
Vocational Training, Information Actions and Dissemination of Knowledge in the Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sectors in the Solway, Border and Eden and Cumbria Fells and Dales Areas.

1. Introduction

Solway, Border and Eden (SBE) Local Action Group and Cumbria Fells and Dales (CFD) Local Action Group invite suitably qualified organisations to tender to undertake the delivery of Vocational Training, Information Actions and Dissemination of Knowledge in the Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sectors in the SBE Area[1], the CFD Area or across both Areas.

The invitation to tender covers 13 Strands falling under three themes:

  1. Agriculture & Forestry Vocational Training
  2. Demonstrations, Shows and Events
  3. Knowledge Transfer and Demonstration Programmes

Tenders are invited for each of the 13 Strands. Bidders are encouraged to tender for more than one Strand, and bids can either be made as individual organisations or as consortia. Details of how to bid are contained in this document.

2. Purpose of Interventions

The delivery of this activity is funded under Measure 111 of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE)[2]. Specifically, this can provide support for vocational training and information actions, including diffusion of scientific knowledge and innovative practices, for people engaged in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors.

It should also be noted that the funding falls under Axis 1 of the RDPE, which has the focus of improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sectors. All actions therefore need to show that they contribute to this aim.

Consideration should also be given, where appropriate, to addressing age and gender issues within the makeup of the family oriented business unit within agriculture.

3. Themes

The overall aim of the intervention is to support learning in the target sectors that will lead to the increase of productivity and competitiveness. It should be seen as complementary to the range of other interventions supported through the RDPE. Within this overall aim, SBE and CFD wish to see activity under three Themes, described below.

3.1 Theme 1: Agriculture & Forestry Vocational Training

Theme 1 focuses on direct vocational training that will contribute towards productivity in the farming and forestry sectors. In particular, it will encourage innovation in production techniques.

The activities to be delivered will be short courses (although these can be extended up to a year in length) for individuals who are currently, or are intending, to work in the farming or forestry sectors. These will include courses that are required for regulatory purposes, such as machine handling training required under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998[3], regular updating such as livestock health, grassland management and woodland skills as well as other training to enable the introduction of new techniques in production or ancillary activities, such as new forms of energy production. The latter will be subject to higher rates of financial support.

The training under this Theme will generally be expected to have some form of accreditation, although this will not always be the case, for example where new forms of activity are being introduced. Where the training is not accredited, additional information on quality assurance and outcomes will be required.

3.2 Theme 2: Demonstrations, Shows and Events

Theme 2 focuses on the delivery of demonstrations, show and events that promote increased productivity in the farming and forestry sectors.

The specific focus for this theme is the promotion of events and visits that allow for informal learning. While the Theme has been structured to allow for innovation, the types of activity to be covered will include:

·  Organised visits to demonstration farms (excluding these covered by the Livestock Programme[4]);

·  Supporting stands at existing events and shows; and

·  Other forms of promotion that contribute to awareness raising over the Theme’s aims.

The activities supported under this theme have to be for wider benefit of the sectors, and cannot be used to support any specific commercially produced product.

Theme 3: Knowledge Transfer & Demonstration Programmes

Theme 3 will support a wide range of activities that are intended to complement Themes 1 and 2.

The activities to be delivered are intended to cover a wide range of issues and delivery mechanisms, from structured learning events to action learning. There is to be a particular focus on:

·  innovative learning methods, both accredited and unaccredited;

·  stimulating demand for learning;

·  encouragement of collaboration between farms and among foresters

·  integration with other interventions.

The primary definition is that it covers activities excluded by Themes 1 and 2, with a focus on specific intervention areas.

The figure below describes the Strands and activities to be covered within this Theme.

Theme 3: Formal Training & Demonstration Programmes
Strand / Activity
3.1 Woodfuel / Learning and knowledge transfer (L&KT) over the development of forestry for woodfuel and the development of woodfuel applications
3.2 Group Working: Forestry / L&KT to support co-operative activities in forestry
3.3 Group Working: Agriculture / L&KT to support co-operative activities in agriculture
3.4 Specialist Areas (e.g. organics, fibres, rare breeds) / L&KT to support specialist activity in agriculture (e.g. organics; fibres; rare breeds)
3.5 Adding Value & Diversification / L&KT over adding value to agricultural and forestry processes; new applications for agricultural and forestry products; support and training for farm business restructuring and development of diversified activities
3.6 Administrative Schemes & Compliance / L&KT to support development (e.g. post 2013 farm plans)
3.7 Agricultural Product[5]
Development & Marketing / L&KT to develop and market agricultural products, improving efficiency in the processing and marketing sector; opening new market opportunities
3.8 Public Relations/Advisory/Advocacy / L&KT to enhance capacity in PR and advisory activities in the target sectors
3.9 ICT Skills & New Technologies / L&KT to support the introduction of technology applications within the target sectors
3.10 Post 2013 Agenda / L&KT to disseminate and discuss issues facing rural land managers post 2013

