City Council Minutes November 18, 2013

The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing Body.





NOVEMBER 18, 2013

7:00 P.M.


Mayor Terrence D. Spexarth on Monday, November 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. called the regular monthly meeting of the Colwich City Council to order.


Present were Mayor Terrence D. Spexarth, Councilmembers Cheryl Reichenberger, Sharon Scroggins, Mike Kraus, Daniel Thurnau with Chase Blasi absent.

Staff members present were Stanley Juhnke, City Attorney; Mark Hinkle, Chief of Police, William Gondoly, Interim Public Works Superintendent and Diana Brooks, City Clerk.


Mayor Spexarth led the audience, staff and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ms. Diana K. Brooks, City Clerk read a thank you note from the James Martin family thanking the Council for their donation to his memorial fund.


There were no citizen comments


A.  Review of the request to adopt Ordinance No. 664 authorizing the closing of the Industrial Revenue Bond issue for Colwich Garden LLC – Kim Bell, Gilmore and Bell

Ms. Kim Bell, Bond Counsel, Gilmore and Bell, reminded the Council of the passing of the Resolution of Intent to issue Industrial Revenue Bonds for Colwich Garden Assisted Living Center in July 2012 providing a ten-year tax abatement. She requested that the Council adopt Ordinance No. 664 authorizing the signing and issuing of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Colwich Gardens.

Councilwoman Scroggins moved that the Council adopt Ordinance No. 664. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a roll call vote the motion was approved 4-0 with Councilwoman Scroggins voting yea; Councilman Thurnau voting yea; Councilman Kraus voting yea; and Councilwoman Reichenberger voting yea.

B. Review of the request to review and approve the best bid for the cleaning of sewer lines

Mayor Spexarth presented an overview of the two bids received for the annual cleaning of the sewer lines with Utility Maintenance Contractor being the low bidder.

There was discussion regarding the method each company would use to handle roots in the sewer lines, the effect roots had on sewer lines, and the response time estimated for emergency call outs by each company.

Councilman Thurnau moved that the Council approve the bid with Utility Maintenance for a three-year contract to do the sewer maintenance. Councilwoman Scroggins second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 3-0 with Councilman Kraus abstaining due to knowing both bidders.

C. Review of the Incentives Agreement and annexation letters

Ms. Diana K. Brooks, City Clerk presented the Incentives Agreement drafted with the assistance of the City Attorney as requested by Council at the special meeting on November 11, 2013. She stated that Councilman Blasi had corrections to one of the letters and the letters would be included in next month’s packet.

There was discussion regarding assuring the incentives were available to properties annexed in the future, the incentives being a way to show support to the school district, the use of billboards and various media outlets to advertise the assets of the City.

Councilwoman Reichenberger moved that the Council approve the incentive program agreement starting January 1, 2014 with the suggested changes to new homebuyers only. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

D. Review of the request to remove abandoned cable lines throughout the City

Councilwoman Scroggins presented a bid from Kenny’s Electrical Co. for $39,850.00 to remove abandoned cable lines throughout the City. She stated that Rapid Cable had gone out of business and the City Clerk was unable to find a company to assume responsibility for the lines. Councilwoman Scroggins detailed the steps taken to find a contractor to remove the lines with only one bid received.

The item died for lack of motion.

E. Review of the Maintenance Building bids and guttering

Mr. William Gondoly, Interim Public Works Director, provided an update on the construction of the new maintenance building. Mayor Spexarth reviewed the financial spreadsheet explaining the overages being due to the increase in size of the lumber required by the Engineer, the need for bollards to protect the building when vehicles enter and exit, the reasons for the addition of cement, and the doors exceeding the amount budgeted.

Councilman Kraus moved that the Council approve the change orders as presented. Councilwoman Scroggins second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

Mayor Spexarth requested $1,548 for guttering as it was not included in the bid.

Councilman Thurnau moved that the Council approve up to $1,550 for guttering the new Maintenance Building. Councilman Kraus second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.


A. Approval of minutes of the October 21, 2013 regular Council meeting

B. Approval of the minutes of the November 11, 2013special Council meeting

C. Appropriations Ordinance Nos. 13-10-02 and 13-11-01

D. Approval of the October financial reports

Councilwoman Reichenberger moved that the Council approve the consent agenda items A-D. Councilman Kraus second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

6. COMMITTEE REPORTS – Read and file

A. Heritage Festival

Ms. Mary Ann Morrison, Chairperson, reported that the 2014 Festival would be September 27th, the car show was on a car show registry, and the logistics of the festival at memorial park would be further discussed at the wrap up meeting still to be scheduled.

B. Park Committee

Councilwoman Scroggins requested $1,600 to purchase trees from Don Seiler in conjunction with the moving of the trees from Cramner Grass Farms.

There was discussion regarding the method to water the trees, the number of trees that died due to the draught, and fall being the appropriate time to transplant trees.

Councilman Thurnau moved that the Council approve the additional $1,600 to come out of the available park money to complete the 50-tree installation. Councilwoman Reichenberger second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

Councilwoman Scroggins reported that to save money a committee member was going to take the shelter designs to various contractors for bids. She presented a sign design and bid for Council’s consideration and suggested redesigning the City’s logo.

Councilwoman Scroggins requested the Public Works Department look at the design for trashcans in the park to see if they could complete the project.


A. City Engineer – There was no report.

B. Library – Ms. Nancy Maus presented the monthly report.

C. Fire – Mayor Spexarth presented the monthly report and that the annual fire hydrant inspections were taking place.

D. Public Works –William Gondoly, Interim Public Works Superintendent presented the monthly report asking Council to approve William Simon to attend Wastewater School in Sedgwick beginning in December.

Councilwoman Scroggins moved that the Council approve William Simon to attend wastewater class in Sedgwick. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

Mr. Gondoly requested $5,125 for crack-sealing equipment and material from PMSI to crack seal the streets.

Councilman Kraus moved that the Council approve the amount of $5,125 for the crack sealing of the streets. Councilwoman Reichenberger second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

E. Police Department – Police Chief Mark Hinkle presented the monthly report and proposal for the replacement of street name signs. He requested an amount not to exceed $3,500 to purchase 21 signs with associated equipment.

Councilwoman Scroggins moved that the Council approve an amount not to exceed $3,500 for the purchase of new street signs as detailed by the Chief of Police. Councilwoman Reichenberger second the motion. Upon a call vote, the motion was approved 4-0.

F. City Attorney – Mr. Stanley Juhnke, City Attorney, he had nothing to report.

G. City Clerk - Ms. Brooks presented the monthly report and thanked the Council for being allowed to attend the Master Municipal Clerk’s Academy. She shared a handout covering the Affordable Care Act.

Ms. Brooks informed the Council of discussions taking place for rescheduling of staff workdays to accommodate continuity issues in the office, the need to potentially have an individual to cover the days that both staff members may be out of the office and suggested an appropriate rate of pay.


Councilwoman Reichenberger asked for her and Mr. Gondoly to be allowed to review sidewalks and begin working on a plan for replacement.

Councilwoman Scroggins questioned the holidays employees received. Ms. Brooks detailed the seven holidays.

12. EXECUTIVE SESSION – if needed

There was no need for an executive session


There being no further business, Councilwoman Scroggins moved for adjournment at 8:50 p.m. Councilman Kraus second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted

Diana K. Brooks, City Clerk