Examples of research projects managed - Australia

  1. Health Monitor CATI (Computer assisted Telephone Interviewing) survey for the Health Department, WA, which forms the statistical basis which informs the formulation of health policy by the WA State Government – on-going project completing 7500 to 10000 interviews each year since 2002.
  2. QUIT community CATI survey to assess public opinion in response to the “Quit smoking” campaign in WA – 200 Interviews – 2004.
  3. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and Childhood Tumour study (using CATI and mail-out) for The Telethon Institute for Child Health Research – 600 interviews – 2004/5.
  4. Fraud Centrelink CATI Survey for the Crime Research Unit, UWA – 3200 interviews completed – 2004.
  5. CATI Survey in Clarkson, WA for a liquor licence application for Data Analysis Australia – 300 interviews completed – 2004.
  6. Tobacco Retailer Compliance CATI Survey for the department of Health, WA to monitor compliance with Tobacco Control Act 1990 – 1100 interviews completed – 2004.
  7. Aboriginal Child Health CATI Survey for Department of Health, Northern Territory – 1200 interviews – 2004.
  8. Asthma Foundation WA CATI survey on the uptake on the “starter packs” handed to pregnant women to inform them on issues around asthma for young babies – 200 Interviews – 2003.
  9. RESIDE telephone recruitment and survey for Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UWA- Impact of community design on people’s leisure time activities, health and transport patterns – 2000 respondents per year– 2003 – 2005.
  10. Cancer Foundation Campaign awareness survey (Daffodil Day) for the cancer Foundation, WA – 400 interviews completed – repeated in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
  11. An assessment of suicide and suicidal ideation among men for the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UWA – 200 interviews completed – 2003.
  12. Central Great Southern Health CATI Survey for department of Health, WA – 500 interviews – 2003.
  13. Department for Community Development Stakeholder mail-out Survey for Department for Community Development – 300 questionnaires mailed out and returned, data captured and data sets and final reports produced. – 2003.
  14. Keep Watch media awareness CATI survey for Royal Life Saving Society, WA – 200 interviews – 2003.
  15. Physical Activity Survey of the Great Southern Region for Department of Health – 200 interviews – repeated in 2002 and 2003.
  16. Asthma Joondalup, WA -- Post Campaign focus groups for the Asthma Foundation, Joondalup, WA – 8 focus groups of 5-7 members per group – 2002.

A baseline study on the attitudes to mental health and wellbeing for Relationships Australia – 1500 interviews – 2002.