4. Funding

4.1 Eligible Beneficiaries and Costs

The funding is available to support suitably qualified organisations to provide training and related activities to individuals within the target sectors in the SBE and CFD areas. Individual trainees cannot receive funds directly. Providers must therefore apply for grant support and then make RDPE funded courses available to eligible trainees, who are defined as individuals resident or working in the SBE and CFD areas:

·  In the agricultural, horticultural and food sectors, trainees must be engaged in a business, organisation or social enterprise which is dependent on agriculture or utilises agricultural products. Eligible trainees should typically spend more than half of their time in these activities;

·  In the case of training for the forestry sector, trainees must be engaged in a business, organisation or social enterprise which is dependent on woodland or utilises any woodland or forest products;

·  For farmers and foresters the grant rates can be up to 100% but will typically range from 45% to 80%.

·  For training delivered to small enterprises[6] in the food sector the maximum grant rate will be 80% for general skills and 45% for non-transferable skills; for medium enterprises 70% and 35%; typical grant rates will be lower than the maximum allowable. These rates can be increased by a further 10% for disabled or disadvantaged workers.

·  Eligible costs may include trainers/facilitators/mentors, training needs assessments, training venues and refreshments, course materials and examination fees, course evaluation costs, project management costs for training organisers, events concerning knowledge transfer and the dissemination of research, small-scale capital costs.

Support is not available for:

·  Courses or training which form part of normal programmes or systems of agricultural and forestry education at secondary or higher levels;

·  Programmes or courses which last longer than 3 years;

·  Large-scale infrastructure for training purposes; and

·  Full time courses.

4.2 Allocation of Funds

The figure below shows the budget allocation made by SBE and CFD to support the Themes within this invitation to tender. Providers can bid for one or more than one Strand.

The funds available detailed are guideline figures. Providers can potentially bid for less than the total Strand allocation or up to 10% more but significant benefit (more than 10% extra outputs) must accrue. However, if this occurs amounts allocated to other Strands will be reduced to compensate.

There is the potential for providers to include funds from other Axis 1 measures within their bids.

SBE Measure 111 Interventions 2010-2013
Intervention / SBE Funds available
Theme 1: Farming & Forestry Vocational Training
1.1 Farming VT / £60,000
1.2 Forestry VT / £60,000
Theme 1 Total / £120,000
Theme 2: Demonstrations & Knowledge Transfer
2.1 Farming D&KT / £40,000
2.2 Forestry D&KT / £30,000
Theme 2 Total / £70,000
Theme 3: Formal Training & Demonstration Programmes
3.1 Woodfuel / £65,000
3.2 Group Working: Forestry / £50,000
3.3 Group Working: Agriculture / £50,000
3.4 Specialist Areas / £60,000
3.5 Adding Value & Diversification / £45,000
3.6 Admin Schemes & Compliance / £30,000
3.7 Agricultural Product Development & Marketing / £30,000
3.8 Public Relations/Advisory / £65,000
3.9 ICT & New Technologies / £55,000
3.10 Post 2013 Agenda / £50,000
Theme 3 Total / £500,000
M111 TOTAL (excluding contingency) / £690,000
CFD Measure 111 Interventions 2010-2013
Intervention / CFD Funds available
Theme 1: Farming & Forestry Vocational Training
1.1 Farming VT / £60,000
1.2 Forestry VT / £60,000
Theme 1 Total / £120,000
Theme 2: Demonstrations & Knowledge Transfer
2.1 Farming D&KT / £40,000
2.2 Forestry D&KT / £30,000
Theme 2 Total / £70,000
Theme 3: Formal Training & Demonstration Programmes
3.1 Woodfuel / £65,000
3.2 Group Working: Forestry / £50,000
3.3 Group Working: Agriculture / £60,000
3.4 Specialist Areas / £60,000
3.5 Adding Value & Diversification / £45,000
3.6 Admin Schemes & Compliance / £60,000
3.7 Agricultural Product Development & Marketing / £35,000
3.8 Public Relations/Advisory / £65,000
3.9 ICT & New Technologies / £55,000
3.10 Post 2013 Agenda / £50,000
Theme 3 Total / £545,000
M111 TOTAL (excluding contingency) / £735,000

4.3 Timescales for Delivery

Award of contracts will be during early Autumn 2010.

