and write a short description of the product,make a second copy to turn in one copy to your teacher.

Teacher Initials: ______Grade______

Final Product Due:Nov. 21st

By signing this paper, I am confirming the writing, art work and designs in this project are mine and not the work of any other person. I understand my teacher reserves the right to review my resources to confirm all work submitted is my own. If my teacher determines I have copied another person’s work, I understand I will receive a grade of 0 for the project and will not be able to make up the assignment. I realize that I may not copy and paste any picture from the internet unless the source is sited.

Cutting and pasting from the internet will result in a “Zero” unless properly sited and less than 10% of your project.

Student Signature: ______

Student Self-Evaluation

Please use the rubric to evaluate your project before you turn it in. You must have your Bibliography / Work Sited page on your project!! Turning it in with the packet does not count!!!

5 points / 4 Points / 3 Points / 2 Points / 0 Points / Total
Research / 6 Resources With a complete Bibliography (using / 4 Resources or
6 resources on Work cited page / 2 Resources
Work citedpage / 1 Resources
Work cited page / 0 Resources / (Times 4)
In Depth / At least 15 in depth facts. / At least 10 in depth facts / At least 8 in depth facts / 8 in depth facts
. / 0 in depth Facts / (Times 8)
Neatness and following direction / Excellent care and all directions followed / Done with care and most directions followed / Average care orquestions appear on the project (they should NOT!) / Poor care andfew directions followed / Little effort / (Times 4)
Creativity / Unusual Product / Execution Unusual / Some Creativity (Store bought models) / Little Creativity / No Creativity / (Times 4)

Teacher Rubric

5 points / 4 Points / 3 Points / 2 Points / 0 Points / Total
Research / 6 Resources With a complete Bibliography (using / 4 Resources or
6 resources on Work cited page / 2 Resources
Work cited page / 1 Resources
Work cited page / 0 Resources / (Times 4)
In Depth / At least 15 in depth facts. / At least 10 in depth facts / At least 8 in depth facts / > 8 in depth facts
. / 0 in depth Facts / (Times 8)
Neatness and following direction / Excellent care and all directions followed / Done with care and most directions followed / Average care or questions appear on the project (they should NOT!) / Poor care andfew directions followed / Little effort / (Times 4)
Creativity / Unusual Product / Execution Unusual / Some Creativity (Store bought models) / Little Creativity / No Creativity / (Times 4)

Teacher Comments: ______
