







Complaints from representatives

Time scales

Anonymous complaints


Investigating the complaint

Recording Complaints

Dissatisfaction with an Outcome

Ofsted (England)

The Care Quality Commission (England)


Vexatious Complainants


Useful Links

Policy Review Information

Staff Feedback


To ensure that Paramount Care and Safety Ltd deal with any complaint promptly and fairly using correct and efficient procedures. Paramount Care and Safety Ltd will use this as an opportunity to ensure Quality Assurance and our commitment to our service users and their families, professionals and the public.

To enable the above to pass compliments on the services they receive from Paramount Care and Safety Ltd, and for both compliments and complaints to be used as a training opportunity for our staff.


For the purpose of this policy and procedure the following definitions apply:

Compliment– A formal expression of thanks or appreciation, verbal or written (for example thank you cards) about any aspect of the service provided by Paramount Care and Safety Ltd.

Suggestion– Advice or an idea that may improve care, treatment or service delivery.


Any issue raised about any aspect of service provided by Paramount Care and Safety Ltd which the service user (or relative/carer/significant other/unconnected third party) has expressed dissatisfaction which is resolved at the time it was raised or can be resolved by staff in the service within five working days, without the need for a formal investigation.

Any of our service userswho are unhappy with any aspect of the service and wish to express their dissatisfaction, by any means are to be supported to use the complaints procedure.

When possible complaints will be dealt with informally with the details and resolution being recorded in the bound book. All other complaints will follow the complaints procedures.


This policy complies with the Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015, Regulation 7 (2)(b)(ii), (c), 13 (g)(ii), 39, Schedule 1 (6). The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities)Regulations 2014; regulation 16.

Complaints from representatives

Complaints from representatives will only be accepted when:

  • The service user has consented, either verbally or in writing or:
  • Where the service user cannot complain unaided, and cannot give consent because they lack capacity within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and the representative is acting in the service user’s best interests (for example, where the matter complained about, if true, would be detrimental to the service user).

Time scales

A complaint must be made no later than 12 months after:

  • The date the event occurred or, if later
  • The date the event came to the notice of the complainant

The time limit will not apply if Paramount Care and Safety Ltd is satisfied that;

  • The complainant can give a good reason for not making the complaint within that time limit, and
  • Despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.

All complaints made by service users to staff in Paramount Care and Safety Ltd regarding other service users and their care will be dealt with immediately.

Written complaints received will be investigated immediately and replied to within 3 working days.

Anonymous complaints

Anonymous complaints will be investigated and may be acted upon at the discretion of Paramount Care and Safety Ltd. Should the complainant fear that we will treat them less favourably if they complain openly, we will, if required, assist in finding support outside the company.


The Registered Manager has overall responsibility for investigating and resolving any complaint made.

The Registered Manager may delegate the investigation and resolution of a complaint to a senior member of staff, whom they are confident can successfully handle the complaint.

A person who has either been complained about or is involved with a complaint will not be involved in the investigation of the complaint.

Investigating the complaint

The manner in which the complaint is to be handled depends on the severity of the complaint. In all cases the complaint must be investigated by a person with sufficient seniority to resolve the issues. In most instances, for complaints of minor severity and often medium severity, a meeting or phone call to the complainant from the Registered Manager should resolve the issue.

Complaints of high severity always require a full investigation and a written response and will be dealt with by the Registered Manager.

High severity complaints must in all cases be reported to the Registered Manager and also to any appropriate external bodies – e.g. Adult Social Care, Ofsted, CQC and/or the police.

The objective of any investigation into a complaint is to listen, respond and improve the service. The RegisteredManager should listen carefully to the complainant to understand their concerns and what they wish to achieve; summarise their understanding of the complaint and objectively review the circumstances of the complaint.

Where a member of staff has been named in a complaint they should be requested to provide a statement in response to the complaint. The Registered Manager should then prepare a written response to include:

  • The answers to any specific questions that have been raised
  • A detailed explanation regarding questions raised in the complaint from any staff involved
  • Conclusions reached in relation to the complaint including appropriate remedial action
  • An apology if appropriate

During the investigation, the complainant should be kept informed of progress at weekly intervals.

Recording Complaints

It is the responsibility of the RegisteredManager to ensure that complaints are recorded.

