Questionnaire for the Report Card based on the 2020 Targets



Date: ______

Circle the answer that best represents your position

BetterData CollectionSystems

  1. Is there an oral health monitoring (data collecting) system in your country? (Multiple answers allowed)

a. yes, National Please provide name ______

b. yes, Regional Please provide name ______

c. yes, Local Please provide name ______

d. no, if no go to question no. 3

  1. If you answered yes, is the data collection done(Multiple answers allowed)
  2. regularly on national level. Please specify time interval______
  3. regularly on regional level.Please specify time interval______
  4. regularly on local level. Please specify time interval______
  5. ad hoc on national level
  6. ad hoc on regional level
  7. ad hoc on local level
  1. What is the percentage of individuals aged over 65 years with natural functional dentition (21 teeth or more) in your country?
  2. _____ per cent based on ______(give the reference/ name of organisation that collected data and date of its collection)
  3. no data available

Preventive Policies

  1. Is there a National Health Promotion Strategy / Action Plan being implemented in your country
  2. yes
  3. no, if no go to question no.6
  1. Does the National Health Promotion Strategy / Action Plan include oral health
  2. yes
  3. no, but there is a dedicated Oral Health Promotion Plan in my country
  4. no
  1. Is there a National Health Research Programme / Action Plan being implemented in your country
  2. yes
  3. no, if no go to question no.8
  1. Does the National Health Research Programme / Action Plan include oral health
  2. yes
  3. no, but there is a dedicated Oral Health Research Programme / Action Plan in my country
  4. no
  1. Is there an Oral Health Workforce Plan in your country (multiple answers allowed)?
  2. yes, national
  3. yes, regional
  4. yes, local
  5. no
  1. Do you have national Good Clinical Practice guidelines covering oral disease prevention?
  2. yes
  3. no
  1. How many dental schools in your country have integrated the Competence Domain “Prevention and Health Promotion” from the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) recommendation in the ‘Profile and Competences for the Graduating European Dentist’ document into their curriculum?
  2. ____ (number)schools out of ____(number) overall dental schools. Please also indicate the number of schools for which it is not known whether theyfollow the recommendations in the ADEE Profile and Competence document ______
  3. I do not know
  1. Are dentists in your country taught to make oral cancer diagnosis (multiple answers allowed)?
  2. yes, during their undergraduate training
  3. yes, during their postgraduate/specialist training
  4. yes , in professional development / continuing education courses
  5. no
  6. I do not know

Education And Awareness

  1. Is there a national school based oral health promotion programme in your country)?
  2. yes
  3. no
  1. Have you had a public oral health promotion campaign targeted at citizens in your country during last two years (multiple answers allowed)?
  2. yes, Nationalif yes, please specify the number of promotion campaigns ____
  3. yes, Regionalif yes, please specify the number of promotion campaigns ____
  4. yes, Localif yes, please specify the number of promotion campaigns ____
  5. no, if no go to question no.15
  6. I do not know
  1. Who has been organizing these public oral health promotion campaigns in your country (multiple answers allowed)?
  2. dental professional organization
  3. health authorities
  4. national association
  5. commercial enterprise
  6. other, please specify______
  1. Anything else you would like to mention to the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe




Thank you for your time and responses.