Options and Steps for Early Migration

from Local DRDP© to Hosted DRDPtech©

OPTION 1: An agency administrator can migrate old assessment informationfrom local DRDPtech to hosted DRDPtech.

Follow the following steps for each assessment period that you wish to migrate into the hosted DRDPtech:

Step 1: Log into the local DRDP and switch to the assessment period that you want to transfer, if you are not on it already. To switch from one assessment period to another, click “Other Options,” then Assessment Periods.”

Step 2: Under “Other Options,” click “Download DRDPRecords” in the Navigation menu.

Step 3: In the “Select Group to Download DRDP Records” page, make sure the “Select All Children” option is selected, and then click “Select Group to Download DRDPRecords.”

Step 4: In the “Download DRDP Records” page, select the XLSX Excel Workbook format and click “Yes” to confirm you want to download the group of children.

Step 5: A dialog box will appear asking you to open or save the Excel file on your computer. Click “Open,” then “OK.”

Step 6: Now that you have the Excel file open, column A needs to be changed. Instead of a teacher’s name,input the teacher’s username which is the teacher’s email address. Note: Even if the teacher no longer works for the site/agency, input his/her email address.

Step 7: In column E (locked), all children should be unlocked. Therefore, if that column has as any 1s, change them to 0s. (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)

Step 8: Due to the fact that all the children are unlocked, column N (DRDP completion) needs to be empty. Erase any dates entered in that column.

Step 9: Save and close the Excel file.

Step 10: Log into the hosted DRDPtech and create the assessment period into which you are going to transfer the old assessment period information. For example, if you are transferring fall 2008 into the hosted DRDPtech, create a fall 2008 assessment period in the hosted DRDPtech. To add a new assessment period, click “Other Options,” then “Assessment Periods.”

Step 11: Switch to thisnewly created assessment period. Click “Change” in the top right hand corner of the page.

Step 12: Add the teachers that belong to this assessment period, if the teachers are not yet in the system. Go to “Other Options,” and then click “Users” in the Navigation menu.

Step 13: Click “Add Teacher,” fill in the teacher information, and click “Add User.”

Step 14: Repeat Step 13 for each teacher added.

Step 15: In the Navigation menu, go to “Other Options” and click “Upload DRDP Records.” Choose “Upload Records For Enrollment.”

Step 16: In the “Upload New DRDP Records” page, click on the “Browse” button.

Step 17: A dialog box will appear. Find the Excel file that you downloaded and saved earlier from the local DRDP. You will upload this Excel file into the hosted DRDP. The Excel sheet is most likely in your computer’s “Downloads” folder. When you find it, select the file and click “Open.”

Step 18: If you want to include the children’s ratings in the upload, check the “Include ratings” check box. If you don’t want to include the ratings, uncheck the check box. Finally, click “Upload Now”.

A message will appear to inform you if the upload was successful or not.

OPTION 2: Await official migration to hosted DRDPtech and remain in the local DRDP. Continue to perform actions as done previously.

© 2013 California Department of Education, Child Development Division with the WestEd Center
for Child and Family Studies, Desired Results Training & Technical Assistance Project.