Geography of Ethnicity/Race



Unit 3

Define Ethnicity-

Define immutable-

Where are the most ethnically diverse areas in the world? Least ethnically diverse areas in the world?

Distribution of ethnicity/race in the U.S. population:

Define race:

Most residential segregation- (city)

Least residential segregation- (city)

What separates Hispanic from Latino?

Regional Location of …

African-Americans in the U.S.-

Hispanic-Americans in the U.S.-

Asian-Americans in the U.S.-

Native Americans in the U.S.-

Define ethnic island-

What separates an ethnic island from an ethnic neighborhood?

Define ethnic enclave-

How do ethnic enclaves sometimes result in ghettos?

Ethnic concentrations in the following U.S. states and cities-


Chicago, Illinois-

Los Angeles, California-

Baltimore, Maryland-

Differentiate between certain races and ethnicities:

What caused “White Flight” to occur in America?

Other items you need to know regarding Ethnicity and Race from around the World

  1. Describe the significance of Plessy vs. Ferguson. What did it to do geography?
  2. Describe the significance of Brown vs. Board of Education. What did it to do geography? What was the “white” response?
  3. Explain the apartheid system. How was it created?
  4. What four races could you be born into in South Africa?
  5. What happened in the 1970s and 1980s regarding the world and apartheid.
  6. Explain the isolation of races.
  7. Today, explain the apartheid issue and the end results of it.
  8. What is the relationship between ethnic groups and nationalities?
  9. What is a nation state? Describe them in Europe.
  10. Define and describe nationalism. What is it an example of?
  11. What is the difference between a multiethnic state and multinational states.
  12. What is the largest former multinational state? How is it now divided? List characteristics and current countries of each.
  13. Describe the situation in Russia now.
  14. What is the current conflict of the Caucasus area?
  15. How have people focused recently on their ethnic identity?
  16. Has there been a revival of a nationalistic feeling in Europe – how and why?
  17. Do ethnicities clash?
  18. What area of the world specifically had ethnic conflicts?
  19. Describe the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
  20. Describe the conflict in Sudan.
  21. Describe the conflict in Somalia.
  22. What was the US role in Somalia?
  23. Describe the competition issue in Lebanon.
  24. What happened when the British ended colonial rule in India in 1947?
  25. Why was India and Pakistan separated?
  26. What have been the religious conflicts?
  27. How did the Muslims feel towards the British? Why?
  28. What was the result of the partitioning of South Asia?
  29. How did that lead to conflict? What happened to individual groups?
  30. Describe the ethnic dispute between Pakistan and Kashmir.
  31. When did the ethnic dispute begin in regards to Sri Lanka? What is the issue? The groups?
  32. Define ethnic cleansing.
  33. What has been the end result of ethnic conflicts?
  34. List what has recently happened in the Balkan Peninsula. List groups involved.
  35. What 6 countries were once part of the former Yugoslavia?
  36. Describe the ethnic diversity of former Yugoslavia. (include languages, religions, neighboring governments/conflicts, etc.)
  37. How was former Yugoslavia deconstructed?
  38. What was the issue with regions initially?
  39. Describe the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. What did the Bosnia Serbs get?
  40. Describe the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.
  41. Define balkanization – where does this term come from?
  42. Describe the ethnic cleansing of central Africa. Explain the conflict between the Hutu and Tutsis. How did it spread? Explain European influence on the issue.
  43. Describe the ongoing Rohingya ethnic crisis in Myanmar.