Deadlines for delivery of contracts will be June 2013.

5. Bidding process

A separate bid will not necessarily be required for each separate Strand within the three Themes. Where any organisation is bidding for more than one strand, it should aim to show the synergy benefits that will accrue through their approach.

There will a two stage bidding process:

·  A Pre Qualification stage, to establish a short list of organisations that will be invited to submit a full tender; and

·  An Award stage, where up to 3 organisations will provide additional information for the selection of a successful provider. A period of time will be allowed for queries at each stage. All interested parties will receive the responses to any questions presented.

5.1 Pre Qualification

In the first stage, organisations will be required to complete an expression of interest form that covers the following information:

1. Background of organisation (including organisation chart and CVs)

2. Proposed activities

3. Financial status (including copies of 3 years of accounts)

4. Organisational probity

5. Evidence that appropriate levels of insurance are in place

6. Details of consortium and/or sub contractors

5.2 Award

If selected to make a full proposal, bidders will be required to provide the following information

  1. Delivery plan, including:
  2. Description of activities
  3. Management processes
  4. Key Personnel
  5. Quality control
  6. Risk management assessment
  7. Exit strategy
  8. RDPE Development and Appraisal Form
  9. Monitoring and evaluation plan (to be linked with SBE and CFD monitoring requirements)
  10. Projected outputs and outcomes, including consideration of environmental and social effects
  11. Additional funds leverage
  12. Strategic linkages and linkages between RDPE measures and priorities
  13. Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety Policies
  14. References, letters of support, evidence of previous client satisfaction
  15. Customer care systems
  16. Record keeping systems

6. Selection Criteria

The criteria by which each stage will be assessed is summarised below.

6.1 Pre-qualification

Up to 3 organisations will be chosen at pre qualification stage on the basis of the criteria detailed in the figure below.

Criteria / Weighting
Relevance and fit of proposed activities / 40%
Experience / 20%
Organisational/Business sustainability / 25%
Originality of Plan / 5%
Probity / Pass/Fail
References/Letters of Support / 10%

6.2 Award

The award of contracts will be made on the basis of the criteria detailed in the figure below.

Criteria / Weighting
Eligibility of activities / Pass/Fail
Organisational capacity / 15%
Effective project cycle management:
·  Market appraisal / 10%
·  Delivery appraisal / 15%
·  Risk assessment / 5%
·  Monitoring and evaluation / 10%
Innovation / 15%
Scale of outputs and outcomes / 10%
Value for money / 10%
Linkage to SBE / CFD and RDPE strategic aims / 5%

7. Timescales

The timescale for submission of bids is summarised in the figure below.

Potential bidder briefing and opening of Pre Qualification stage / Friday 23 April 2010
Closing date for Pre Qualification Questionnaires / Thursday 13 May 2010
Closing date for bid queries / Thursday 17th June 2010
Closing date for draft bids / Friday 18th June 2010
Closing date for final bids / Friday 2nd July 2010
Appraisals and Interviews (where necessary) / Early July 2010
Award of contracts / August/September 2010

8. Enquiries & Support

Enquiries about the Prospectus can be made to Sam Bramwell at SBE LEADER Programme (Tel. 016973 49212) or Adrian Banford at CFD LEADER Programme (01768 869533).

9. Supporting Documentation

Supporting information is referenced in this document. Additional relevant information that can be made available is:

·  SBE and CFD Local Development Strategies; and

·  Initial review work undertaken on behalf of SBE by Centrifuge Consulting Ltd and secod/Wingspan Consulting

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[5] 'Agricultural product' means: products listed in Annex I of the Treaty of Rome, products falling under CN codes 4502, 4503 and 4504 (cork products), processed agricultural products where the product resulting from the operation remains such a product and products intended to imitate or substitute milk and milk products, excluding those products covered by Council Regulation (EC) 104/2000 of 12 December 1999 on the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products).