Kaylie Shunk

Derek Rosenberry

Study Guide for New Historicism and Cultural Materialism

New Historicism:

v  What is New Historicism?

§  It is a method formed around or based on the parallel reading of literary and non-literary texts that are mostly from the same time frame.

v  There is a new and old Historicism, which they do have a difference:

§  In the phrase “the archival continuum,” archival shows the New Historicism is a Historicist rather than a Historical Movement.

v  Advantages to New Historicism:

§  It is written in a better accessible way.

§  It avoids Post-Structuralism’s dense style and vocabulary.

§  It also shows data and draws good conclusions.

§  It shows the significance of the material and the distinctiveness in the context of the literary studies.

v  How is New Historicism used?

§  They focus on issues such as State Power and how it is prolonged.

§  They also focus on Patriarchal Structures and there Perpetuation.

§  They focus on defamiliarise the canonical literary text.

v  Founder/Founders of New Historicism:

§  Stephen Greenblatt- He is an American critic who is also a founder of New Historicism. He also has written a book called “Renaissance Self-Fashioning: from more to Shakespeare.”

Cultural Materialism:

v  What is Cultural Materialism?

§  It is a study of historical material, within a politicized framework which includes the present.

v  What is mostly looked upon?

§  The historical context.

§  The Theoretical Method.

§  The Political Commitment.

§  The text analysis.

v  Signification of Culture and Materialism:

§  Culture means all forms of culture like TV and Music.

§  Materialism means idealism which shows the talented individuals thought and mind.

v  Founder/Founders of Cultural Materialism:

§  Jonathan Dollimore- He is a British sociologist.

§  Alan Sinfield- He is a British theorist whom wrote essays with Jonathan called “Political Shakespeare.”
