Economic Aspects of Security


2 – 5 October 2003

Trieste, Italy

1.  Anoshkin, Alexander, Colonel

Chief of Article II and IV Assistance Section, Department of Security and Cooperation, OSCE Mission to BiH

2.  Basic, Samir, Mr,

Coordination Officer of Article II and IV Assistance Section, Department of Security and Cooperation, OSCE Mission to BiH

3.  Carter, David, Mr,

Special Advisor to the Personal Representative of the CiO for Articles II and IV, Annex 1B, DPA,

OSCE, Vienna

4.  Ceman, Mirsad, Mr,

Personal Representative of Member of the Presidency of BiH; Member of the House of Representatives, Parliamentary Assembly of BiH

5.  Dzuvo, Almir, Mr,

Personal Representative of Chairman of Council of Ministers of BiH; Advisor for Interior Policy, Office of the Chairman of Council of Ministers of BiH

6.  Fernandez, Fatima, Dr,

Project Personnel Manager, UNIDO, Vienna

7.  Hadziahmetovic, Azra, Dr,

Former Minister of Foreign Trade end Economic Relations of BiH; MP, Parliamentary Assembly of BiH

8.  Hadzidedic, Huso, Mr,

Director, BH GAS

9.  Hadzimusic, Nedzad, Ambassador,

Head of the Department for Multilateral Relations,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH

10.  Hadzovic, Denis, Mr,

General Secretary, Centre for Security Studies, BiH

11.  Hubo, Hajrudin, Brigadier,

Member, Joint Consultative Commission, BiH

12.  Janko, Dragan, Colonel,

Member, Joint Consultative Commission, BiH

13.  Kalasnikov, Jiri, Mr,

Acting Director, Working Table III

Stability Pact for South East Europe

14.  Kapetina, Dragan, Mr,

Military Adviser to Serb Member of the Presidency of BiH; JCC Member

15.  Knight-Sands, Kate, Ms,

First Secretary, United Kingdom Delegation to the OSCE, Vienna

16.  Keco-Isakovic, Emina, Ambassador, Dr,

Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the OSCE, Vienna

17.  Krzalic, Armin, Mr,

Programme Assistant, Centre for Security Studies, BiH

18.  Krznaric, Dijana, Ms,

First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Slovenia

19.  Lackovic, Tomislav, Mr,

First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Austria

20.  Lazetic, Dragana, Mrs,

Programme Assistant, Centre for Security Studies, BiH

21.  Marin, Slavko, Mr,

Military Adviser to Croat Member of the Presidency of BiH; JCC Member

22.  Matic, Vanja, Ms,

Consecutive Interpreter, OSCE Mission to BiH

23.  Matek, Vladimir, Ambassador

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the OSCE, Vienna

24.  Mekic, Jasmin, Mr,

Consecutive interpreter, OSCE Mission to BiH

25.  Milinkovic, Branislav, Ambassador,

Permanent Mission of Serbia and Montenegro to the OSCE, Vienna

26.  Mutsch, Barbara, Ms,

Administrative Secretary, Office of the Personal Representative of the CiO for Articles II and IV, Annex 1B, DPA, OSCE, Vienna

27.  Nicholas, David R, Ambassador

OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine; U.S. Secretary of Defence Representative to the OSCE

28.  Numic, Semin, Mr,

Technical support, Article II and IV Assistance Section, Department of Security and Cooperation, OSCE Mission to BiH

29.  Palumbo, Giovanni, Ltc,

Implementation Officer, Office of the Personal Representative of the CiO for Articles II and IV,

Annex 1B, DPA, OSCE, Vienna

30.  Puljic-Cadman, Sanda, Ms,

Programme Assistant, Centre for Security Studies, BiH

31.  Sahuric, Arnel, Mr,

Programme Assistant, Centre for Security Studies, BiH

32.  Segnani, Riccardo, Mr,

Technical support, Personal Representative of the CiO for Articles II and IV, Annex 1B, DPA, OSCE, Vienna

33. Simic, Predrag, Dr,

Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade

34.  Siric, Anton-Ivan, Mr,

Member, Joint Consultative Commission, BiH

35.  Sokanovic, Savo, Lieutenant General,

Deputy Secretary General

Standing Committee on Military Matters of BiH

36.  Soljan, Luksa, Ambassador

Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Italy

37.  Stanicic, Mladen, Dr,

Director, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia

38.  Swiecicki, Marcin, Mr,

Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, OSCE, Vienna

39.  Tempesta, Pierpaolo, Mr,

Special Advisor, Permanent Mission of Italy to the OSCE – Vienna

40.  Temsch, Richard, Dr,

President, The Missing Link, International Consulting Corporation

41.  Turkovic, Bisera, Ambassador, Dr,

Director, Centre for Security Studies, BiH

42.  Turkovic, Seid, Mr,

Portfolio Manager, Country Portfolio Coordinator Institutional Capacity-Building,

United Nations Development Programme, BiH

43.  Veljan, Ekrem, Brigadier,

Member, Joint Consultative Commission, BiH

44.  Venancio, Moises, Mr,

Resident Representative,

United Nations Development Programme, BiH

45.  Vetschera, Heinz, Mr

Deputy Director, Department of Security and Cooperation, OSCE Mission to BiH

46.  Vujovic, Slobodan, Captain,

Member, Joint Consultative Commission, BiH

47.  Zappulla, Claudio, General

Personal Representative of the CiO for Articles II and IV, Annex 1B, DPA

OSCE, Vienna

48.  Zigic, Izet, Dr,

Personal Representative of the Prime Minister of the FBiH”; Minster of Energy, Mining and Industry of the FBiH

49.  Zmaric, Slavko, Mr,

Personal Representative of Prime Minister of RS; Director, Centre for Strategic Studies in the

Ministry of Defence in RS