YOUR TITLE OF THE PAPER (40 characters max)


Author 1 / Additional Authors

Affiliation author 1 / Affiliation additional authors

e-mail address of author 1 / additional authors

*please leave this portion blank for the initial submission. If selected you will have a chance to make small revisions to the paper and add author credits.

1.the layout of the paper

The paper size is US Letter (8.5 x 11in). The document margins are 1 inch. The standard font to be used for the IDSApaper submissions is Arial.

To maintain the consistency, papers outside of this format won’t be accepted.Below is the list of important things to remember.

  • Deadline – Papers must be received by IDSA byMarch 25, 2016 for review.
  • Please refer to important dates.
  • MS Word files only. PDF or other format will not be accepted.
  • Name your Word file: Paper_(Presentation Title).doc.
    Maximum 40 characters including spaces! If longer, your title will get cut short, which is bad for search.
  • Minimum 4 pages, maximum 8 pages total including images and references.
  • At least one good image of 288x288 pixels is required to represent your paper on-line (
  • We encourage the use of more images.
  • Images need to be 300DPI color; email a separate graphic file (tif, eps, jpg) for each image with your paper along with an inserted image at 72dpi so that we can see placement; name your graphic files in this format: (Image(x)_Presentation Title). Do not include page numbers.
  • Do not include abstracts, author bio or headshot at this time. Those items will be requested upon selection.

1.1.Text styles

The styles part of the ‘Formatting Palette’ contains predefined styles for each possible section in the IDSA Education Symposium paper. Please do not alter header and footer of the paper.

All text is left aligned. The following list presents the components used and corresponding styles:

  • Body text is 10pt, line spacing exactly 15pt, aligned left. Style ‘Normal,IDSA PAPER normal’.
  • Paper title is bold 15pt all caps, line spacing exactly 15pt, centered. Style ‘IDSA PAPER title’.
  • Author names are bold, 9pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, centered. Style ‘IDSA PAPER author(s)’.
  • Affiliations are 9pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, centered. Style ‘IDSA PAPER affiliation(s)’.
  • Abstract is bold, 9.5pt, line spacing exactly 15pt, align left. Style ‘IDSA PAPER abstract’.
  • Keywords are bold 10.5pt, line spacing exactly 15pt, aligned left. Style ‘IDSA PAPER keywords’.
  • Header 1 is bold 10pt all caps, Single spacing, aligned left, space before 22,5pt, after 7,5pt. Style ‘Heading 1,IDSA PAPER heading 1’.
  • Header 2 is bold 10pt all caps, Single spacing, aligned left. Style ‘IDSA PAPER heading 2’.
  • Captions are 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, aligned left. Style ‘IDSA PAPER captions’.
  • References are 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, aligned left, space after 5pt. Style ‘IDSA PAPER references’.
  • Bullet lists are body text, hanging 0.2in, space before 5pt. Style ‘IDSA PAPER bullet list’.

Pages are numbered in the footer as shown in this template. Please do not alter the page number and the IDSA Education Symposium logo.

1.2.Section heads

Section heads use style ‘Heading 1’; Arial bold 10pt uppercase, line spacing exactly 15pt, aligned left, space before 22.5pt, after 7.5pt

1.3.Subsection head

Subsection heads use style ‘Heading 2’; Arialbold italic 10ptuppercase, line spacing exactly 15pt, aligned left, space before 15pt

2.Figures and Tables

Figures and tables can appear within the text, left aligned.

Figure 1. Caption text.

Figures and tables should be numbered and referenced: (Figure 1) or (Table 1). Captions and table captions use style ‘IDSA PAPER captions’ (Arial 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, aligned left).

Captions go under the respective tables and figures. All figures and tables are aligned to the left of a page or column and appear either on the same page as the first reference to the figure or table or on the first page after the first reference.

3.citations and References

In the references section at the end, please include references to all works cited in the running text organized in alphabetical order. Do not include works that are not cited in the text. References should follow the formats shown in this document below. For citations, use the formats in the remainder of this section.The reference list shows examples of a journal paper (Bullock, 2011) and(McDermott, Boradkar & Zunjarward 2014).When citing a website please enter the date you last viewed it, as the content may change. The references are 8pt, line spacing exactly 10pt, aligned left, space after 5pt. Style ‘IDSA PAPER references’.

4.Submitting your paper

Accepted format is MSWord.

Papers must be submitted via anOnline Submission Form.


Bullock, W. (2011)E-waste: An Industrial Designer’s Perspective, Proceedings of IDSA Education Symposium, September 14-17, New Orleans.

McDermott, Lauren, Prasad Boradkar, and Renu Zunjarward. Interdisciplinary in Design Education. Paper. Austin, TX: Industrial Designers Society of America Education Symposium, Aug. 18, 2014. Print