French II Art Project

Overview of the Project

Students in French II will read the pages provided on Mme Jordan’s web site. Then each individual will research a different artist or artistic movement. All students will present their findings to the class in French with 5 works of art on the date indicated (use a Power Point presentation.) The presentation will be emailed (before the presentation) to Mme Jordan as well as a summary including a paragraph in French and 2 works of art (chosen from the 5 presented in class.) When all research has been posted to the web site and is available to all students, there will be a practice take-home test (students may use the web site for this practice test). Finally, there will be an in-class test (using no reference materials.) The test will be based on the information in the 7 pages provided and the information posted on Mme Jordan’s web site. A grading rubric is available at the end of this description.

Topics and due dates for reports

.Overview of impressionism (Mme Jordan)

1. Monet- le premier mai (vendredi)

2. Renoir- le premier mai (vendredi)

3. Cézanne- le premier mai (vendredi)

4. Van Gogh - le premier mai (vendredi)

5. Degas- le 6 mai (mardi)

6. Morisot- le 6 mai (mardi)

7. Manet- le 6 mai (mardi)

8. Toulouse-Lautrec- le 6 mai (mardi)

9. Gauguin- le 7 mai (mercredi)

10. Rousseau- le 7 mai (mercredi)

11. Seurat (le pointillisme)- le 7 mai (mercredi)

12. Matisse- le 7 mai (mercredi)

13. Magritte (le surréalisme) - le 7 mai (mercredi)

Specific instructions for individuals

1. Sign up for one of the above topics.

2. Research your topic. You will have one day in the library to begin. The Grove Dictionary of Art, available in the library data base, is especially useful. The librarian will provide you with more sites.

3. In-class oral report. You will email your report to Mme Jordan before your presentation. If you have a Mac, make sure you ask the tech team how to insert your pictures before sending me the report. You will give your report to the class in French on the date indicated (maximum 10 minutes). You should include in your report:

a) a brief introduction about the artist. You can talk about the significance of this artist (what makes him different, how is his work a product of his time, how did his life influence his art, who influenced him). However, this is NOT a biography of the artist; we are more interested in his work. On this slide, you will have bullet points so that the other students can follow what you are saying.

b) 5 works of art by the artist with the title in French. Show each work of art and say what to look for when viewing this artist’s work, what makes it recognizable as his work, what is typical about his art. Try to pick works that are different, and show changes in the artist’s style (if applicable).

Start working early and SEE ME to go over the presentation so that we correct all errors.

4. E-mail your paragraph (in French) and 2 pictures (from the 5 used in the presentation) to Mme Jordan on the same day as your oral report. You can start working on it early, and show it to me to correct your grammar. Each individual must e-mail a summary consisting of the following:

a) one paragraph summary about your artist in FRENCH (about 15 typed lines, single-spaced, font size 12 (Don’t forget: you can see me to go over it ahead of time).

b) on the same page as the paragraph, include two famous works by this artist, labeled with the name of the painting in French, as well as the location of the paintings (ex: Tate Gallery, London, England; or Le Louvre, Paris, France; or Private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, New York, USA).

Grading Rubric for French II Art Project

Category Possible Received

Oral report presented on date due 5 points ______

Oral report includes 5 well-chosen visuals 5 points ______

Oral report includes significance of this artist 5 points ______

Oral report includes what to look for in his work 5 points ______

Visuals were clearly presented 5 points ______

Oral report was clearly delivered 5 points ______

(easy to understand, good pronunciation)

Paragraph sent to class Mme Jordan on time 5 points ______

Paragraph well written in French with 2 visuals 15 points ______

(and of appropriate length)

Grade on test 50 points ______

Total 100 points ______