Area Plan for Post-Primary Education

Review of Controlled Education Provision



Consultation Response

Closing Date: Monday 23 January 2017


The Education Authority is seeking to engage in consultation with the Board of Governors, parents and staff of Carrickfergus College and Downshire School. Before arriving at the final recommendation on the nature of future Post Primary non selective provision, the Education Authority is seeking the views of those most directly involved at a local level.


The Education Authority is committed to excellence in the delivery of education so that every pupil can realise their potential and contribute to a caring, inclusive and progressive society.

In striving to realise this aspiration, the Education Authority aims to ensure that every pupil has:

·  access to a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities to realise his or her potential;

·  an education in which the learning outcomes are appropriate to their needs;

·  access to quality teaching delivered in a caring and supportive environment;

·  education delivered in modern, well-resourced facilities, suitable for the delivery of education in the twenty-first century.

Education Authority Position

The former NEELB Post Primary Area Plan proposed that Carrickfergus College and Downshire School would work towards becoming a single controlled school by 2017/18.

At the November 2016 meeting of the Education Authority’s Education Committee it was agreed to initiate consultation with the Board of Governors, staff and parents of Carrickfergus College and Downshire School, and with the Trustees and Managers of other schools likely to be affected by the proposal to establish a new controlled non selective post primary school in Carrickfergus for 1300 pupils, with an admission number of 210.

Nature of the Board Recommendation

It is agreed that the population trends are consistent with the trends identified in the new draft Education Authority Area Plan, 'Providing Pathways,' which also indicates that the population in the Carrickfergus area will decrease. Whilst Carrickfergus College operates at 76% of capacity and Downshire School at 68%, neither school can accommodate all pupils from the other, so there is a strong possibility that this will initially be on a split site. Such configuration will be a matter for the interim Board of Governors. There will also be a request that there should be a new build school based on capital and infrastructural investment.

There are a number of key challenges in Carrickfergus and these include:

·  The declining population trend – birth rate has dropped by 10%

·  Addressing the impact of current enrolment patterns – 20%+ post-primary age children choose education outside Carrickfergus

·  Provision in Carrickfergus Grammar remains high

·  Provision in Ulidia Integrated College growing

·  Duplication of provision in the non-selective sector

·  Providing equitable access to Entitlement Framework Pathways

·  Financial sustainability

·  Restricted sites

Given the declining population the following tables indicate current and projected enrolments. It should be noted that these are based on trends and population data from the NI Statistics and Research Agency, but are nonetheless best estimates.

In considering the information presented here and in the draft Case for Change (copies available on request), it is agreed that consultation should take place on the following option:

Carrickfergus College and Downshire School will discontinue, facilitating the establishment of a new single non-selective controlled school (1300 pupils), which will initially be on a split site, using both of the existing schools.

Following consultation at local level the Education Authority will make a recommendation on the establishment of a new controlled non selective school and any subsequent action will be dependent on this recommendation.


The Education Authority will consider the results of local consultation at the earliest opportunity. A deputation from the Board of Governors may also choose to attend the Education Committee or the Board meeting.

Publication of a Development Proposal

Should the Education Authority make a recommendation to change the nature of existing educational provision in the area, it is required to publish a Development Proposal outlining any proposed changes. All those affected by the proposal will be notified and will have the opportunity to make representations expressing their views directly to the Department of Education during the 2 month objection period. The following timeline is an indication of the timings and the stages involved in the process:

·  Formal Consultation with Governors, Staff, Parents, Pupils (4 weeks) 21 November – 21 December 2016.

·  Consultation with other affected schools (4 weeks) 21 December – 23 January 2017.

·  Publish a Development Proposal (March 2017)

·  DE Period of Objections (8 weeks)

·  Ministerial decision (June 2017)

·  Interim Arrangements and Transition

·  One school September 2018, operating on two sites, with an economic appraisal to identify a suitable site for the new school


In the event of the Education Authority publishing a Development Proposal recommending the Establishment of a new controlled non selective Post Primary School for pupils aged 11 – 19 with effect from 1 September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter, pupils currently in attendance at the school in Year 12 would have the opportunity to transfer into Post 16.

Education Authority

With a view to facilitating the establishment of a new controlled non selective Post Primary School in Carrickfergus for pupils aged 11 – 19 (being in effect an amalgamation of Carrickfergus College and Downshire School) it is proposed that both Carrickfergus College and Downshire School discontinue with effect from 31 August 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter. The Education Authority, in consulting on this important issue, would welcome your comments on the proposal, or an option of your own.

It is important to indicate how your response meets the Sustainable Schools Policy requirement ‘that all schools are sustainable in terms of the quality of the educational experience of children, enrolment trends, financial position, school leadership and management, accessibility, and the strength of their links to the community.’

It should also be noted that this process cannot be used to consider specific issues as they currently relate to any individual pupil or adult associated with the school. If for example as a parent you have concerns relating to your child’s present education you are advised to contact the Principal or Education Authority as appropriate. Every effort will be made to address your concerns.

Option 1: Agree with the proposal

Option 2: Disagree with the proposal

Option 1 – Agree with the proposal
Option 2 – Disagree with the proposal
Establishment of a new controlled non selective Post Primary School for pupils aged 11 – 19 with effect from 1 September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Alternative Option: (Please give details)

Equality Consideration

Under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 all public bodies are obliged to consider the implications of any decisions on nine different groupings before decisions are implemented. The two duties within this Equality legislation include promoting equality of opportunity and promoting good relations between all communities. The equality of opportunity duty requires that the Authority shall, in carrying out all their functions, powers and duties, have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity:

1.  Between persons of different religious belief.

2.  Between persons of different political opinion.

3.  Between persons of different racial groups.

4.  Between persons of different age.

5.  Between persons of different marital status.

6.  Between persons of different sexual orientation.

7.  Between men and women generally.

8.  Between persons with a disability and persons without.

9.  Between persons with dependants and persons without.

The Good Relations Duty requires that the Authority shall, without prejudice to their equality obligations, have regard to the desirability of promoting good relations:

1.  Between persons of different religious belief.

2.  Between persons of different political opinions.

3.  Between persons of different racial groups.

The Education Authority has carried out an equality screening exercise and screened out these proposals, however, in light of the obligations noted above do you consider that the establishment of a new controlled non selective Post Primary School for pupils aged 11 – 19 with effect from 1 September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter will impact positively or negatively on either Equality of Opportunity or the Promotion of Good Relations in any way?

Section 75 Category / Positive / Negative / Don’t Know
Religious Belief
Political Opinion
Racial Group
Marital Status
Sexual Orientation

If you ticked any of the above boxes please clarify your reason:

Arrangements for returning your completed questionnaire

Please return the completed questionnaire by 23 January 2017 to:

Or email to:

Or by post to

Education Authority

Schools Branch

County Hall

182 Galgorm Road


BT42 1HN

Source of Response



Teaching Staff

Non-Teaching Staff


Other (Please specify)