Criteria / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Nonverbal Skills
Eye Contact / Does not attempt to look at audience at all, reads notes the entire time / Only focuses attention to one particular part of the class, does not scan audience / Occasionally looks at someone or some groups during lesson / Constantly looks at someone or some groups at all times
Posture / Sits during lesson or slumps / Occasionally slumps during lesson or leans on wall/table / Stands up straight with both feet on the ground and addresses audience-avoid standing at computer.
Vocal Skills
Enthusiasm / Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented / Shows neutral feelings about topic-neither positive or negative “Just presenting” / Demonstrates some positive feelings about topic / Demonstrates a strong positive feeling about topic during entire lesson.
Vocalized Pauses (uh, well uh, um) / 10 or more are noticed / 6-9 are noticed / 2-5 are noticed / No (or 1) vocalized pauses noticed
Content / 0 / 2 / 3 / 5
Catchy introduction! / Audience has no idea what the report is on / States I/we are covering… / Vaguely tells audience what lesson is over-some intro but still vague and non-engaging / Clearly explains what the lesson is covering-has clear, engaging introduction
Time frame / Lesson is less than minimum time (10 minutes) / Lesson is more than maximum time
(15 minutes) / Lesson falls within required time frame
Visual Aid and Primary Source / Poor, distracts audience and is hard to read—poor font and background color choices. Just has writing all over it. No primary source used. / Adds nothing to lesson—just slides on powerpoint, few pictures and connections made to lesson. Primary source used but is very ineffective. / Thoughts articulated clearly, but not engaging. May have pictures, but audience sits passively and pictures are not explained. Writing is minimal. Primary source(s) is used, but not superior quality, only 1 turned in. / Visual aid enhances lesson, all thoughts articulated and keeps interest; audience engaged. Pictures, visuals etc…further help to explain the lesson and information. Primary sources used, superior quality and 2 turned in.
Video/Sound / No video or sound included / Sound/video included, but doesn’t increase effectiveness of lesson or takes up too much time of lesson / Sound/video included, but slightly ineffective or takes up too much time in lesson / Sound/video included, effective, appropriate and well-timed
Completeness of Content / No objectives, no interaction, no lesson, can tell you are trying to “get it done.” / Few objectives are met, lesson is confusing, boring. / Some objectives are met; lesson is vague. / Objectives are listed and met in lesson.
Professionalism of Lesson / Mumbles, audience has difficulty hearing, confusing. 1 person dominates lesson. / Thoughts don't flow, not clear, does not engage audience, ill-prepared, can tell has not been practiced. / Thoughts articulated clearly, though does not engage audience; audience sits passively, minimal amount is learned, some practice but not group effort. / Lesson is organized and the interest level of the audience is maintained. Can tell lesson has been practiced, all members equally participate, audience is excited and has learned about the objectives.
Mechanics / No lesson plan turned in, group just “winged” it / Lesson plan turned in, but messy, unorganized, objectives not met / Partners demonstrate quality of working together, yet lesson still disjointed. Maybe one partner covers more points than another, lesson plan turned in but not superior quality / Partners demonstrated quality of working together, lesson runs smoothly and each partner’s work is equitable; lesson plan turned in with necessary materials. Superior quality evident.

Grading Scale:47-42=A 41-38=B 37-33=C 32-28=D