January 11, 2016

For Immediate Release

On-Line Relocation Service ArriveMarin.com Launches New Site

Seeking to Support Families Dislocated by Corporate Moves

Marin County, California. Two women are putting a new spin on an old challenge, relocating to Marin Country, California. Accomplished entrepreneurs Kate McMillan and Mary McFadden have launched an innovative new business designed to lessen the shock of resettling young families. ArriveMarin (www.arrivemarin.com) recognizes that a real estate transaction is just one element of a successful relocation and has developed tools to help buyers determine the ideal neighborhood for their families.

Co-Founder Kate McMillan commented, “Market research demonstrates that family dissatisfaction is the leading cause of failed corporate relocations; a costly and disruptive outcome[1]. ArriveMarin seeks to lessen the heavy burden placed on children and spouses to establish new connections in their adopted communities.”

Writing on the impact of relocations on families[2], Dr. Joseph Gasper of Johns Hopkins University has noted, “…breaking social ties and disrupting the home environment creates psychological stress for adolescents and deprives both families and young people of the resources that established social connections bring.” He concluded, “Research on mental health and developmental psychology has long emphasized how residential mobility is associated with negative adjustment … in short, previous work points to moving as a significant negative event in the lives of young people.”

Co-Founded Mary McFadden continued, “The ArriveMarin team recognizes that the job is done when you find your community, not when a closing occurs.” Mary added, “Arrive Marin is very pleased to be partnered with Pacific Union (pacificunion.com), the region’s largest real estate firm.”

About Arrive Main – After a career in publishing, Kate McMillan launched a successful boutique catering company based in California and has authored 12 cookbooks for retailer Williams-Sonoma. Mary McFadden begin her career as an award-winning sales executive for Xerox Corporation before establishing The Shoe Garden, a children’s shoe store in Greenwich Village, New York. ArriveMarin was architected by San Francisco-based digital design firm KNI.

[1] Atlas Relocation Survey, 2016

[2] Gasper, J., et al. Coming and going: Explaining the effects of residential and school mobility on adolescent delinquency. Social Sci. Res. (2009)