Initial reports will be taken on the company Complaints Form (see 25b. Complaints Form). If staff receive a complaint it should be recorded on the form, or a copy of the form will be sent to the complainant.

A report received by any other means for example; if a letter, it will be attached to the complaints form, or a printed copy of an e-mail will be attached. Details should then be placed in the bound book (see below) and a log number and date entered on the form.

Paramount Care and Safety Ltd will ensure all complaints are recorded in a bound book with numbered pages, whichwill include the following:

  • A front sheet Index with brief information
  • Name of complainant
  • Log Number and Date
  • Description of the complaint
  • Additional comments of complainant
  • What resolution does the complainant expect?
  • Action taken
  • Conclusion
  • Signature of complainant and manager

When a complaint has been closed, a copy of the bound book page will be attached to the rear of the complaints file and filed in the relevant persons main file or in the case of staff, their personnel file at head office

Dissatisfaction with an Outcome

At any stage should a complainant be dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint or feel the need to take it further it would be appropriate for them to contact an outside body. In this instant they can contact:

Ofsted (England)

Ofsted regulates social care services in England, such as children’s homes, residential family centres and fostering and adoption services. People who wish to complain about a service regulated by Ofsted will normally be expected to first contact Paramount Care and Safety Ltd as the provider, so that the complaints process in the Complaints Procedure can be followed. If they are not satisfied, the person has the right to refer the complaint to Ofsted.

•Details can be found at:

Or at:

OFSTED in writing at;

Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD

The Care Quality Commission (England)

People who wish to complain about a health or social care service in England can do so to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), but should in the first instance contact Paramount Care and Safety Ltd. If they remain dissatisfied once the complaint has been dealt with in Stages 1 and 2 of Paramount Care and Safety Ltd complaints process, the person can take further action:

  • Complaints about NHS and NHS-funded care: Contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
  • Local-authority funded social care services: People can make a complaint to the local authority if it pays for their care. If they are dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.
  • Self-funded care: People who self-fund their care can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.

Some complaints about the use of the Mental Health Act 2007 can also be made to the CQC.

  • Details of all the issues listed above can be found at:

Or at:

CQC National Customer Service Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne


It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that no service user or other person is subjected to any form of reprisal for making a complaint. A person contravening this policy may be subject to the company Disciplinary Procedure.

Vexatious Complainants

Complainants (and/or anyone acting on their behalf) may in some circumstances be deemed to be habitual or vexatious complainants. This could involve behaviour such as:

  • changing the substance of a complaint
  • continually raising new issues;
  • being unwilling to accept documented evidence of treatment given as being factual,
  • denying receipt of an adequate response in spite of correspondence specifically answering their questions;
  • harassing
  • being personally abusive
  • verbally aggressive on more than one occasion towards staff dealing with their complaint;
  • threatening or using actual physical violence towards staff at any time.

In all cases, advice should be taken from the Registered Manager who will determine what action to take.


Should a compliment be passed on to Paramount Care and Safety Ltd this will be shared with the relevant person who the compliment was about, recorded in their personnel file and Senior Managers informed.

We may ask for your permission to display some parts of your comment on our website.

Useful Links

02. Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

04. Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

25a. Complaints Procedure

Policy Review Information

Revision Number / Date of Revision / Revised By / Verified By / Reason for Revision / Comments
4 / 30/04/15 / Mike Adamson / Jacqui O’Riordan / Audit recommendation / Added Review and Monitoring and changed Staff details
5 / 22/07/15 / Mike Adamson / Jacqui O’Riordan / Legislation update and general review / Added new legislation, new procedure and contact details and details of complaints form
6 / 11/03/16 / Mike Adamson / Jacqui O’Riordan / General Update / Changed Logo. Replace ‘The Paramount Group’ with Paramount Care and Safety Ltd. Removed reference to young persons. Added date column to sign sheet.
Removed reference to home replaced with project

Staff Feedback

Staff Name / Date / Requested revision of policy / Reason for request

By signing below you are acknowledging you have read and understood this policy and procedure.

Name / Designation / Signature / Date
Policy Manual / Revision: 6 / © Paramount Care and Safety Ltd
Policy No: 25 / Page: 1 / Revised by: Mike Adamson
Title: Compliments and Complaints Policy / Date of Revision: March 2016 / Verified by: Jacqui O’Riordan